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And the first jeans appeared almost two centuries ago, when Levi Strauss came up with the idea of sewing a “robe” from hemp canvas. These were trousers made of rough brown fabric. Not the cutest clothing option. But the idea stuck today Levi’s - the legendary denim clothing brand. Although the word "jeans" has Italian roots. And the material itself has long been made on the basis of cotton.
We look from what pants are sewn
Everything happens in our life - well, the jeans didn’t have time to dry after washing and that’s all ... Or they got wet to the skin in the rain, but you have to run somewhere and miss this meeting in no way, and there is no time to wait until the jeans dry on their own. It is not known how much they will dry themselves ... Still, they are not sweatpants - they are at least partially synthetic and dry faster. And here - natural materials that like to collect water, but not to give. How to dry jeans at home quickly?
In order not to spoil your favorite pants in the process of “emergency” drying, you need to understand what material you are dealing with and how to deal with it. Under the term "jeans" can hide any of the varieties of denim.
- Denim The thickest, but also the most expensive version of denim. A large percentage of cotton. Dense and hard at first, over time it is put softer, but does not lose strength. Blue is only the front side of the fabric, and the inside is almost white. These were the first “Levises” that drove the mad of Soviet fashionistas.
- Stretch The cotton base is diluted with elastane or lycra. From the percentage of threads depends on the degree of "extensibility" of the material. Such jeans are plastic and fit well, do not constrain movements.
- Broken twill. Here the threads are woven “herringbone”. This type of weaving gives the cotton fabric some elasticity without adding elastane.
- Ecru. Unpainted jeans. It has a natural color of cotton thread.
- Chambray. The thinnest version of denim. “Light” jeans are sewn from it: shirts, summer sundresses, swimwear and even underwear.
- Gin. Cheap denim look. Price is a consequence of poor quality raw materials. Such a “jeans” is soft to the touch, the weave is loose, does not hold its shape well. It is from her that things of a low price category are sewn, but they do not differ in durability either.
Life hacks to quickly dry jeans
It is necessary to make a reservation right away: it is impossible to completely dry wet jeans in 10 minutes. And even in half an hour - hardly. But in an hour and a half - quite real. Remember: the less moisture remains in the fabric, the faster it dries. Therefore, additional preparation of things for "emergency" drying will not be superfluous.
Mandatory training
If you washed jeans in a typewriter, additionally drive them in spin mode. Then shake vigorously for several minutes. If washed by hand, but the machine is at hand - double-scroll the thing on the spin. The first time at high speeds, and the second at low.
If there is no typewriter, dry the jeans with towels. Instead, you can use, for example, a duvet cover folded several times or a sheet. The main thing is that the layer of tissue is thick and absorbs water well. Proceed in six steps.
- Lay a terry towel on a flat, solid surface with jeans on it.
- Put another towel on top.
- Roll all the layers into a tight roll. Here it is important not to rush and make every effort so that the fabric gives away more moisture.
- Put something heavy on top or use your own body weight: sit, walk, jump on the bundle.
- Expand and change towels to dry.
- Repeat until the fabric stops giving water.
Hair dryer
The first thing that comes to mind is to dry your wet jeans with a hairdryer. After all, this is the most affordable source of hot air, and even with a good and controlled pressure. There are two ways to dry.
- Aweigh. It is necessary to turn the jeans inside out and hang on the shoulders or fasten with clothespins to the edges of the legs. Blow the thing evenly, going around from all sides. Particular attention is given to the seams, pockets, waistband and fly. Do not bring the hair dryer too close to the fabric - keep it at a distance of 20-30 cm from the trousers.
- Inflating trouser legs. Lay jeans on a table or floor. Tuck and tighten the belt and bottom of one of the legs with needles, clothespins or apply a load (books, water bottles). The main thing is that the fabric does not unfold during the drying process. Insert a hair dryer into a free leg and turn it on. Hold the edge of the leg around the hair dryer so that there is no air leak. Turn your jeans around and repeat the action every seven to ten minutes.
Here is another option than to dry wet jeans very quickly. You will need an iron, several towels, a sheet or a duvet cover. Remember to turn your jeans inside out. And then proceed in six steps.
- Lay the towel on a flat surface, it will absorb moisture from below. Lay jeans on it.
- Cover the item with a sheet. She will soak up the steam.
- Start ironing the fabric. Take your time and do not set the maximum temperature on the iron. Take the risk of ruining your pants. And do not turn on the steam either, because the jeans are so wet.
- Every five to seven minutes, turn the thing over and slide the towel and sheet so that there are dry patches under and above the jeans.
- At the end, additionally dry the places with a thicker layer of fabric: seams, pockets, fly and belt.
