How to remove facial wrinkles: home and salon care

How to get rid of facial wrinkles? What products can be used at home? Are there really effective and affordable techniques that suit every woman? Is it worth resorting to salon procedures or is it enough proper home care? Features of the fight against wrinkles after thirty years.
Beautiful girl

In fact, the mark of 30 years is rather arbitrary. The first wrinkles can appear on the skin by the age of twenty-five, and many begin to think about how to smooth wrinkles and what are the methods for removing them. An unpleasant role in this process is played by genetics, which provides a tendency to early aging, and skin type. Plus, the process of forming and getting rid of wrinkles proceeds differently in different parts of the face. And this is important to consider. So how to rid yourself of this problem?

Causes of facial wrinkles

In 2009, British scientists published research results on how skin type affects the intensity of aging. They found that in owners of a dry type of epidermis, this process proceeds more actively. If at the age of twenty-eight years the girls already have noticeable first wrinkles on their faces, then with a high degree of probability it can be assumed that in eight years the number of wrinkles will increase by fifty-two percent.

Pressed under the eyes

The results of studies published in the British weekly journal British Journal of Dermatology could be considered a sentence for owners of dry skin, if not for one “but”. In the publication, scientists pointed out that with appropriate care, the intensity of wrinkling on the skin decreases. So for women caring for a face at home, for eight years, the number of wrinkles increased by only twenty-two percent. These data allowed scientists to conclude that home care helps maintain youthful skin and reduces the intensity of wrinkle formation.

But the wrinkles are not the same. They are formed on different parts of the skin of the face and do not look the same. Their localization depends on a number of factors.

Girl looking in the mirror

Facial expressions

The very first facial wrinkles are formed on the face. They usually look like deep folds of skin on the forehead or between the eyebrows. The habitual movements of the muscles of the face that we perform daily lead to their appearance. The habit of frowning the forehead forms one or two longitudinal folds in the frontal lobe. The habit of pursing lips creates multiple folds around them. “Wrinkles of the proud” arise between the eyebrows and pass through clear vertical lines.

To smooth out facial wrinkles that have arisen as a result of facial movements, it is important, first of all, to change habits. Since no means will help if you will invariably continue to deform the skin with the usual facial expressions.

Beautiful girl

Body condition

It is the main factor in the aging of the epidermis or, conversely, the long-term preservation of youth. Skin is not just a layer of cells on our body. This is a living organism in which regeneration processes take place, which is closely interconnected with the general condition of the body.

Her condition is affected by the hormonal background, which changes with age in women. It is proved that during the offensive menopause and reducing the production of female sex hormones of estrogen, the skin ages rapidly, flabbiness of the face is manifested.During the disease, the epidermis does not look the best, as it often suffers from dehydration.

Therefore, in the question of how to remove facial wrinkles, cosmetologists recommend paying attention not only to the external manifestations of aging. This process starts inside, occurs in the body as a whole.

In order to keep the body and skin youthful longer, it is important to monitor your own health. The body needs a good rest, an adequate drinking regimen - at least one and a half liters of fluid per day. It is important the health of the endocrine, nervous systems, the absence of stress, to which the epidermis responds by loss of tone, increased sensitivity.



Skin is a multilayer organ. The thickness of its outer layer is only 0.2 mm. Under it lies the dermis, and underneath is subcutaneous fat. That is, the structure of this organ is quite voluminous, and it, like all living things on our planet, is affected by gravitational or gravitational forces. Under the influence of these forces, natural ptosis begins to occur with age - tissue prolapse.

Up to twenty-five years, the elastic structure of the dermis and the high turgor of the epidermis protect against its pronounced manifestations. At this age, the face resembles a triangle with a pointed top down, or the "triangle of youth." As the triangle ages, the base turns down: the tissues descend, the cheeks sag, the pronounced nasolabial folds form, the corners of the mouth go down.

This process has nothing to do with the state of the epidermis - the outer skin. The resulting wrinkles, which usually appear after 45 years due to tissue ptosis, can only be removed by acting on the underlying structures: dermis, subcutaneous tissue.

