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Acne can be a purely cosmetic defect if formed against the backdrop of improper self-care. The medical origin of the rashes is not excluded - if the rash is a manifestation of internal disturbances in the body. Determining the cause of inflammation is the first step towards eliminating it. By neutralizing all the acne provocateurs, you can achieve perfect clean skin on the face.
A pimple face is an occasion for a daily breakdown at any age. Of course, this is not the worst thing that can happen in life, but something that does not really console the teenagers, who are overcome by terrible complexes due to acne, and adult women who sometimes complain that their acne was tortured. And young girls, in general, are ready to suffer for weeks because of the smallest pimple, because it seems to them that everyone decides to see him.
So what to do if acne really spilled out in a heap, like berries in a forest clearing, and are not going to leave you? How to smear fresh and how to heal scars from old ones? Firstly, to remember that Moscow was not built right away - in severe cases we get rid of acne for a long time and hard, but most importantly, to understand that they will often have to be treated ... from the inside. That is, make a comprehensive check of your body to determine the cause of persistent acne.
Causes of rashes
Beauticians claim that the main provoking factor for acne is improper care. Using inappropriate cosmetics activates the sebaceous glands. In the absence of proper cleansing, this is the path to skin defects. And vice versa - with proper hygiene, the rash recedes.
Things are more complicated if acne is a consequence of metabolic disorders or internal diseases. Doctors and cosmetologists identify a number of reasons that provoke inflammation of clogged pores.
- Skin infection. Microorganisms living on human skin form a specific microflora. If for some reason the balance of beneficial and harmful microbes is disturbed, the latter activate their activity and provoke a number of skin diseases, including acne. There are also subcutaneous ticks - they can be the main cause of deep acne and their severe inflammation.
- The impact of the environment. If a person often stays outdoors in bad weather, and his skin is exposed to frost, a drying wind, and ultraviolet radiation, rashes can be expected. As a rule, it will be a small rash from closed comedones, since the skin is trying to protect itself from adverse conditions by increased cell division of the epithelium.
- Wrong way of life. Smoking, drinking alcohol, addiction to fatty, sweet, smoked foods provoke metabolic disorders.Metabolic processes undergo negative transformations in all parts of the body. As a result, the skin functioning pattern changes, sebum secretion increases, acne appears.
- Allergic reactions. Beauticians say that the main cause of acne on women’s cheeks is allergies. Ladies themselves sometimes do not know about their belonging to allergies. The reaction can provoke care products, makeup, perfumes, food.
- Internal diseases. According to the opinion of oriental doctors, diseases of internal organs are “projected” by a rash into various zones of the face. Having carefully examined the acne map, you can find possible areas for diagnosis. Often, a rash on the forehead indicates a violation in the intestines, on the nose - the liver, on the cheeks - the lungs, on the chin - the endocrine system.
- Endocrine disorders. The endocrine system performs a crucial function - through hormones it regulates the work of all organs and systems. Hormonal changes most often provoke the appearance of inflamed acne on the face. If the rash is associated with the menstrual cycle or the onset of pregnancy, then it passes immediately after the stabilization of the hormonal background. More significant problems with hormones have been reported by acne and inflamed nodes for a long time.
Education mechanism
Beauticians distinguish various types of skin rashes. Moreover, one can go into another. The reason for this is the general scheme by which acne is formed on the face. The “problem” develops as follows.
- Pollution and clogging. Under the influence of provoking factors, the sebaceous gland is activated, it secretes too much oily skin secretion. The keratinized particles of the skin are mixed with fat, block the duct of the sebaceous or sweat gland. Inside the glandular structure, a secret begins to accumulate. The capsule is stretched, more and more secretions accumulate.
- Inflammation. Pathogenic microorganisms begin to multiply in the contents of the duct. They provoke an inflammatory process.
- The formation of pus. The body responds to infection by increasing blood flow and activating protective cells that break down the acne - inflammation is formed with the release of pus.
- The exit of pus. When the layer of skin that closes the duct from above becomes too thin, pus breaks out. The contents of the duct exit, the repair process begins.
Clogged pores (black dots) are uninflamed, but already closed sebaceous ducts. So far, only sebum accumulates in them. Closed acne (comedones) - are formed on the site of clogged ducts due to enhanced skin protection from external factors. The clogged duct is closed from above by the skin itself, fat accumulates inside, not being able to exit. Beauticians also isolate milia - these are closed dense cystic formations on the epidermis. Unlike the rest of the rash, they contain keratin and other skin proteins.
