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In the scientific world, the concept of “toxicosis” is interpreted as auto-poisoning of the body. A complex term is understood to mean the process of self-poisoning: the body has not yet fully understood the changes taking place with it. And perceives the development of the fetus as a danger and a threat to health.
But the adaptation process is fast. And usually when asked how long toxicosis lasts during pregnancy, experts answer: from 6 to 12-16 weeks. After the fourth month, 99.9% of women are not bothered.
The main manifestations of toxicosis
How to escape from toxicosis? The most striking manifestation of toxicosis is nausea. She overcomes the pregnant woman not only in the morning (although at this time it usually manifests itself in all its "glory" with the urge to vomit and dizziness), but also during the day.
The causes of nausea have not yet been established. According to popular belief, they lie in increasing the level of hormones in the body of a woman, which develops into whole hormonal storms. At risk are women who have inflammatory diseases of the reproductive system, endocrine and neurological disorders.
But even if the pregnant woman is absolutely healthy, she may begin to feel sick from experienced stress, colds, lack of sleep, overwork. Therefore, in an "interesting position" it is extremely important not only to eat right, but also to adhere to the correct regime of the day, to know how treating colds during pregnancy.
Odor often causes nausea, even those that a woman liked before pregnancy. The smell of soap in the bathroom, husband’s cologne, aromas from the kitchen - all this easily leads to attacks of lightheadedness.
Degree of toxicosis
Before deciding how to stop nausea and get rid of toxicosis during pregnancy, it is necessary to determine the degree of its development. Despite the fact that this condition is not a disease from a medical point of view, sometimes its manifestations can cause serious harm to a woman's body. In this case, both the mother and the unborn baby require compulsory medical care in a hospital.
- Easy degree. Vomiting occurs no more than 4-5 times a day, slight weight loss may occur. This condition does not harm the health of the mother and child and does not require inpatient treatment.
- Moderate degree. Vomiting is observed up to 10 times a day, the general condition of a woman worsens, she feels tired, lethargic, and loses weight. An increase in body temperature may occur, an increase in heart rate with a decrease in blood pressure. In this case, the woman needs medical care and hospitalization.
- High degree. This condition is observed in 1% of pregnant women and is extremely dangerous. Food does not stay in the mother’s body at all. With frequent vomiting (up to 20 times a day), a woman loses a lot of fluid, and weight loss reaches 2-3 kg per week. Toxicosis is highly treated only in a hospital.
Be sure to consult a doctor if nausea occurs from every sudden movement, pressure jumps, excessive dryness of the skin is observed. Or if you feel dizzy at night, losing orientation.All this may indicate the development of moderate and high degrees of toxicosis.
Tips for avoiding toxicosis during pregnancy
Unfortunately, a universal means of combating toxicosis does not exist. The body of every woman is so individual that among the possible medicines, each expectant mother chooses her own. But there are some general guidelines that work almost always.
- Spend at least two hours a day in the fresh air.
- Eat often and little by little. Refuse to eat 2-3 times a day, as vomiting usually begins on an empty stomach. Have snacks every couple of hours.
- Sleep with the window open so that the air in the room is fresh.
- Do not rush to get out of bed in the morning. First, have a snack with an apple or yogurt, lie down, and only when the nausea has passed, get up.
- For breakfast, eat eggs, cheese, dairy products, fruits.
- Avoid spicy and fatty foods: it provokes nausea.
- Do not eat hot, only pleasantly warm.
- Give up soups for a while. Do not drink food. But in between snacks, drink more.
- Avoid unpleasant odors.
- Do not make sharp turns and movements.
And more - relax more! Indeed, despite the fact that, according to labor legislation, maternity leave is granted to a woman only after 28 weeks, the main health problems lie in wait for us right now. Put work on the background, do not think about problems, and the question of how to get rid of toxicosis during pregnancy will no longer be so exciting for you!
How to get rid of toxicosis during pregnancy: video