Treatment of chlamydia in women: rules, drugs, prognosis

Chlamydia - intracellular parasites that have similarities with viruses and bacteria. These are absolute pathogens - normal in any tissues and human cells they should not be. Symptoms of chlamydia in women and men are dim, and the consequences of untreated infection are serious. What are the most accurate diagnostic methods for infection and how to get rid of chlamydia forever?
Gynecologist consultation

Some believe that chlamydia is in the body constantly, and is activated at the moment of weakening of the immune system. If this is observed, this is direct evidence that the treatment regimen was ineffective or not fully completed. Chlamydia does not live long in cells, it is simply difficult to cure them. How is chlamydia manifested in women, and what to do with it?

What kind of infection

Chlamydia - microorganisms with intracellular parasitism. Their life cycle is complex and includes a period of exit from the cells and tissues where they are located. It is at this point that you can get rid of chlamydia. They have a life cycle of about 48-72 hours, so the most effective treatment is at least seven days of taking antibacterial agents. There are many types of chlamydia. Human diseases can cause the following:

  • chlamydia trachomatis - Chlamydia trachomatis lives in the genitourinary tract in men and women, causing inflammation, can spread throughout the body with the occurrence of appropriate complications (arthritis, conjunctivitis);
  • chlamydia pneumonia - Chlamydia pneumoniae is found in the respiratory tract, causing atypical pneumonia most often in young people.
Speaking of chlamydial infection, Chlamydia trachomatis is usually implied. According to ICD-10, they are classified under the code A55-56. Respiratory chlamydia has a different transmission route (airborne). For ICD-10, chlamydia has the heading J16. The principles of treatment and the drugs used for infection with any type of chlamydia are the same.


An important feature of chlamydia is the following:

  • are inside the cells - most part of time;
  • able to go into L-forms - which are “hidden” from the immune system;
  • L-forms are easily activated - with a decrease in the body's defenses.

Transmission ways

Only Chlamydia pneumonia is transmitted by airborne droplets. Therefore, infection can occur through contact with a sick person or an asymptomatic carrier. Chlamydia trachomatis is found in human biological fluids - vaginal discharge, urethra. Infection occurs through close contact with this material. The following transmission routes are possible:

  • sexual - in 99% of cases, infection occurs in this way, it can be vaginal, anal, oral and other types of intimate relationships;
  • household - characteristic of infecting young children from sick parents, while they have conjunctivitis, vulvites (in girls);
  • public - it is theoretically possible infection in baths, saunas, however, the likelihood of an active infection with this route of infection is minimal (when swimming in pools, chlamydia is not transmitted).
The main mode of transmission is unprotected, promiscuous sex. At the time of sexual intercourse, a man and a woman may not complain, visually the disease may also be invisible. Therefore, it is important to treat each partner as potentially dangerous for chlamydia infection.

Symptoms of chlamydia in women

Symptoms of chlamydia in women proceed as acute or chronic adnexitis. Less often, colpitis appears in the first place by signs of inflammation, since these pathogens cannot multiply in the acidic environment of the vagina and are inactive when the vaginal mucosa is in the squamous epithelium. Severe chlamydial colpitis occurs only during pregnancy, in adolescence, with hormonal disorders and in menopause. Sometimes there is a latent form of the disease without obvious signs.

Genital infection

The main complaints with genital lesions are as follows.

  • Discharge. Chlamydia is characterized by creamy, non-abundant discharge. They can irritate the vulva, perineum and labia, causing itching and burning. The rash is uncharacteristic for this form of chlamydia.
  • Bad smell. Chlamydia is often accompanied by bacterial vaginosis due to a disturbance in the flora, so an unpleasant "fishy" odor is added.
  • Pain A woman may be disturbed by periodic pulling pains in the lower abdomen and lower back, discomfort during an intimate relationship. Often, symptoms intensify during menstruation.
The erased clinic of chlamydial infection is an obstacle to the early diagnosis of the disease and timely treatment. Therefore, women at risk need regular examinations even without obvious complaints.