Due to ptosis, the formation of skin folds after weight loss is observed: the amount of fiber is reduced, and the skin literally sags. Opportunities for external correction at home are limited.

Eye cream

Care and lack thereof

In the early appearance of wrinkles, genetics and dry skin can be blamed. But as practice shows, with sufficient daily face care, their formation takes place much more slowly than in the absence of attention to oneself.

Care at a young age consists in regular cleansing and tonification of the epidermis. From the age of twenty, it is important to moisturize the skin daily.

It is impossible to overestimate the role of skin hydration. The epidermis of any type needs it: dry, oily, normal. Moisturizing allows the skin to maintain a sufficient level of moisture in the dermis, which is eighty percent water. Do not use the cream daily - it means provoking dehydration of the skin and its early aging.

“Why do I need to regularly moisturize my skin? - comments cosmetologist Olga Fem. - With a lack of moisture, its cells cease to function normally. In them, the metabolism slows down, the cells divide more slowly, the skin integuments recover longer. They look worse, age quickly. ”

As a rule, girls with dry skin do not doubt the need for regular hydration. But owners of oily believe that they do not need it, on the contrary, it is important to dry the epidermis to reduce the intensity of secretion of fat secretion.

This belief is dangerous by the development of dehydration of the skin, which cause the appearance of fine wrinkles throughout the face. The dehydrated epidermis is similar to parchment paper. It is thin, covered with folds, while the fat content does not decrease, but rather grows exponentially. So the skin is trying to compensate for the lack of moisture and reduce its evaporation from the dermis with the thickest layer of fat secretion.

Tired face type

Type of aging and wrinkle control

Beauticians distinguish six types of skin aging, according to which the localization of wrinkles can be predicted. Each type of face has its own recommendations on how to get rid of facial wrinkles at home and in the salon.

Tired face

With age, women of normal physique or skinny, with a diamond-shaped or oval face, acquire it. There is a decrease in the tone of the facial muscles, a decrease in the turgor of the skin. Pastity progresses, that is, the prolapse of the facial tissues, the corners of the eyes and lips go down. The nasolabial fold and the lacrimal groove are the first to form from wrinkles.

A “tired face” usually looks good in the morning, when the woman has had enough rest. But by the evening, signs of age-related changes become more pronounced. Therefore, an important component of the fight against age-related manifestations in this type of aging is sleep - sufficient and full.

Recommendations Quickly get rid of wrinkles at home will help compounds with AHA acids. These are superficial weakly concentrated peels based on fruit acids. They stimulate the production of collagen, a structural protein of the epidermal barrier, and support its tone. They also improve complexion. Additionally, use care formulations with vitamin C in the form of serums, creams.

Stages of Aging

Baked apple

The type of aging is called fine wrinkled, as wrinkles sharply appear on the entire plane of the face. Because of this, it looks shriveled like a baked apple. The likelihood of aging by this type exists for thin women with dry epidermis.

In youth, they look attractive thanks to matte dry skin, prominent cheekbones. But with age, their appearance changes rapidly. Dry skin with insufficient intrinsic lipid layer quickly loses moisture and dries out. The absence of a dense subcutaneous layer eliminates its sagging: tissue ptosis is practically not expressed. Therefore, wrinkles are formed by small, but numerous with an unchanged face shape.

Recommendations For women who are aging according to the fine wrinkled type, it is important to increase the intensity of skin hydration. You can get rid of facial wrinkles with moisturizing masks: based on hyaluronic acid, collagen. It is also necessary to use agents that restore the natural lipid barrier. This means for everyday and additional care: a moisturizing milk for cleansing the skin, emulsion for cream, nutritious serum.

Facial aging

Bulldog cheeks

With this type of aging, wrinkles on the forehead or under the eyes are not characteristic. The face literally "floats" down. The lower part becomes edematous, almost flat, the décolleté “floats”, while the upper part looks perfectly smoothed out.

