How to remove mold from walls in an apartment: an overview of home remedies and methods

In ancient books there is evidence that the dwelling in which black mold appeared must be left and burned. It was believed that unclean power settled in such a house, and therefore it is unsuitable for life. Today, few people believe in such things. In addition, changing the place of residence due to the appearance of the fungus is an impermissible luxury for modern people. But you should not leave mold without attention, because it slowly destroys the health of residents. How to get rid of mold on the wall at home?
Mold on the wall

Getting rid of mold is not an easy and responsible matter - after all, it is necessary not only to carry out cosmetic repairs and gloss over the blackness, but to completely remove the fungus so that it does not appear again. And not only chemistry will help in this. So - we read our article and get rid of mold once and for all!

Beautiful repairs are the result of significant material and time costs. I do not want the luxurious finish to be spoiled by mold. But more important than aesthetics is family health. You will want to act faster when you find out what is dangerous mold in the apartment. The fungus causes such diseases:

  • pneumonia;
  • Chronical bronchitis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • inflammation of the mucous membranes of the eyes, nose, and mouth;
  • stomatitis;
  • skin rashes;
  • allergic reactions;
  • inflammatory processes in the joints;
  • migraine;
  • nausea and vomiting.

How to get rid of mold on the wall on your own

What to do with mold on the wall in the apartment? The main thing is not to let the situation drift. If the fungus has "taken hostage" the walls of your house, it will not back down, but will spread throughout the decoration and into the depth of the concrete floor. The sooner you take action, the greater the chance of solving the problem forever.

Surface Types and Fungus

On different surfaces, the fungus "spreads" at different speeds. The methods of control also differ, depending on the material of the affected area. More details about the characteristics of coatings in the following table.

Table - Characterization of surfaces for the spread of mold

Surface typeMold spreadHow to fight
Oil paint- It spreads over the area of ​​the wall, and not inland- remove the paint;
- treat with antifungal agent
Drywall- Porous texture allows mold spores to go deeper- Treat with fungicide;
- dismantle the moldy sheet of drywall
Wallpaper- Instantly distributed;
- destroys the structure
- Timely treat with fungicide;
- replace trim
Brick or concrete wall- It grows on the surface;
- deep into
- Repulse the affected area;
- primer
Regardless of what kind of surface you remove mold from, it is better to work in the warm season. From cold activity of antifungal agents is significantly reduced

11 folk methods

If you decide to overcome the fungus yourself, using professional tools would be unreasonable. This requires special knowledge and special safety precautions. In this case, folk remedies are preferred. The most popular are described in the following table.

Table - Popular home remedies against mold and mildew on the walls

MeansFeaturesComponentsInstruction manual
Vinegar- Fatal for most varieties of fungi;
- harmless to humans
- undiluted table vinegar (9%)- spray on the surface;
- air the room in an hour
Ammonia- Corrodes mold from hard surfaces;
- inefficient in working with porous materials
- ammonia;
- equal amount of water
- spray on the walls;
- rinse with water after an hour;
- ventilate the room
Hydrogen peroxide- poison for mold;
- antiseptic
- undiluted hydrogen peroxide (3%)- Before processing, remove surface mold;
- do not apply on colored surfaces
Baking soda- Safe for people and animals;
- prevents the appearance of fungus
- A teaspoon of soda;
- glass of water
- Spray over the surface;
- rinse with water in an hour;
- wipe dry
Borax- Natural fungicide;
- herbicide;
- pesticide
- A glass of powder;
- 2.5 l of water
- clean the surface;
- apply the solution with a brush;
- when the surface dries, repeat the treatment a few more times
Furatsilin- Disinfects surfaces;
- slows down the reproduction of spores
- 20 crushed tablets;
- glass of water
- clean the surface;
- spray the product;
- after 2-3 hours, rub the wall with a brush
Tea tree oil- Antiseptic;
- kills the fungus
- A teaspoon of ether;
- glass of water
- Shake and spray;
- leave for 5-8 hours;
- wipe with a dry cloth
Grapefruit Seed Extract- disinfects surfaces;
- has a deodorizing effect
- 10 drops of extract;
- glass of water
Manganese- Disinfects the surface;
- kills the fungus
- A teaspoon of manganese;
- litere of water
- Spray to the surface;
- do not rinse
White- neutralizes spores of the fungus;
- disinfects the surface
- 1 norm of bleach;
- 10 water norms
- impregnate the surface;
- when the wall dries, ventilate the room
Powerful mix- Effective with deep damage to the overlap- 4 parts of water;
- 2 parts of peroxide;
- 2 parts vinegar;
- 1 part of boric acid
- Apply to the affected area;
- rinse off after an hour;
- ventilate the room;
- repeat the treatment in a week
Tea tree ether has a specific odor. Instead, you can use a mixture of lavender and rosemary oils to remove fungus from the walls in the apartment.

Blue vitriol

The use of copper sulfate from mold is due to the pronounced antifungal properties of the substance and an affordable price. Copper sulfate is in the form of a powder colored in blue. It allows you to quickly get rid of black mold on the walls and protect surfaces from relapse for a long time.