Mouth damage

With oral sexual contact (extremely rarely through wounds in the oral cavity when using the same dishes with a sick person), the development of oral chlamydia is possible. In this case, the following set of symptoms occurs:

  • nasal congestion;
  • hard crusts in the nasal passages;
  • thick sticky mucus on the back of the pharynx;
  • white coating on the tongue;
  • bad fish smell from the mouth;
  • the formation of ulcers in the tongue and oral mucosa;
  • lack of purulent raids on the tonsils.
Oral chlamydia is characteristic of women with immunodeficiency conditions. For example, with HIV, hepatitis, blood diseases.

Reuters Syndrome

Reiter's disease is characterized by damage to the joints and mucous membranes of the eyes. Symptoms appear no earlier than a month after infection. Sometimes the first signs of chlamydia in this form occur after several years.
The following are characteristic:

  • arthritis - inflammation of the joints (usually knee) with severe pain, swelling;
  • conjunctivitis - Usually this is a bilateral eye lesion that goes away even without treatment within a week.

Additionally, a rash may appear on the genitals, palms and soles of the feet. Often the picture is worn out, which greatly complicates the diagnosis. Therefore, young girls and guys with the appearance of pain in the joints are assigned a full examination for chlamydia.

When can you suspect

A mandatory examination for chlamydia should be carried out in the following cases:

  • with recurrent colpitis
  • in case of bacterial vaginosis;
  • with infertility;
  • when installed cervicitis (inflammation in the cervix);
  • with an atypical course of pneumonia, oral cavity;
  • with suspected Reiter's disease;
  • with pathology of gestation (miscarriages, frozen pregnancies).

How to detect

Conventional smears and oncocytology, which are carried out in consultations, do not reveal chlamydia. According to the results, you can only suspect active inflammation and prescribe an additional examination. Diagnosis of chlamydia in women involves the following studies.

Polymerase chain reaction

With the right analysis, it is the most informative method. PCR shows whether there are currently active chlamydia in the test material. For the most reliable study, a PCR-real-time study is recommended. Its main difference is high sensitivity, the minimum probability of false-positive results on part of the membranes or intracellular structures of chlamydia.

Material sampling (scraping with Volkman's spoon) is carried out from the urethra, cervical canal, posterior vaginal fornix.If necessary, any biological fluids of a person can be examined - urine, saliva, scraping from the tonsils, posterior pharyngeal wall. Recommendations for obtaining a reliable analysis result are as follows:

  • refrain from intimate relationships 48 hours before analysis;
  • do not douche on the eve;
  • carry out the latest hygiene activities the night before;
  • do not take antibiotics three weeks before the test;
  • do not urinate two to three hours before the smears.

Sometimes in different clinics during the study on PCR chlamydia, different, sometimes contradictory, results are obtained. The case may be as follows:

  • different sensitivity of reagents - therefore, it is better to choose "proven" centers;
  • false positive results - the PCR method "takes" for the presence of chlamydia even the detection of particles of their genetic material that could remain after a course of treatment, therefore it is important to maintain the time period after treatment and give preference to real-time PCR;
  • re-infection - if you do not follow the recommendations for the prevention of infection during treatment, you can get sick again.

Vaginal smear tube

Linked immunosorbent assay

The ELISA method (enzyme immunoassay) allows you to detect not the chlamydia themselves, but the presence of antibodies to them. But according to its results, one can indirectly judge the presence of infection and the activity of inflammation. The following types of immunoglobulins are determined by ELISA:

  • Ig M - are formed in the acute phase of inflammation, their presence indicates active chlamydia;
  • Ig A - are formed in the subacute period of infection;
  • Ig G - circulate in the blood throughout life, are an indicator of an infection.

Only a specialist can correctly interpret the result and determine the need for treatment. Sample data are presented in the table.

