5 secrets to quickly get rid of nicotine addiction at home

How to quit smoking quickly at home? Is it possible to do without medical help? How to part with cigarettes? Let's talk about the main issues that smokers face when saying goodbye to a bad habit.
How to quit smoking

When we ask how to quit smoking quickly and effectively on our own, we often hear: it’s not easy, it’s very difficult, it’s impossible not to do without plasters or electronic cigarettes ... As a result, a vicious circle is formed. It seems to be with a bad addiction I want to say goodbye, but everyone says how difficult it is. I guess I can’t do it ...

The main thing is motivation!

Such a psychological attitude is the main mistake on the way to getting rid of cigarettes. Before you decide to quit smoking quickly at home, you need to clearly understand: do you really want to. If you made such a decision under pressure from loved ones who regularly “saw” you, how harmful it is and how bad it affects you, but you don’t want to stop smoking, you won’t succeed. No need to even try. Therefore, first answer yourself 3 questions:

  1. Do I want to do this?
  2. Why do I need this?
  3. How will my life change after giving up cigarettes?

And to make it easier for you to answer these questions, pay attention to the following information. When the last cigarette goes to the "junk" in your body:

  • lower blood pressure to normal - after 30 minutes;
  • the level of oxygen in the blood normalizes - in just 10 hours;
  • blood circulation and blood supply to the brain and heart will improve - after 24 hours;
  • there will be a sensation of smells and tastes - after 3 days;
  • the sugary, bad breath, skin, hair will disappear after 5 days;
  • complexion improves - after 7 days;
  • cough will go away, sudden headache and chronic fatigue will disappear, it will become easier to breathe! - after 30 days;
  • there will be a craving for movement, sports, active life - after 6 months;
  • the risk of coronary heart disease will be reduced by 2 times - after 1 year;
  • the risk of developing lung cancer will be 10 times lower than a smoker who consumes a pack of cigarettes a day - after 5 years.

These numbers will help you find the right motivation, why and how to quit smoking at home. And the advice of psychologists and folk remedies for quitting smoking will help to quickly get rid of the habit and help restore the body.

Girl breaks a cigarette

Where to start: 5 tips

When the decision is made, it's time to think about how to quit smoking at home. And here the fun begins. All you need is ... stop smoking. Everything! Once and for all!

  1. Throw away, tear, cut cigarettes, send them to the chute or toilet. Throw away ashtrays, lighters, matches. Get rid of everything that is a symbolic sign of bad habit for you. Remove these items from the desktop in the office. Wash things, bathe - get rid of the smell that accompanies you.
  2. Do not follow the “specialists” recommending a gradual refusal of cigarettes. He does not work! Throw right away, in an instant! If you stretch the “pleasure”, it will last for a long time and will return again. Failure must be instantaneous.
  3. Do not use “special” products, such as patches or coding for smoking at home. They are just a way to show how much you are not ready to say goodbye to a cigarette. If you have a clear motivation, you do not need any helpers.
  4. Do not be afraid that a sharp rejection of cigarettes will “spoil” something inside you. Many pregnant women claim that they can’t give up smoking, because the child will suffer, because nicotine, supposedly, is embedded somewhere in the body and without it in any way.This is all a lie, a typical “excuse” for a person who is forced to quit smoking. It is impossible to imagine more harm than you do to yourself with every cigarette. And even more so, a sharp rejection of the habit will not cause any disturbances, on the contrary, it will become an opportunity to renew the body.
  5. Create the necessary psychological conditions. Think about what cigarettes are for you? If with the usual morning cup of coffee, give it up for a while, and start drinking tea. If with friendly gatherings with beer, for a month or two, change your lifestyle, do not drink beer and do not drink alcohol at all. Of course, you shouldn’t stop talking with friends, but you can loudly declare “I don’t smoke!”, But it’s better to argue with someone from your comrades that in the next 10 years you will not touch a cigarette. Argue for something valuable. Your task is to break the rituals associated with smoking. And to form new ones, where there will be no more space for cigarettes.
Be consistent in your actions, and most importantly - be proud that you were able to quickly quit smoking at home. In the future, help the body get rid of the consequences of a bad habit.

What to do next?

The first question that worries after giving up cigarettes is how to clear the smoker's lungs at home. It is important to understand that not only respiratory organs, but also other body systems suffered from the poison. If you are not bothered by a suffocating cough and pain in the heart, you can not go to the doctors. It is enough to drink as much fluid as possible so that the poisonous substances come out with urine and sweat.

When you consume at least 2 liters of water per day, the lungs will receive enough moisture to form sputum, which will remove substances that have settled on the surface of the alveoli. Breathing exercises that help cough up fetid sputum are also helpful. You can use folk remedies: aromatic inhalations with needles, the use of herbal teas from chamomile and oregano, the use of oats with milk.

The effectiveness of these funds will increase outdoor walks, mandatory humidification at home during the heating season. To create a favorable environment in the apartment will help regular ventilation, the use of a humidifier or daily wet cleaning.

Dear users!

The materials on this page are for informational purposes and are intended for educational purposes only. Please do not use them as medical recommendations! Before any action, get a specialist consultation.

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