- After drying, do not wear jeans immediately. Otherwise, the knees “swell” at the first attempt to sit down somewhere. Let them cool completely, and even better - hang them on the balcony under the stream of cool air.
In the oven
This method can be called extreme. Because it is the most fire hazardous of all the above. That is why it is not recommended to dry jeans over an open burner burner. It is better to place them on the ajar oven door or directly inside the oven, on the grill.
- Preheat the oven to 100-120 ℃.
- Fold the jeans so that there are no wrinkled wrinkles.
- Open the door and put your pants over the opening.
- Every seven to ten minutes, unfold and fold the jeans differently.The main thing is that they lie wet side down.
- Do not go far from the oven and constantly monitor for tan marks on the fabric.
In the microwave
Yes, there are such recommendations online. This method will allow you to dry the jeans without an iron and without a hairdryer. And this is done in four steps.
- Fold the jeans so that all the metal parts are inside.
- Place the thing with the microwave and turn it on.
- There will be a lot of steam. Therefore, take out jeans every five minutes, shake, cool and fold the furniture inward again.
- Repeat until all moisture has evaporated.
On heating appliances
A heating battery and any electric heater will do. Just lay the jeans on the radiator and flip them once every five to ten minutes with the wet side down. But keep in mind that you can not bring the thing on the battery to dry completely - it can "sit down". It is better to remove the jeans from the device even a little moist and dry with an iron or hairdryer.
In a tumble dryer
If your home has such a miracle of technology as a drying cabinet - forget everything you read before. Just fold the jeans carefully, put them in the tumble dryer and go do your own thing. In many models of such devices there is a special mode for drying jeans. If your model does not have one, select the mode for cotton. Better yet, read the instructions and choose the most suitable drying mode.
11 care tips
The basis of denim is always cotton or cotton thread. Therefore, denim is unpretentious in operation, but also requires some care. So that the jeans do not “sit down” and do not deform, you need to wash and dry them correctly. A careless attitude can “kill” even a quality thing. Here are 11 tips to extend your beloved jeans life.
- Do not wash in hot water. And especially do not boil. The optimum temperature for washing is 30-40 ℃. Otherwise, the jeans will “sit down”.
- Do not wring out by twisting. That is, you can not squeeze jeans, twisting them into a tourniquet. They will lose shape.
- Do not soak. You risk "losing" the dye and get pants with ugly stains as a result. Plus, accessories can rust and leave “red” marks on clothes.
- Do not use bleach. And even more so do not give the thing dry cleaning. The dye “indigo” is not the most durable and no one knows what the result will be. Typically, jeans are labeled to indicate that dry cleaning is prohibited.
- Hand wash. And if you do not want or can not, then when machine washing, select the delicate mode and spin at low drum speeds. Otherwise, creases in the most inappropriate places may appear on the jeans. And getting rid of them will be impossible.
- Twist and fasten. Before washing, fasten all the zippers and buttons and turn the jeans inside out. So you save the form of clothes and do not “lose” the fittings.
- Do not overdry. This will make your jeans stand up.
- Do not bend your legs when drying. It will then be difficult to get rid of the kinks. Better put your pants on a flat surface and let them dry. If you decide to hang, then fasten the jeans "upside down" with clothespins for the edges of the legs.
- Dry in the shade and in the draft. In the sun, jeans quickly fade. And constant streams of air contribute to the speedy drying of things.
- Ironing - at the lowest temperature. And only from the wrong side. And only through gauze or cotton fabric. Denim quickly wears out of a hot iron and loses its shape.
- Follow manufacturer's recommendations. Each product has a label with recommendations for care. Do not cut it off immediately after purchase - improper handling will be detrimental to your favorite thing.
All the tips described above on how to quickly dry jeans at home allow you to achieve the desired result within an hour, and if you successfully combine them, you can manage faster. But do not forget that these are emergency drying methods and are not suitable for continuous use.
Which method is better: reviews
Oh, it’s for sure written about the oven. Such odorous jeans were then))) I had to wash and then dry again, now it's normal :)
A guest,
Sometimes you just need to dry a thing very quickly. And jeans, they, for some reason, generally dry for a very long time. But in this case I always save myself with an iron. The quicker ironed and everything was dry. Not for any fabric, however, such a drying method is suitable, but so far no jeans have been burned yet)))
If there is a breeze heater, then hang the jeans by the trouser legs so that the waist is at the bottom, set the breeze so that it blows vertically up and as close to the jeans as possible (on the stool you can) and straighten the trousers so that the air passes through the “pipes”. Well, iron several times, alternating with the breeze
I tried to dry in the oven. Super!!! Fast and efficient. At first I was afraid, so I set the temperature to 80 degrees. But she opened the oven and pulled out jeans often, afraid to ruin them. This method is better than blow dry.