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Dandruff is not only an aesthetic, but also a medical problem. As a rule, separation of white scales from the skin is accompanied by unpleasant symptoms such as itching, excessive oily or dry epidermis, and even hair loss. The main reasons for the development of the condition are as follows:
- violation of personal hygiene;
- wrong choice of care products;
- severe stress;
- malnutrition;
- slow metabolism;
- lack of vitamins in the body;
- digestive system diseases;
- hormonal imbalance;
- bad habits;
- heredity;
- overheating or hypothermia;
- dehydration of the body.
6 "grandmother" ways
Before starting treatment, you should realize that not a single remedy will help in one day. To overcome this scourge, you will need at least one to two weeks of regular scalp care.
Features Apple cider vinegar is a powerful antifungal agent. An acidic environment also helps relieve itching. As soon as you stop scratching your head, peeling will noticeably decrease.
How to use
- For five minutes, massage the scalp, periodically dipping your fingertips into a container of vinegar.
- Insulate your head.
- After 40 minutes, rinse the hair with a sulfate-free shampoo.
Tea Tree Ether
Features Tea tree oil is a natural antiseptic. After two weeks of use, the amount of dandruff will significantly decrease. After a month of regular procedures, you will forget about the problem.
How to use
- Mix two tablespoons of the natural-based shampoo with ten drops of ether.
- Lather on wet curls.
- After a quarter of an hour, rinse your hair well.
Features Soda has antibacterial and antifungal properties. Thanks to its abrasive texture, the product helps remove dead skin cells and particles of dandruff from the skin.
How to use
- In a plastic container, mix a tablespoon of soda with three tablespoons of sulfate-free shampoo.
- Moisten your hair liberally and lather it with the resulting composition.
- Do a three minute massage.
- Rinse the hair well with water.
Laundry soap
Features Laundry soap - an effective tool in the fight against oily dandruff. Use it once every seven days for two to three months. After this, it is enough to use the product monthly for preventive purposes.
How to use
- Dissolve a tablespoon of soap chips in half a glass of warm water.
- Soap wet hair and hold for a couple of minutes.
- Rinse the curls well.
- To prevent hair from being too stiff after leaving, rinse it with water and vinegar.
Tar soap
Features Birch tar - This is a unique natural remedy by which beauties from ancient times were saved from skin problems. Using regularly tar soap To wash your hair, you can not only get rid of dandruff, but also eliminate rashes and heal small wounds. The course of treatment is two weeks, after which the same break should follow.
How to use
- Moisten a lot of hair with warm water.
- Lather the roots well, distribute the foam along the entire length.
- After a couple of minutes, rinse the curls.
Features Acetylsalicylic acid is actively used not only in medicine, but also in cosmetology. Inexpensive pills save from skin problems and even from dandruff.
How to use
- Crush a couple of Aspirin tablets into powder and mix with three tablespoons of sulfate-free shampoo.
- Foam the mixture on wet hair and leave for ten minutes.
- Rinse your hair with plenty of warm water.
Medicinal plants
Nature has taken care to give us remedies for any health problems. Herbs are effective against dandruff.
Features Hindus consider him a cure for all ailments. The antifungal, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties of the plant make it an ideal anti-dandruff remedy. The tool will stop the process of reproduction of microbes, and also save you from obsessive itching.
How to use
- Dip the neem leaves in boiling water and heat for another half an hour.
- Remove the leaves from the water and beat with a blender to make something like pasta.
- Wash your hair and apply the product to the skin.
- After half an hour, rinse with warm water.
Features Today, basil is more common in cooking than in medicine. But its healing properties were valued even by ancient healers. Due to its pronounced antifungal effect, the plant effectively fights against unattractive white flakes on the scalp.
How to use
- Crush fresh basil in a mortar with a pestle or grind in a blender to make a paste.
- Wash your hair and, while it is still wet, spread the product over the scalp.
- After half an hour, rinse your head with slightly warm water.
Features Since ancient times, beauties have strengthened the hair nettle broth. It stops strong hair loss, makes them voluminous and obedient. And this is an indispensable remedy for itching and dandruff. After a couple of weeks of use, there has been a positive trend.
How to use
- Pour a glass of dry grass with water (2 L).
- Heat the composition over low heat for 20 minutes.
- Turn off the burner and let it stand until it cools completely.
- Strain the herbal decoction through several layers of gauze.
- Rinse the hair after washing.
If you have dry scalp, also try the following cosmetic oils. But remember that they are contraindicated for oily skin. If the ban is violated, the hair will look greasy and unkempt. Also, due to weighting, their loss may increase.
Features Burdock oil is one of the most popular hair care products. It strengthens the roots, stimulates growth and makes the hair dazzlingly brilliant. Using oil daily for three weeks, you can defeat dry dandruff.
How to use
- Heat the oil with a water bath.
- Dip your fingertips into the product and massage it onto the scalp.
- Put on a shower cap, build a turban from a towel and wait half an hour.
- Wash your hair twice with sulfate-free shampoo.
Features It perfectly moisturizes dry skin, eliminates peeling and prevents its appearance in the future. Olive oil is able to glue hair flakes, which makes them thicker and healthier in appearance.
