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The first freckles appear even in childhood in fair-haired and red-haired children, giving them a touching appearance and personality. With age, their number decreases, and they can disappear completely. The fight against freckles often begins already in adolescence, when the demands on oneself are exaggerated, and a reverent attitude to appearance makes us constantly think about how we look.
Causes of spots and methods of struggle
The pigment melanin is responsible for the color of our skin and hair. With an imbalance of substances, stress and a lack of vitamins, skin cells can acquire pigmentation. The main reasons for the appearance of freckles are related to heredity, transmitted from parents to child.
Freckles themselves are not a disease, they have the scientific term "ephelids." Therefore, they are considered a feature of the skin, rather than a serious deviation in health.
You can remove freckles using various methods:
- elimination, with the help of medical procedures;
- clarification of folk recipes and creams;
- disguise with modern cosmetics.
The fight should begin with the right diet: include vitamin C and PP in it. Fruits belonging to the group of citrus fruits, raspberries, plums, bananas, grapes are saturated with vitamin C, so add them to your daily diet. Vitamin PP is found in beef liver, cheese, fish, pork, eggs and milk.
The right products include vegetables: carrots, potatoes, tomatoes and broccoli. In general, all vegetables and fruits are healthy, they differ only in the amount of vitamins per 100 g of product. It is important to pay attention to your diet from March to September, when the sun is most active.
Take care of skin protection. In the summer, especially during the hot vacation season, it is necessary to use sunblock with an SPF (sun protection index) of at least 50. Hats and panama hats with large brims are excellent.
Cosmetic Whitening Creams
A necessary attribute in the “kissed by the sun” cosmetic bag is special creams that help remove freckles. When choosing a cosmetic product, pay attention to the composition - natural ingredients must be included in it (herbal tinctures, vitamins, plant extracts). Papaya, coconut milk and lime help well. Thanks to these elements, the concentration of melanin in orange spots is significantly reduced.
An effective remedy for freckles is creams with a whitening effect containing hydroquinone, which quickly brightens the skin. Daily use of creams and masks promotes proper blood circulation, improves cell function, gives a healthy and radiant look.
4 effective homemade freckle masks
How to make freckle masks at home? If you are concerned about the question of how to get rid of freckles at home, you want to improve and lighten complexion, refer to the knowledge of traditional medicine.
Lightening sour cream
A sour cream mask is suitable for any type of skin. For fat, it is replaced by yogurt or kefir.
- Finely chop 1 teaspoon of fresh parsley.
- Stir 2 teaspoons of sour cream and herbs.
- Apply to face for 15-18 minutes with a cotton swab.
Sour-milk products whiten the skin, and parsley stimulates cell renewal.
Anti-allergenic cucumber
Easy to prepare, helps whiten freckles thanks to phylloquinone, which is part of the cucumber.
- Grate a medium-sized cucumber on a fine grater or cut into circles.
- Apply to skin and hold for 15-20 minutes.
- Apply to the face while standing in a horizontal position or sitting in a comfortable position with your head thrown back.
The effect of whitening also gives a daily wipe with slices of cucumber.
Lemon with sour cream
It has a double whitening effect. Both components that make up the mask help to lighten the skin.
- Grind lemon with zest.
- Add a tablespoon of sour cream.
- Mix thoroughly with a wooden spoon, crushing slices of lemon to the walls of the bowl.
- Keep on face no more than 15 minutes.
Wash off the mask only with cool or slightly warm water. Folk methods are effective, but it is worth paying attention to the freshness of the components used.
Lemon with honey
Not only whitens the skin, but also nourishes and perfectly removes inflammation.
- Squeeze 1 tablespoon of juice from fresh lemon.
- Add 1 teaspoon of natural honey.
- Apply to a clean, moistened face for 10-12 minutes.
Citrus fruits and bee products can cause an allergic reaction. Before applying, check the effect of the composition on the wrist and make sure that there is no allergy. For 15 minutes, apply the prepared composition, if redness does not appear, you can use this composition.
Cosmetology methods
Is it possible to get rid of freckles quickly and forever? Masks and creams brighten pigments, which when exposed to sunlight appear again. But there are effective ways that will save you from stains forever.
- Removing freckles with a laser. During this procedure, the laser works precisely, without touching normal skin cells. The procedure refers to the medication, therefore, quite expensive. But it allows you to remove freckles in 1 session.
- Phototherapy. Hardware treatment offers to quickly get rid of freckles, brightening pigments by the method of short bursts. It also helps with other problems, such as acne and acne.
- Peeling. A procedure involving working with acid-containing preparations, as a result of which the upper layer of skin with a high content of pigments is removed. After peeling, it takes time to heal, so you should take your daily routine seriously, following the recommendations of a cosmetologist.
There are many solutions to the question of how to get rid of freckles on the face forever. The main thing is to approach this process carefully, weighing the pros and cons (use folk remedies or cosmetic procedures).
Daily Masking Method
It is impossible to get rid of freckles in 1 day, but it will not be difficult to lighten and mask. Such universal creams as BB and CC of various brands will help in this difficult task. They have 7 great properties:
- hide imperfections;
- moisturize;
- give smoothness;
- merge with skin tone (“smart cream”);
- protect from ultraviolet radiation;
- do not leave a greasy shine;
- fill with radiance.
There are many types of masking freckles, the main thing is to choose a set that is optimal for yourself. Counting on reviews is especially not worth it, because everyone is individual, and the approach should be appropriate. One should be determined initially - this is the type of skin: combination, normal, dry or oily. From here already look at the necessary products, masks, creams.
Should I get rid of freckles? Nature has endowed you with uniqueness.Turn frivolous flaws into virtues, full of charm and charisma. Choose a boho-style clothing that suits you, become bright and unique. Green lenses accentuate your “summer feature”, and pigtails give a little hooliganism and audacity. Do not worry about how to remove freckles from your face, remember your charm.