How to measure basal temperature and use its graph correctly

But did you know that you can determine the most dangerous days of the menstrual cycle with maximum accuracy and independently identify possible health problems? This will help a simple and accurate diagnostic method - measuring basal temperature. He will help answer the most exciting women's questions before and during pregnancy. Learn how to measure basal temperature and use the information correctly.
How to measure basal temperature and use its graph correctly?

Basal temperature reflects changes in a woman’s internal genital organs that occur regularly under the influence of certain hormones. So it allows you to establish the exact period of ovulation, to find out whether the delay of menstruation is a consequence of pregnancy or any problems in the genital area, to determine the days desirable for having sex and days of abstinence. According to many obstetrician-gynecologists, knowledge of how to do Kegel exercises and measuring basal temperature are crucial for a woman’s health.

How to measure basal temperature

The best time to measure basal temperature is in the morning, immediately after waking up. It is necessary to measure at the same time, since the temperature inside the body during the day can vary. Follow these guidelines.

  • Start measuring on the first day of your menstrual cycle.
  • Do not get out of bed before measuring.
  • The accuracy of the result is affected by the duration of sleep. Ideally, you should sleep six hours before measuring.
  • Use the same thermometer. It is desirable that it be mercury, since the nose of the electronic thermometer is too small and does not come in contact with the body loosely.
  • Stop drinking alcohol as it affects your readings.
  • If you are taking hormonal and contraceptive drugs, you may not be able to get accurate data.

Where is basal temperature measured? Always follow one basal temperature measurement method. He might be:

  • oral - put the thermometer on the tongue and close your lips;
  • vaginal - Insert the thermometer into the vagina half the length;
  • rectal - insert the thermometer into the anus.

Record measurement results daily. If you drank alcohol the night before or slept less than usual, indicate this in your notes. At the end of the menstrual cycle (on the first day of the next menstruation), make a schedule. The most accurate information can be obtained from the results of several menstrual cycles.

Basal temperature graph analysis

It is important not only to know how to measure the thermometer bt, but also how to "read" the results correctly.

After ovulation (the release of a mature egg from the ovary) in the body of a woman, the production of the hormone progesterone occurs. It provides an increase in internal temperature of 0.4-0.6 ºC. This indicator is fixed within two days after ovulation and is always observed in the middle of the cycle. He divides the cycle into the first and second phases.

Such a basal temperature graph is considered normal.

  • In the first phase, the temperature is usually lower than in the second.
  • 12-24 hours before ovulation, the temperature drops sharply.
  • After ovulation (in the second phase), the temperature rises by 0.2-0.6 ºC and averages 37.1-37.5 ºC. The second phase lasts 12-14 days.
  • Before menstruation begins, the temperature drops by 0.3 ºC.

Basal temperature features

  • A high probability of conception exists on the day of ovulation and two to three days before it.
  • The absence of changes in basal temperature during the cycle (even schedule) may indicate the absence of ovulation and female infertility.
  • Regardless of the duration of the cycle, the second phase should last 12-14 days, and the first can be shortened (cycle less than 28 days) or increase (cycle more than 28 days).
  • At high basal temperature in the first phase (relative to the indicators of the second phase), you can suspect a low content of the estrogen hormone in the body and consult a doctor for prescribing corrective drugs.
  • At a low temperature in the second phase (relative to the indicators of the first), a low content of the hormone progesterone should be suspected and also consult a doctor.

Charts of basal temperature during pregnancy

If you know how to measure basal temperature, you can control your condition during pregnancy. One of the reliable evidence of its onset is the preservation of increased basal temperature for more than 18 days at the level of 37.1-37.3 ºC, which will be observed until birth.

If at 12-14 weeks the temperature suddenly drops sharply, be sure to hurry to the doctor: this may indicate a threat of miscarriage. Lowering the temperature after the fifth month is also an alarm: the basal temperature in a frozen pregnancy will be below 37 ºC.

High temperature (above 37.8 ºC) indicates inflammation in the genitourinary system. It is important to consult a doctor as soon as possible in order to prevent violations of the child’s health.

As you can see, by measuring basal temperature you can identify many disorders of the body’s health and take timely measures to eliminate them!

How to measure basal temperature: video

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