How to breed copper sulfate from black mold on the walls

  1. Pour ten liters of water into a metal container.
  2. Add 100 g of powder.
  3. Shuffle the composition.

How to handle the wall

  1. Remove the trim.
  2. If the mold penetrates deeply, remove the affected areas or calcine them with a burner.
  3. Rub with sandpaper.
  4. Wash the surface and let it dry completely.
  5. Apply the solution.
  6. Repeat the treatment after three to four hours.
  7. There should be five layers of copper sulfate in total.
  8. When the mortar dries, proceed with puttying and wall finishing.
To eliminate the fungus, it is important not to miss the slightest part of the surface. Therefore, before treating the wall against fungus and mold, add a little aniline dye to the solution.

Features of processing different surfaces

In order to defeat the fungus, you must act according to the rules and not miss anything. Even if there remains a microscopic area with live spores, all the work will go down the drain, mold will again take territory from you. Therefore, carefully study the methods of dealing with the problem on wallpaper, ceilings and plastic windows, so as not to leave a chance to the fungus.


How to remove mold from wallpaper, because this is the most popular material for decoration? If a fungus is noticed in time, you can do with a surface treatment of the coating. But as a rule, the appearance of spores on the surface of the wallpaper is a consequence of the processes occurring under them.How to get rid of mold under the wallpaper forever? Five consecutive steps must be completed.

  1. Remove the old ones. If the finish does not move well from the wall, soak it. Put the waste in garbage bags and take it out of the house immediately.
  2. Remove the plaster. It is done with a spatula or a metal brush. Pay particular attention to the foci of the fungus.
  3. Work the walls. To begin with, fungicide is applied, and after that - an antiseptic primer.
  4. Plaster. When the walls are completely dry, you need to plaster them to level the surface.
  5. Stick new ones. The final stage. The reviews contain information that fungus appears less often under paper wallpaper, since such a finish allows the wall to “breathe”.
If you do not want the fungus to appear again and again, it is necessary to bring the ventilation and walls in accordance with sanitary standards. Where to call? In the housing office and SES, whose representatives must draw up an act and take appropriate measures.

Plastic windows and slopes

How to deal with mold on plastic windows? It is important not to damage the texture of the material. The process includes four stages.

  1. Using an old toothbrush dipped in soapy water, remove visible mold from the surface of windows and slopes.
  2. Wipe the surface or wait until it dries naturally.
  3. Apply antifungal to plastic frames and slopes. Give preference to home remedies.
  4. To fix the result, apply a silicone-based waterproofing agent.
It is not easy to remove mold from window slopes. External manifestations of the fungus are the result of negative processes occurring under plastic or drywall. If you do not want the mold to appear again, the slopes will have to be dismantled, the wall treated with a fungicide and the window opening re-closed.

Mold wall treatment


After the gulf of the room from the roof or from neighbors, the ceiling is most affected. If the tension or suspension structure has covered the fungus, do not do without dismantling with the involvement of specialists. It is possible to remove mold from the ceiling in the apartment with your own hands if the surface is finished with plaster or wallpaper. The sequence of actions is the same as with the walls. We can only add the following three refinements.

  1. Before treating the ceiling against mold and mildew, remove the decorative coating.
  2. Overlap soak with a home or professional remedy for fungus. It is better to use a spray or apply the composition with a roller.
  3. It remains only to restore the finish.

How to protect housing about black plaque: 8 measures

To remove mold from the walls in an apartment is a difficult and sometimes very costly affair. Therefore, when entering new housing or completing repairs, I want to protect myself to the maximum. Eight preventative measures will protect you from trouble.

  1. Insulate the room. You need to take care not only about sealing the walls, but also about installing high-quality radiators. If in winter your apartment does not heat well, take care of buying heaters in advance.
  2. Provide good ventilation. The main thing is high-quality daily airing. Also, air conditioning or a fan copes well with air drying.
  3. Do not dry laundry in the apartment. You need to do this on the balcony or on the street. If this is not possible, hang things in a room with open windows or buy a washing machine with a drying function.
  4. Cook with the hood on. The device will neutralize the steam and prevent the walls from getting wet. If there is no such equipment, open the window in the kitchen while cooking.
  5. Repair leaks. It concerns not only pipes and plumbing. If you live on the top floor, it is necessary to repair the roof so that during a rainfall moisture does not get into the apartment.
  6. Minimize the number of indoor plants. Their soil is a favorable environment for the development of mold. Leave a couple of pots with your favorite flowers and carefully monitor their condition.
  7. Carry out the processing of walls from mold in the apartment. Damp corners, window sills and other places where fungus can potentially develop, wipe with antiseptic agents once or twice a month.
  8. Provide good daylight. Always keep your curtains open during the daytime.
Despite the assurances of manufacturers, today there is no finishing material that would be absolutely resistant to fungus. Therefore, it will be necessary to pay attention to prevention and handle problem areas.

It would seem that modern materials and construction technologies should make life easier for a person, eliminating many problems, including mold. But it is precisely these factors that are decisive for the formation and spread of the fungus. In an effort to reduce the cost of construction, engineers are the last to think about the comfort and health of people. Therefore, you must take care of yourself on your own. To never wonder how to remove mold from the wall in the apartment, do not save on building and finishing materials.

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