Inflamed acne is divided into papules and pustules.
- Papules They have inside a cavity filled with pus. It shines through a thin film above.
- Pustules. Pustular acne does not have a cavity with pus. They differ in a vast area of the inflammatory process. Outside, they are similar to knots.
The types of acne on the face play a huge role in choosing a way to eliminate them. Intensive cleansing is suitable for blackheads and blackheads, while inflamed formations require the use of medications.
The basics of professional treatment
If the rash appears on the face regularly, and the frequent and painful inflammatory processes are already tired, you need to take up the problem thoroughly. First you should visit a beautician. If necessary, he will be referred to a dermatologist (in case of suspected infection) or the therapist (if hormonal disorders are possible). Depending on the results of the analyzes and the established cause of the problem, the following can be assigned:
- antiallergic drugs;
- systemic antibiotics;
- hormonal drugs;
- probiotics;
- sedatives;
- hepatoprotectors.
Often, doctors are advised to adhere to a fractional diet, observe a drinking regimen and protect the skin from exposure to the sun, frost and wind. It is advisable to adhere to a low-carb diet for some time.
After a course of treatment with medicines, the problem should come to naught. Now it is important to follow the rules of skin care - use facial cleansers, peeling, qualitatively tone and moisturize.
Home Remedies
If the rash continues to remind of itself, for example, periodically jumping up on sites of the T-zone, you should try to reduce the oily skin in the specified place. To do this, you can use the well-proven home remedies for acne.
Honey and yolk
Features It allows you to eliminate inflammation, keratinized cells, whiten traces of rashes.
Preparation and use
- A couple of teaspoons of liquid honey is mixed with the yolk and a few drops of lemon juice.
- The mask is applied in a couple of layers and left for 15 minutes.
- The course of treatment is five procedures that should be carried out every other day.
Kefir and oatmeal
Features Kefir in combination withoatmeal normalize the skin microflora, as well as the activity of the sebaceous glands. The mask draws out internal blockages, so at first the skin condition may slightly worsen. This is not a reason to refuse a remedy. Gradually, it will cleanse the skin completely. The finished mask can be stored in the refrigerator for three days.
Preparation and use
- A glass of kefir and a glass of oatmeal (cereal) are mixed, the mass is beaten with a blender to a homogeneous consistency.
- A couple drops of lemon juice are added to the mixture, mixed thoroughly.
- The mask is applied to the face for a third of an hour.
- The procedure is carried out daily for a month.
Laundry soap and salt
Features The bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties of laundry soap have been known for a long time. A mask based on this product even copes with severe skin inflammation.
Preparation and use
- A piece of laundry soap finely rub, add a little water and beat in a thick foam.
- A teaspoon of therapeutic salt (sea, iodized, with tea tree extract) is added to the mass, mixed well.
- The mass is applied to the face for a quarter of an hour. Wash off with warm water.
- Repeat the procedure three times a week for a month.
Herbs will also help get rid of acne. It is recommended to wipe the face with infusion daisies or series. To do this, a tablespoon of raw materials is brewed with a glass of boiling water. After an hour of infusion, they are used for rubbing. Also copes with inflammation juice aloe. It is applied directly with a cut sheet on the entire face. After complete drying, wash off with warm water. Precisely rashes are treated with juice at night, while washing it off is not necessary.
How to get rid of acne on the face before an important meeting
A yawning red pimple may appear suddenly, jeopardizing a scheduled date or undermining self-confidence before a business meeting. In this case, emergency home treatment methods will help, which eliminate single rashes quickly and without traces. Urgently cleanse your face from acne will help improvised means or drugs from the pharmacy. It is important to determine the type of rash and choose the most effective "weapon" against it.
- Black. Soda peeling will help to overcome them quickly. You should apply a tablespoon of soda to hands soaped with baby soap. In a circular motion, rub all areas of acne concentration. Wash off with warm water. To avoid inflammation, the most dusty places are treated with peroxide. It will help to bleach blackheads. This should be done carefully so as not to burn the skin.
- Allergic. This type of rash can be derived with the help of hormonal ointment. Hydrocortisone quickly relieves inflammation. In addition, taking even one pill of Fexofast quickly removes small acne (urticaria). In emergency situations, you can combine both means. Before use, it is advisable to consult a doctor.
