Black dots on the face: how to get rid at home and with the help of a beautician

Clean skin is the key to an attractive appearance. But often unsightly black dots appear. Their presence spoils the life not only of young girls, but also of older women, regardless of skin type. If the fight against this problem is not started in time, it can take on a global scale. The most common method is going to the beautician. But how to get rid of black dots at home with masks and peeling?
Beautiful smiling girl

Reasons for the appearance of black dots

Black dots are also called comedones. Their appearance is associated with the peculiarity of the skin to secrete substances from the sebaceous glands, the amount of which per week reaches 30 grams. Pores become clogged, causing the appearance of dense, slightly rising above the surface of the skin elements. Black acne is stained due to the pigment melanin. In addition to unsightly appearance, they do not pose any danger. Most often they appear on the forehead and chin. How to treat them and how to bring them home faster?

There are several main reasons for the appearance of black dots on the face.

  • Inadequate skin cleansing. Improper washing, prolonged stay of cosmetics on the face, refusal from peeling - all this leads to the accumulation of contamination in the pores. As a result, black dots appear.
  • Poor-quality cosmetics. Foundation, oily moisturizers, powder contain substances that tend to settle in the pores, instead of being dissolved in an organic environment.
  • Disorders in the hormonal background. An improper course of skin metabolic processes leads to clogging of pores.
  • Improper nutrition. If you eat an excessive amount of fatty and fried foods, black dots are the result of a malfunction in the stomach and intestines.
  • Bad habits and the presence of frequent stress. Both of these factors negatively affect the state of the body as a whole, not to mention the skin.
  • Hereditary predisposition. If all of the above factors can be eliminated, then heredity cannot be changed. It remains only to constantly remove the comedones that arise.

Girl squeezes black dots on her face

Tips to prevent. Get rid of the black dots

What helps fight black dots? The treatment will take some time. It will not work in one day. Getting rid of black spots on the face is a long and sometimes painful process. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to the prevention of their appearance. By systematically following a few simple rules, you can protect yourself from unnecessary worries about this.

  • Stable skin cleansing. No matter how tired you are, do not neglect washing off your cosmetics before bedtime. Wipe your face with a cleansing tonic.
  • Removing dead cells from the surface of the skin. So that the skin constantly breathes, and unnecessary metabolic products are not accumulated in it, it is worthwhile to peel the face at least once every two weeks. This will improve the blood circulation of the skin and help its renewal.
  • Use only high-quality cosmetics. The use of foundation with a dubious composition can cause you not only an allergic reaction, but also deep pore contamination. It is better to use BB or CC-cream for easy matting and moisturizing the skin.
Observing the above rules, do not forget about the normalization of lifestyle.This means getting rid of bad habits, eating more vitamins and exercising. The skin is a reflection of the work of the whole body, so you should start by healing yourself from the inside.

Face cleaning

Salon face cleaning methods

Facial cleansing in a beauty salon is considered the most effective and fastest. There are several types of cosmetic interventions.

  • Manual cleaning. The essence of the procedure is to manually remove comedones after the necessary skin preparation. Then the face is treated with liquid nitrogen and a mask is applied with a calming effect. The negative side of this procedure is quite noticeable soreness and prolonged healing of the skin.
  • Vacuum The process of drawing negative pore content. Completely painless and safe. But it does not guarantee one hundred percent skin cleansing.
  • Ultrasonic The face is affected by high-frequency vibrations that cleanse the upper layer of the epidermis from grease and dirt. Contraindications are diseases of the heart and blood vessels.
  • Chemical peeling. Substances that contain fruit acids are applied to the skin. The method is not traumatic, but misses large comedones.
  • Laser exposure. The laser removes even deep, dead cells. Improves blood circulation in the skin and the course of metabolic processes. The visible effect of the procedure occurs in a week.

The girl is washing

Home Ways

There are several proven methods for removing black dots on the face. But do not forget that none of them can cope with this problem forever without proper subsequent care. It will be better if you select several methods that you like and will periodically combine them. When cleaning your face, you need to remember a few rules.

  • Steaming the skin. To better open the pores and deeply cleanse, pre-apply the effects of steam baths or hot compresses. Water should be comfortable for you. Lean over a basin or apply a soaked compress on your face for 15-20 minutes, changing it as it cools.
  • Hand disinfection. It is important to avoid foreign bacteria entering the enlarged pores. Otherwise, there is a risk of getting acne instead of black dots. Wash your hands thoroughly and treat them with alcohol before the procedure.
  • Treatment. After cleaning, treat the skin with a solution salicylic acid or lemon juice - this will help close excessively enlarged pores and prevent re-contamination.

Pimple on nose

Manual removal

You can remove black dots on the face using manual removal. According to many opinions, this is the fastest way to clean the skin.