By the type of "bulldog cheeks" women are aging full, with an oval face. They often form a second chin, bryl. The face suffers from puffiness, characteristic wrinkles are formed in the lower part: the nasolabial fold deepens, “puppet wrinkles” are formed - lines that visually separate the cheeks from the nasolabial triangle.

Recommendations It is important to control weight: the more it is, the more pronounced are the processes of ptosis. For home care, you should choose pharmacy products containing substances that strengthen the vascular walls. Seaweed extracts, vitamins B and K interfere with edema. Use creams that improve microcirculation in tissues.

Mixed aging

Mixed aging

The most common type, characteristic of women without excess weight, with combination skin. The aging process begins with “face fatigue”, in which it slightly goes down. Over the years, pastiness intensifies, and the skin becomes somewhat drier, which forms a tendency to the formation of small wrinkles.

Recommendations For mixed aging, it is important to select individual care techniques. Formulations with ANA acids, good skin hydration, cosmetics with lymphatic drainage effect will be useful.

Muscle type of facial aging

Muscular aging

Rarely manifested in people of European appearance, more inherent in Asian, eastern nationalities. The face retains a clear oval, good muscle tone and epidermis for a long time, and does not seem to require any care at all.But in a short time it changes dramatically: it goes down, the upper eyelids begin to hang, deep and pronounced wrinkles appear on the neck, under the eyes.

Recommendations For women with a muscular face, it is important to maintain hydration of the tissues, for which moisturizers and serums should be used in regular care.

The last sixth type of aging is a senile exhausted face. It is characterized by extremely dry skin and signs of all types of aging. To remove deep wrinkles on the face at this age, normal care will not work. Yes, and they care for women "who are over seventy" much less than thirty-year-old ladies.

Hardware Pilling

Useful procedures and home care

There are many salon techniques for correcting age-related skin changes. These include not only popular injections, whose merits are controversial. But also more gentle, not requiring deep penetration into the epidermis and causing the effect of rejuvenation, smoothing wrinkles.

Such procedures include peelings, microcurrent therapy, massage.

  • Chemical peeling. “Currently, preparations that cause minimal skin injuries that work within the epidermis are recommended for use,” said Natalya Polonskaya, dermatologist. - Previously used substances that cause disturbance of the deep layers have not proven effectiveness. Delicate compositions of surface peels do not injure living cells of the epidermis, cause an exfoliating and stimulating effect. By peeling, we thin the stratum corneum of the epidermis, weaken its barrier qualities and force us to increase the regeneration of active components, improve the renewal of the dermis. ” To eliminate wrinkles in a short time, Natalya Polonskaya recommends combination products with retinol, fruit acids. “When the skin loses tone, the first wrinkles appear above the lips, cosmetic problems are observed, stimulating renewal of the peeling will be useful,” the doctor said. “It will give the epidermis a boost of energy and spur natural regenerative processes.”
  • Microcurrent therapy. Stimulates rejuvenation through current pulses. “Microcurrents weaken the tone of weakened facial muscles, thereby providing a lifting effect,” says cosmetologist Olga Fem. “At the same time, they improve metabolic processes and activate the outflow of lymph, which reduces swelling.” Microcurrent therapy is recommended from thirty years. It should be followed by courses. At a young age, a course of six procedures is sufficient; after forty years, 8-10 procedures and monthly maintenance therapy from one procedure will be required.
  • Massage. Professional massage removes wrinkles under the eyes, eliminates facial swelling, reduces the severity of tissue ptosis. It does not tone, but rather relaxes the muscles that cause deformations of the skin and the formation of facial wrinkles. It is necessary to include massage in the complex of procedures for wrinkles with tired, mixed, muscle types of facial aging.

Massage is often considered an alternative to gymnastics, recommending exercises to correct age-related changes. “Gymnastics is certainly good for the body,” commented cosmetologist Olga Fem. “But to fight wrinkles, using it is dangerous.”

Massage is aimed at relaxing the muscles, while gymnastics - at their tone. It is impossible to foresee how the muscles that you “work out” and associated with them behave. It is highly likely that after gymnastic exercises you will get more pronounced facial wrinkles caused by increased muscle tone.