- Subcutaneous. Such rashes can be present on the skin for a very long time - up to several weeks. Subcutaneous inflammation can dissolve on its own or digest, gradually transforming into a dry pimple, leaving a pigmented spot. Hormonal acne on the face and neck is most quickly eliminated by the prednisolone ointment. It can only be used occasionally so as not to cause skin addiction. Already one application at night is enough for the inflammation to self-destruct.
- Reds. A red inflamed pimple that does not have a white top can please it directly in the lobby of the restaurant or in the reflection of the office door. To avoid this, the inflammatory process should be eliminated in advance. Eye drops or a cold medicine with a vasoconstrictor component will help. Drops are applied to a cotton pad, slightly cooled in a freezer and applied for 15 minutes to an acne. The procedure can be repeated three times.
If you have time before an important event, you can quickly improve your skin condition and nullify the rashes with tar soap. It is enough to wash them twice a day. Preferably using a soft sponge.
Eliminate Acne Acutely celandine tincture or calendula. Rashes are treated with a cotton swab dipped in a tool. A proven folk remedy for inflamed acne is considered garlic. A cut clove can rub a pimple. Repeat treatment should be several times a day.
What to do with millet
Things are more complicated if the face appears millet ("White eel"). Such formations most often focus on the eyelids or under the eyes. It is impossible to squeeze them out - they simply do not leave the skin. Millions are not accompanied by the inflammatory process, but the picture of the “well-groomed face” is thoroughly spoiled.
Fight with millet should be done in advance, because after removing small white dots, crusts and reddish marks may remain. Removal is carried out in a cosmetology cabinet using special equipment. Practice:
- laser removal;
- electric burning;
- radio wave processing;
- diamond grinding.
Abscess: if squeezed, then how
Purulent pimple is an extremely unpleasant event before an important meeting. Not only is it red, the inflammation spreads around, the skin hurts or itches, so the white top sometimes heaves, resembling the vent of an erupting volcano. In this case, it is necessary to remove the source of inflammation - pus.
Pressing acne on the face, of course, is impossible. However, many people ignore this ban. Moreover, if the pimple is fully ripe, then removing the contents will speed healing. It’s better to contact a cosmetologist, but you won’t run to the salon with every acne ... Since there is an urgent need, you need to squeeze acne on your face correctly. To do this, you should know that absolutely it is impossible:
- touch an inflammatory acne that has not yet matured;
- work with your bare fingers;
- scratch with nails;
- crush the formation around the mouth;
- visit the solarium and steam out the skin the day before.
A painless whitish pimple is considered fully ripe. Acne maturation on the face can be accelerated with the help of ointments:
- Vishnevsky;
- ichthyol;
- sulfuric.
The order of mechanical action
To remove acne from the face mechanically, you should prepare tools - a sterile needle (boiled for 20 minutes, treated with alcohol, burn), sterile gauze or napkins, antiseptic, cotton swabs, cotton wool. The order of extrusion is as follows.
- Training. The face is thoroughly wiped with antiseptics. Do the same with your hands just washed with soap.
- Autopsy of the abscess. A pimple is lightly pierced with a sterile needle in the middle.
- Removal of pus. Fingers are wrapped with gauze or napkins, crush the pimple first downward, and then upward.
- Final processing. The absence of pus is indicated by the release of a blood tree or blood. It is removed with a cotton swab dipped in peroxide. The skin is again treated with an antiseptic.
Way to hide the problem
The most quick way to get rid of acne on the face at home is cosmetics. True, it is also capable of provoking a rash on an amazing scale. But if the situation is super-emergency, you can mask acne on your face in a few minutes. This will require:
- skin tone shade cream;
- tonalnik or concealer to tone lighter than skin;
- cosmetic sponge;
- powder;
- proofreaders of blue and green shades.
On the skin cleansed and prepared for make-up, a tonal cream of the usual color is applied. Shade it thoroughly, including on acne. Then you can do this: treat the red inflamed acne with a blue or green corrector, and then carefully shade the shade with a beige analogue. If there are no correctors, a lighter tone is applied to the pimple, after which its borders are carefully shaded. Powder is applied on top.
So that inflamed acne on the face does not become yawning spots, you should be very careful about applying decorative products. At the time of disguise, it is better to limit yourself to a bronzer or dark blush applied under the cheekbones. Pink or peach colors on the "apples" of the cheeks only shade the inflammation and make them brighter.
It is better to cure acne on the face once and for all than to constantly mask them and use emergency techniques against inflammation. A couple of months of therapy will make life comfortable even without makeup and special cosmetics. Clean skin is a sign of health, therefore it is better to start troubleshooting immediately after they appear.