- Natalia, having such an experience behind you, you can note: are there any trends in modern cosmetology?
- Of course have. Safety and naturalness are the main trends. New technologies, new drugs in cosmetology are now being created in such a way as not to cause irreversible changes in the skin. Naturalness is also about the technique of correcting volumes, facial contours, facial wrinkles. Nowadays, huge lips and a complete lack of facial expressions are considered bad taste, which I admit is very pleasing. A person after visiting a beautician should look refreshed, rejuvenated, attractive.
If we talk about trends in the use of cosmetic services, it seems to me that men have begun to pay more attention to themselves. And that's great. In general, I can note that the problem of skin care has ceased to be as acutely gender as it was several years ago. Cosmetology today exists not only for women, men are increasingly resorting to the services of a cosmetologist. Also, teenagers with acne began to turn on time. More often it happens this way: mom comes - leads the child. Family cosmetology is characteristic of modern cosmetology, and it pleases.
- When do I need to go to the beautician and why?
- In general, ideally, a person from an early age should develop the correct hygiene habits, which in the future will have a positive effect on his skin condition. First of all, it is a habit to look after yourself. A person should know that he needs full skin cleansing. As soon as the puberty period begins, you should immediately pay attention to it. After all, the hormonal background begins to change, acne eruptions appear. Moreover, if earlier patients came to me from the age of 14, today such problems have been observed since 11 years. It is important to teach the child to properly care for the skin: wash, wipe the face with lotion by skin type. As a rule, this is enough. If your skin is dry, you need a moisturizing lotion. If problematic skin is a lotion that normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Proper hygiene leads to the fact that all teenage changes are much easier.
If you explain everything to the child in time, teach him to eat right, take good care of the skin, then teenage acne will most likely go away easily. Proper skin care is important. If the problem develops more seriously - there are many rashes - you need to contact a specialist. A cosmetologist-dermatologist will be able to choose the right treatment. Today there are drugs that allow you to fight acne of any severity and completely get rid of it - for example, Roaccutane gives amazing results in the treatment of severe acne, but you can only treat such serious drugs under the supervision of a dermatologist.
- How to change facial care with age?
- It all depends on the type of skin.Most often after 25 years, in order to prevent the first wrinkles, you need to pay attention to skin care. You can come to the beautician from time to time, not forgetting that the most important thing is the right basic home care.
As a rule, the first wrinkles appear by the age of 30 and after. Then you can think about the first care products with anti-aging effect - today there are a lot of them in pharmacy lines, in professional lines, as well as in the mass market. Hyaluronic acid comes to the forefront in care, it is a good moisturizer and restorer of those skin structures that are responsible for its tone. It is important to know that excess ultraviolet radiation leads to premature aging of the skin and the appearance of neoplasms on it. Fortunately, today aristocratic pallor returns to fashion, people stop abusing tanning salons.
- But many people advise to dry it in case of problem skin?
- Drying your skin using UV light with health benefits is possible only in the fresh air under a moderate amount of real sunlight. A tanning bed is a wrong, too aggressive and harmful effect.
So, back to leaving. After 30 years, depending on the indications, you can think about regular care by a cosmetologist once every 2–4 weeks: this allows you to observe the skin and notice and correct some points. Mesotherapy, biorevitalization, plasmolifting, contour plastic surgery - we begin to use these techniques according to indications after 30 years.
After 30 years, the nasolabial fold becomes deeper, facial wrinkles gradually form on the forehead, next to the interbrow fold. If there are indications, they can be corrected. The main thing is not to miss the moment when facial wrinkles leave a deep mark on the skin, which is more difficult to fix.
- What methods are used to correct age-related changes?
- There are a lot of them. Hardware techniques, laser correction, thread lifting, mesothreads, mesotherapy, biorevitalization, fillers, botulinum toxins, plasmolifting. I repeat that the effect of drugs and injections on the skin should be as safe and reversible as possible: everything that we inject should not leave gross, irreversible changes in the skin. Fillers (fillers) based on hyaluronic acid have particularly succeeded in this. We have an enzyme in our body that breaks down this acid, and after a while it disappears, significantly improving the skin structure at the injection site.