Table - How to analyze if there is chlamydia

PCR resultIFA - Ig MELISA - Ig GDo I need treatment
DiscoveredPositiveNegative- active infection;
- treatment is necessary
DiscoveredPositivePositive- Subacute period of infection;
- treatment is necessary
DiscoveredNegativePositive- "Old" infection;
- treatment is necessary
Not detectedNegativePositive- Once transferred chlamydia;
- no treatment needed
Not detectedNegativeNegativeThere is no infection and never was

The determination of the presence of chlamydia according to the results of an ELISA study is fraught with overdiagnosis. Especially if the titer is determined only Ig G, which can be detected throughout life in a woman who once suffered an infection.

Sometimes you can come across a concept such as "chlamydia in the blood." In this case, it does not mean the detection of pathogens, but the detection of antibodies to them. “Chlamydia in the blood” is a non-medical concept, it does not reflect the course of the infectious process, and no treatment can be prescribed for it.


Chlamydia plating is not used in routine examination methods due to the fact that it is an extremely expensive and time-consuming process, it is difficult to establish its mass screening. However, according to its results, one can study the sensitivity of microbes to various antibiotics.


Urogenital chlamydia is dangerous for the following complications for a woman:

  • cervical dysplasia;
  • chronic endometritis;
  • chronic salpingo-oophoritis;
  • obstruction of the fallopian tubes;
  • pronounced adhesion process in the pelvis;
  • chronic pelvic pain;
  • infertility;
  • Reiter's disease;
  • chlamydial peritonitis and abscesses.

During pregnancy, chlamydia is fraught with pathologies:

  • non-developing pregnancy;
  • interruption at different times;
  • intrauterine infection of the child;
  • congenital chlamydial infection of the eyes and pneumonia in the baby.

It is important to identify the infection at the planning stage, undergo a full course of treatment and only after that try to get pregnant.

Vaginal tablet in the palm of your hand


The main drugs for the treatment of chlamydia are antibiotics. Moreover, drugs of a wide spectrum of action are used.Often, women take them to treat urinary tract infections, after a complicated course of the flu, with pneumonia, otitis media, sinusitis. As a result, after some time, once transferred chlamydia can be detected, which was treated “at the same time”. Folk remedies can not cure the infection - you can only reduce symptoms and discomfort for a while.


The treatment regimen and combination of drugs is prescribed by the doctor individually. Often this is a combination of two or more antibiotics, which you can take on your own at home. Used drugs are presented in the table.

Table - Treatment regimens for acute and chronic chlamydia

Active substanceCommercial nameSchemes and doses
Doxycycline- “Unidox Solutab”;
- "Vibramycin";
- "Doxycycline"
100 mg twice daily for 10 days
Azithromycin- "Azikar";
- “Sumamed”;
- "Sumatrolide";
- "Azithromycin"
1 g twice or thrice with an interval of 7 days
ErythromycinErythromycin500 mg every 6 hours for 5-7 days
Amoxicillin- "Amoklav";
- "Flemoxin";
- Amosin
500 mg 2-3 times a day for 10-14 days
Josamycin- "Wilprafen";
- “Josamycin”
- 500 mg 3 times a day for a week;
- 1000 mg 2 times a day for a week
Ofloxacin- "Tarid";
- “Zanocin”;
- Ofloxacin
400 mg 2 times a day for 7-10 days
Clarithromycin- “Clarithromycin”;
- "Klacid";
- "Fromilin";
- Clubax
500 mg 2 times a day for 7-10 days

Additionally, the following drugs can be prescribed, especially in cases of constant (persistent) infection:

  • enzymatic - enhance the effect of antibiotics, are prevention of adhesions ("Wobenzym", "Longidaza»);
  • candles - for local rehabilitation and removal of unpleasant symptoms (Pozhinaks,Terzhinan"," Clindacin ");
  • anti-candidiasis - the use of antibiotics can lead to candidiasis of the intestines and vagina, therefore, for the prevention, a single dose of "Fluconazole" is prescribed;
  • to protect the liver - all drugs are destroyed in the liver, hepatoprotectors (Harsil) can be used if necessary to protect the organ.