  1. Cleanse and steam the skin.
  2. Wipe your face with hydrogen peroxide.
  3. Using your fingertips (avoid exposure to the nails), gently squeeze the black dots on the face, being careful not to damage the skin.
  4. Re-treat the exposure sites with hydrogen peroxide.
  5. Perform procedures to narrow pores and do not use cosmetics during the day.

Patch cleansing

The patch is great for removing black spots on the nose. It is an alternative to steaming and can be used for skin that is excessively sensitive to high temperatures. You can prepare the patch at home.

  1. Mix a tablespoon of gelatin powder with a little warm milk.
  2. Preheat the mixture for 10 minutes in the microwave.
  3. Apply a heated swollen mass to the nose and leave to solidify.
  4. With a gentle sharp movement, remove the resulting film from the nose along with the black dots remaining on it.
  5. Treat your nose with salicylic acid or lemon juice.

Clay mask

Effective Masks Recipes

Keep wondering how to get rid of black spots on your face at home without pain and skin injury? There are many types of effective and gentle methods.Masks and scrubs against black dots are easy to use and do not require significant costs. Choose them according to your personal preferences and skin reactions to the components. To test whether the selected composition is suitable for you, do a test: apply the prepared mixture on your wrist and wait 20-30 minutes. If redness or burning does not appear, you can use this recipe.

Soda with salt

Soda has long been valued for its anti-inflammatory effect, and quickly relieves irritation. Salt is the main component of many scrubs due to its ability to remove toxins and comedones from the upper layer of the skin. After applying this composition, the face brightens and becomes dull.

  1. Perform facial cleansing and skin steaming beforehand.
  2. Mix soda and edible salt in equal amounts.
  3. Dip a moist cotton pad in the resulting mixture.
  4. Treat areas with black dots in a circular motion without strong pressure.
  5. Rinse off the composition, perform a procedure to narrow the pores and apply a cream suitable for your type of face.

Oatmeal with kefir

Hercules flakes and kefir

Oatmeal contains a large amount of nutrients necessary for the skin (proteins, vitamins, trace elements). Such a mask penetrates into the pores and removes contaminants from them. Not many people know about the properties of boric acid, but it is capable of breaking down substances secreted by the glands. Kefir soothes irritated epidermis.

  1. Take 1 tablespoon of ground herbal flakes in a blender, 1 teaspoon of small salt and 4-5 drops of boric acid.
  2. Dilute the resulting composition with kefir to the density of sour cream.
  3. Spread the mixture on your face and let it work for 10-15 minutes.
  4. Wet your fingers with a moist massage on clogged areas and rinse with cold water.

Activated Carbon and Clay

Getting rid of black spots with activated carbon is another very effective method. This is due to its absorbent properties. It is able to not only draw accumulated dirt and grease from the enlarged pores, but also remove harmful substances that have accumulated over the course of life from the surface of the skin.

  1. Cleanse and steam the skin.
  2. Crush 2 tablets of activated charcoal into small crumbs.
  3. Mix with 1 tablespoon of any cosmetic clay.
  4. Add cool water to a sour cream consistency.
  5. Apply the mixture with a cotton pad and leave for 20 minutes.

Facial scrub

Peeling for problem skin

Peeling is another popular and quite effective procedure for cleaning pores. Its essence lies in the mechanical effect of abrasive particles on the upper layers of the skin. To carry out cleaning with peeling is not worth it to people who have irritations and inflammatory processes on the skin, as well as in the presence of open wounds.

Oat scrub

  1. Cleanse and steam the skin.
  2. Take a tablespoon of oatmeal and 1 teaspoon of soda.
  3. Pour kefir to medium density.
  4. Apply on face and massage for several minutes.

Cocoa Scrub

Chocolate with Olive Oil

Not only a delicious smell, but also a quick result will make you tremulously love this recipe. It is recommended to make a scrub in the bath or while taking a bath.

  1. Mix two tablespoons of cocoa without additives and brown sugar.
  2. Add two teaspoons olive oil and move.
  3. Steam your face and gently massage your face for two minutes, paying more attention to problem areas.
  4. Rinse with cool water. Moisturizer can not be applied thanks to the olive oil in the composition.

You need to scrub your face twice a week, so you will not allow dirt to accumulate in the skin and remove them in a timely manner.

Now you know how to get rid of black spots at home with the help of mechanical cleaning, natural masks and scrubs. But according to numerous reviews, not a single folk method from the first application will give you completely cleansed skin, regularity is important.

Make it a rule to carry out your favorite skin cleansing procedure at least once a week. Do not forget about the rules for preventing the appearance of black dots. Start building your lifestyle: improve your diet and spend more time outdoors. All this will give you smooth skin and a healthy complexion.

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