“But fillers are not enough to correct wrinkles?”
- Each drug has its own “target” in terms of exposure. “Nursing” cosmetic procedures, products for home use affect the most superficial layer of the skin. But mesotherapy, biorevitalization, plasmolifting are techniques that act on deeper skin structures, improve reparative processes in the skin, and cell work. But it is precisely wrinkles and especially deep wrinkles that cannot be fixed.
Therefore, to eliminate them, it is necessary to relax the facial muscles responsible for a particular area, and for this, botulinum toxins are used. Today, five botulinum toxins of various production are registered in Russia: Botox (USA), Dysport (France), Xeomin (Germany), Lantox (China) and Relatox (Russia).In order for a specialist to introduce botulinum toxin to a patient, he must have a certificate for the right to carry out this technique and have full knowledge of this, this allows him to correctly assess the situation and not get complications.
- Are there any risks when using injection techniques?
- Of course, there are risks, therefore, it is possible to enter the drug only with certified specialists, because there are a huge number of subtleties and complexities necessary for a natural and beautiful result. For each drug there must be a certificate of conformity, and for each bottle.
To correct deeper wrinkles formed due to a lack of volume between the skin and muscle, we use fillers, in this case they act as a “filler”, for example, to correct the nasolabial folds.
Each face has a so-called triangle of youth, which in youth is turned upside down, but with age, under the influence of gravity and weakening muscle tone, the triangle drops base down. Hence the slightly lowered corners of the eyes, the slightly sagging cheeks extending below the level of the chin, the lowering of the corners of the lips. The effect is "tired face". In this case, contouring using hyaluronic acid fillers gives an amazing effect. In my opinion, today it is one of the most interesting areas in cosmetology.
- On the Internet there are many options for home care using folk remedies: masks from vegetables, essential oils and so on. Could such a care be a complete replacement for cosmetology?
- In general, I am a supporter of the belief that if a person likes to care for his face in this way, then let him do it. You just need to understand why he is applying this or that remedy and on which zone. And of course, this is not effective enough - rather, just a pleasant bonus to the care of traditional and professional. Masks made from vegetables, fruits, grape seed oil, shea butter or organ tree oil are safe and truly beneficial. But if a person read on the Internet that hormonal ointment can be applied to the skin of the eyelids and wrinkles will pass, it will do nothing but harm.
- Surely most people who avoid cosmetologist services today believe that proper and professional skin care is expensive. Is it so?
- I believe that this should not be too cheap. In high-quality cosmetics, the basic compositions to which the active ingredients are added should be very good. If the cream costs 30 rubles, I doubt its quality. The use of such cosmetics is fraught with the appearance of inflammatory and allergic reactions on the skin.
- And yet, our skin is a reflection of the internal processes of the body. Are there people who do not need the services of a cosmetologist throughout their lives?
- Indeed, the skin reflects the state of human health, because many diseases have their manifestations on it. Healthy body - healthy skin. Equally important is genetics. If a person is fortunate enough to be born with good skin that looks beautiful and does not require care until old age, this is more likely a rarity and exception. There are those who use home remedies for care - and this is enough. But once again I repeat that this is rather an exception to the rule. We live in a rather difficult climatic zone (exposure to cold and wind, temperature changes), plus stress, poor nutrition, smoking negatively affect the skin condition. You just need to help her in time, protect, strengthen her. And she will answer, shine and be beautiful.
“And at the end of the conversation, tell us a secret: how do you manage to look so amazing?” What is the secret to your skin care?
- Thank you very much, it's nice to hear. There is no secret. Daily home skin care, sports, proper nutrition.The most important thing is still positive emotions. Smile more often and don't be upset over trifles!