Remediation of a sexual partner

If chlamydia is detected in one of the partners, the second one can not even be examined - it is necessary to treat it. For the duration of therapy, it is necessary to refrain from intimate relationships, in extreme cases - use a condom.

Sexual contact is allowed to resume only after a negative control result on chlamydia three to four weeks after the end of treatment. The resumption of relationships earlier can lead to re-infection (one partner can be cured, and the other can’t, even with the same schemes), chronization of the process and the transition of chlamydia into “inaccessible” L-forms.

During pregnancy

It is necessary to treat chlamydia during pregnancy, following the general recommendations. The only thing is that while carrying a limited range of drugs. The most effective and safest is considered to be "Josamycin", the treatment "Azithromycin"," Amoxicillin "at specific times.

Gynecological chair

Healing Control

In order to prevent the dangerous consequences of chlamydia for women, it is important not only to treat the infection, but also to conduct a control study after a course of therapy. There are two ways to do this.

  • PCR. An informative study is not earlier than three to four weeks after the end of the course of taking antibiotics. Material sampling should be carried out from those places where chlamydia was found. It is better to use the PCR-real-time method.
  • IFA in dynamics. This option should be used when it is not possible to pass PCR. For the reliability of the result, it is important to determine Ig M and Ig G with an interval of two to three weeks. But the result does not show that there is no chlamydia at all - you can only track the positive dynamics and suggest the effectiveness of the treatment.


To prevent chlamydia, like any genital infection, the following sexual literacy requirements should be observed:

  • use condoms for protection;
  • abandon promiscuous sexual intercourse;
  • in case of complaints, be examined by a doctor;
  • in public places (baths, saunas) use personal hygiene items.

Chlamydia refers to sexually transmitted infections, which almost always have unpleasant consequences for a woman. Photo reviews confirm that pipe infertility is diagnosed in 80% of cases of pathology, you can read them on the forum. Illiterate and incomplete treatment of chlamydia in women leads to frequent relapses.


Recently I decided to undergo a full examination. I took tests in a private clinic, a young man a little later, in the police department (he always passes there). They found ureaplasma, prescribed treatment, I bought all the drugs for 3 thousand rubles. Later came tests of my young man, he has chlamydia. His doctor said that even if one finds this disease, they will still prescribe treatment for both partners, even if I do not separately test them. The treatment said the same as ureaplasma. I started to embed candles genferon, then I'll start antibiotics. I’m scared for the consequences and I’m afraid it would not have been treated the second time. After all, it is difficult to bring it out.


The girls began to bother me with discharge, they became odorous over time, and I could not imagine that my fiancé (former) awarded me ... I went to a free womens consultation at Kolomenskaya. passed tests, chlamydia found in strong form ... large numbers .. prescribed terzhinan nystatin and doccycline and hilacforte, in general, I drank for almost 2 weeks .. 3-4 tablets a day and inserted candles .. after taking doccycline or nystatin, and I took them together .. my condition worsened .. almost to nausea .. I went to bed and I almost drooled)))) in general I didn’t like to endure this condition, I quit and didn’t heal .. now I understand that I need to go to the doctor again and tell about this problem that the medications apparently do not suit me, but already scary .. I was tormented by (((((((((((((((


They found me once. was treated with her husband. after 6 months again found, spat on shame and went to the ven.despancer. they explained that it can be worn for years and the more you wear the more difficult the treatment. drank, medicines, pricked injections, took vitamins in parallel. they spent a lot of money, but uprooted. for four years now they haven’t revealed anything. and I’m handing over the deposits regularly, the profession obliges me. Find a good doctor, and he will already tell when to take it and what exactly. good luck.


When chlamydia and herpes were confirmed in a smear and blood, there were no manifestations at all. In general, I went to take tests for prevention, I always hand over once a year. There may be some kind of discomfort there, mucous discharge ... yes, there is nothing really so terrible ... But these can be manifestations of any other infection.
Chlamydia then in principle often does not manifest itself in any way, it only destroys everything. And now I plan B and want to check.


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