How to remove chewing gum from clothes at home clean sticky gum from trousers
How to remove chewing gum from clothes: “hot” and “cold” methods. What solvents help, and how to remove stubborn stains. The choice of product according to the type of fabric: what suits the jacket and what suits jeans.
How to wash grass from jeans how to wash jeans from grass stains
How to wash grass from jeans: we get rid of fresh and stubborn spots on light and dark pants. Recipes stain removers from improvised means. How to use salt, soda, vinegar and ammonia. When ordinary boiling water helps.
How to remove tar from clothes how to clean wood tar stain from a jacket
How to remove tar from clothing with improvised means. Why do we need a knife and a freezer. Recipes for home stain removers for different types of fabrics. Five tips on how to wash coniferous resin without ruining the thing.
How to wash tulle: what organza requires, ways to please kapron and what does green
How to bleach tulle at home: different ways for different types of curtains. Stain removal with brilliant green, blue, salt, citric acid and hydrogen peroxide. How to starch and smooth without iron.
How to remove grass from clothes how to remove a stain from greens on different types of fabric
How to wash grass from clothes: products for cotton and synthetics, for wool and silk. Ways to save from green stains of jeans and a white T-shirt. Seven tips for improving stain remover performance.