Home appliances, how to remove facial wrinkles with folk remedies, are not as effective as salon ones. But without proper daily care, the skin quickly loses its tone and attractiveness acquired during a course of microcurrent therapy or peeling. Therefore, do not underestimate home care.

Cream in a jar


They are often referred to as Botox effects. But the first should not be confused with the second.They have a radically different composition, and they act in a similar way.

Peptide agents do not contain botulinum toxin, they are applied to the surface of the skin, and not injected. They have no contraindications like Botox, but they do not act as fast. The formulations are based on proteins, usually argireline or matrixyl. The principle of their action is to slow the transmission of nerve cell impulses to the muscles, causing the formation of skin folds. Gentle muscle relaxation causes smoothing of wrinkles.

Remedies can be used in home care. They should be applied in a course - up to three months, after which take a break. They will not help to quickly get rid of wrinkles, as they have a cumulative effect. But this effect is completely safe.

Follow the recommendations for the use of peptide agents.

  • Control localization. “Muscle relaxants are especially effective in eliminating wrinkles around the eyes, on the forehead,” says beautician Olga Fem. - They reduce the crow's feet, deep longitudinal folds. But it does not work in relation to nasolabial folds, since they are caused by the prolapse of tissues. They will not help against fine wrinkles caused by dehydration of the skin. ”
  • Repeat the course. The effect lasts up to six months. When the facial wrinkles return, the course should be repeated.
  • Make sure there is a problem. Beauticians recommend the use of peptide agents after 35 years. But if at thirty you have pronounced facial wrinkles, it is allowed to use peptides locally, on the problem area. They are most effective after 40 years. At an older age, they also work, but not so pronounced.

Means with peptides are presented in the form of creams and serums. Use them as an additional care.

Moisturizing mask

Moisturizing masks: 5 rules

The most effective face masks for wrinkles with fine wrinkled type - moisturizing. They should be applied after cleansing and toning the skin twice a week. They saturate the skin with moisture, making it look younger, and wrinkles are smoothed.

Follow these guidelines for moisturizing masks.

  1. Apply after gommage or exfoliant mask. Active substances penetrate deeper into well-cleansed skin. Gommages or enzymatic peels dissolve dead cells of the stratum corneum, improving the passage of moisturizing components into the epidermis. Masks based on ANA acids perform a similar function, but additionally struggle withrosaceaimprove complexion. Use peeling products 1-2 times a week, as recommended by the manufacturer.
  2. Specify the composition. Moisturizers contain hyaluronic acid, algae extracts, light natural oils. These compounds can be used for wrinkles on the neck, and especially delicate even in the area around the eyes.
  3. Do not do it every day. No need to go to extremes in an attempt to quickly get rid of wrinkles. The skin condition will improve with regular good care gradually. It makes no sense to apply a moisturizing mask more than twice a week.
  4. Alternate compositions. For aging skin prone to dryness, it is recommended to alternate moisturizing and nourishing masks. The latter effectively restore the lipid barrier, if made on the basis of oils, phytohormones, vitamins.
  5. Lie down and rest. One of the most popular mistakes when using an anti-aging mask is to put it on your face and go for a walk around the apartment. Beauticians warn that such substances are quite heavy, so if you want to get the lifting effect from them, you should take a horizontal position.

Moisturizing masks are suitable for any skin type and should be used regularly in anti-aging care.

Mask on the girl's face

Enzyme masks

The products contain enzymes that work on the surface of the face. They stimulate venous outflow, cause a reduction in facial muscles, thereby exerting a massage effect. After a course of enzyme masks, the face looks fit. The effect persists for several months.

The disadvantage of such compositions is their high cost. Plus, home care products contain active substances in a lower concentration than salon products, so the effect of using the house will be less pronounced.

Modern cosmetology offers many ways to remove facial wrinkles. For this, professional and home appliances can be used. At home, you can provide enough skin care to reduce the appearance of aging. Focus on your type of aging and choose products with an effective composition.

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