The content of the article
The oblique or lateral muscles of the peritoneum are responsible for turning the torso to the sides and its inclinations. The largest is visible in the presence of inflated muscles - it goes from the chest to the lower abdomen. Others (total of 3) are not visually guessed. The importance of these muscles is not only in ensuring our mobility, but also in giving contours to the body. The condition of your waist depends on how much attention you pay to the question of how to pump obliques in the abs.
Athletes of disciplines who need frequent body tilts, participants in contact fights (boxing, kickboxing and other martial arts), weightlifters need regular exercises for the press and sides. They should also be given attention to men who have noticed the appearance of a “beer belly”. The technique for doing oblique abs exercises is the same for men and women. The difference is that men should use the extra load, but the ladies should not.
Exercise complex
It will not be possible to train and pump the sides at home in a different way, because it is quite difficult to use them in training. You should not perform exercises for the press on a bench or other simulators: oblique muscles are the most "budget", they do not need any investments. Practice at home and get fast results!
Starting position - standing
- Spread your legs wide, slightly bend at the knees. Put your hands on the back of your head. Tilt left, right. Do not rotate the housing.
- Legs are straight, palms are again on the back of the head. Rotate the casing in a "sinusoid": swing from a small angle to 90 ° and again return to the small one.
- Get your right foot behind your left. At this time, raise your left hand and stretch to the right. Repeat the other way.
Starting position - sitting
- Stretch your legs forward, hands up.
- Perform a tilt, try to reach your feet with your hands. But stretch in turn: either to the right foot, then to the left. To enhance the result, turn the housing towards the tilt.
Starting position - lying
- Bend your knees, turn them to the right and hold the ball between your hips. Hands to the back of the head. Lift up the body, leaving the lower back pressed to the floor. Then turn your legs to the left and repeat.
- Raise your legs bent at the knees in a direction away from the chin, as if you want to touch the knee of the shoulder.
- Bend your knees, with your right heel rest against your left knee. Place your left hand on the back of your head, and place your right hand on your hip. Tighten your abs and stretch your left elbow to your right knee. Repeat the opposite.
5 nuances of training
To understand how pumping the lateral muscles of the press works, the following points should be considered.
- If you are just starting out, take your time. Enough will be 2 sets of 4-8 exercises each. The number of repetitions should be increased gradually.
- If this is not your first time swinging your side press, you can start the exercise with 4 approaches.. Each should have at least 25 repetitions for each side.
- Exercise with dumbbells for the press should be only for men, to prevent the growth of waist muscles. The task of women is to maximize stretch these muscles to provide them with tone and elasticity.
- If you plan to perform a twisting exercise for the abs on the simulator, be sure to consult your instructor. He will pick up an individual complex that meets your physical form.
- Do not expect to be able to pump up the press in 1 week. During this time, you only accustom the muscles to the load, and only within the next month or two will notice the result. Set your training frequency to 3 per week.
Training preparation
To increase the effectiveness of classes and avoid injuries, prepare for training.
- Do a warm-up to warm your muscles. As a “warm-up”, jumping rope, running on the spot or in the hall, a small warm-up on a stationary bike and even a couple of minutes of fiery dances are optimal.
- Do not exercise on an empty stomach or after eating. Feeling of hunger, as well as satiety, will not allow you to work at full strength. The ideal time for a snack is 2 hours before the planned classes.
- Do exercises, but there is no sensation of muscle tension? So, you missed something and are doing wrong. Review the description of the exercises and try again. If we are talking about constant training, then it's time to increase the load: add weight to a man, a woman - to complicate the task.
- Fatigue quickly? This is normal. Regular training will increase your body's stamina, and fatigue will not come in the first 10 minutes.
- To ensure the effectiveness of the complex, perform exercises in several approaches. Alternate them: first do everything in a standing position according to one approach, repeat them in turn. Go to the complex while sitting and lying down.
- Is the training over? Do not rush to the kitchen. Let your body recover without stress on your digestive tract. The optimal time for a snack is 1 hour after class. In the meantime, if you are very hungry, chew an apple or drink a glass of water.
After a month of training, the relief of your abdomen will become better. A month later - perfect! You have something to strive for, especially since now you know how to pump the side press correctly.