How to use
- Warmed up olive oil gently rub into the scalp before bedtime.
- Wrap your head with cling film, put on a warm hat.
- In the morning, rinse your hair with natural-based shampoo two to three times.
Features Castor is another effective weapon in the fight against dry dandruff. It deeply moisturizes the scalp, preventing the detachment of scales, and also eliminates itching.
How to use
- Rub castor oil into the scalp with massage movements.
- Warm the hair with a film and a towel.
- After half an hour, wash your hair well with sulfate-free shampoo.
Features The most valuable components in the composition are triglycerides. This is a powerful antibacterial substance against which even lice can not resist. With dandruff, coconut oil fights with the same effectiveness.
How to use
- Warm up a little substance in the palms.
- For about ten minutes, gently massage your head.
- Gather curls in a bundle, insulate yourself with a film and a towel.
- After 30 minutes, wash the hair and rinse with water and lemon.
Features Linseed oil contributes to the speedy removal of dead scales from the skin. In addition, it is washed off very quickly and does not leave a feeling of greasy and heaviness. For a month, use the tool three times a week. Repeat treatment for prevention after one and a half to two months.
How to use
- Heat the oil using a water bath.
- Rub into the skin, wait 20-25 minutes.
- Rinse your hair with natural-based shampoo.
Sea buckthorn
Features Sea buckthorn oil It has cleansing properties, the ability to regulate the secretion of glands. It is these characteristics that make it an effective remedy for “snow” on the head. Using the product every three to four days for two months, you can say goodbye to unattractive white flakes.
How to use
- Mix the norm of sea buckthorn oil with six norms of basic vegetable fat (olive, sunflower is suitable).
- Massaging your head, distribute the composition over its entire area.
- Soak for 40 minutes, wash.
Home masks
From the available products you can prepare effective hair masks for dandruff. Apply home remedies every three to four days for a month, and the result will pleasantly surprise you. Choose a suitable composition will help the table.
Table - Recipes for dandruff masks
Mask | Composition | Time |
Ginger | - Large ginger root (grate and squeeze juice); - 3 tablespoons of sesame oil | 30 minutes |
With henna | - A teaspoon of colorless henna; - the same amount of boiling water (to steam the grass); - the same amount of lemon juice; - the same amount of olive oil | 15 minutes |
Bread and salt | - A slice of rye bread; - a teaspoon of shallow sea salt; - egg yolk | 50 minutes |
Lemon | - Juice of half a lemon; - 4 tablespoons of olive oil | 1 hour |
With aloe | - 5 tablespoons of fresh aloe juice; - clove of garlic (pass through a garlic squeezer); - egg yolk | 30 minutes |
Onion | - A tablespoon of onion juice; - the same amount of castor oil; - 2 tablespoons of vodka | 40 minutes |
6 tips to keep the problem from coming back
Treatment of dandruff with folk remedies shows good results, but does not guarantee that the problem does not return again. In order not to encounter her anymore, follow the six tips.
- Drink kefir, yogurt and fermented baked milk. Daily use of fermented milk products contributes to the development of beneficial bacteria. They effectively resist fungi, which contribute to the appearance of dandruff.
- Follow a diet. The abuse of spicy and fatty foods, as well as sweets is contraindicated in people suffering from chronic dandruff. The basis of the diet should be low-fat varieties of fish and meat, fresh fruits and vegetables.
- Protect curls from extreme temperatures. Refuse to use the hair dryer and ironing, do not wash your hair with too hot water. In winter, be sure to wear a hat or hood.
- Discard styling products. With frequent use of varnishes, foams and gels, the pores become clogged, which leads to oily and itchy skin. As a result, dandruff forms.
- Massage your head. The procedure activates blood circulation and helps cleanse the skin of dead cells.
- Do not use other people's combs and hats. A fungus may well live on them.
People have been worried about the beauty and health of hair since time immemorial. For example, the ancient Egyptians believed that dandruff can be cured with a mixture of date pulp, dog fat and powder from donkey hooves. Our Slavic ancestors methods of dealing with the problem were not so exotic. From ancient times in Russia, hair was treated with herbal decoctions and other natural products. This tradition has survived to the present day.
The lemon helped. cut one lemon into slices and brew 5 liter containers in boiling water, wait until it cools down a little, dilute 0.5 cold water and rinse after washing your hair. do 2 times a week! less dandruff after the first time!
Perhaps natural remedies are effective in combating dandruff, but I myself use the advice of a familiar hairdresser, with extensive experience. She explained that as well as for the skin, they are useful for hair, daily, nourishing creams. Since my skin is thin, dry and sensitive, I also use face creams for hair. For a long time I do not remember about dandruff. And I always try to buy shampoos with additives of oils.
You need to prepare the following mixture: Take the juice of half a ripe lemon, which mix with 3 tbsp. olive oil. The mixture is put and heated in a water bath under the lid for 15 to 20 minutes, then add 1 tbsp. parsley juice and 1 tablespoon nettle juice. Let it boil for a minute or two. And remove from heat, allow to cool slightly and can be rubbed into the scalp and hair roots. Put on a towel and lightweight. Look like an hour, then rinse your hair under running water.