"Analgin": is it worth it to drink cheap pain medication
Instructions for use "Analgin." What pain eliminates. Why is banned in a number of countries. How to take in tablets, ampoules and suppositories. From what age are prescribed for children. Side effects. Reviews
Treatment table No. 4 and its varieties: how to eat with intestinal disorders
Therapeutic diet No. 4 for intestinal disorders. The basic principles of the diet. Calorie content and chemical composition. What can and cannot be eaten. Varieties of the table number 4. Examples of the menu. Reviews about the effectiveness.
Diet for diarrhea in an adult and a child: ways to stop an upset diet
Diet for diarrhea: which foods will aggravate unpleasant symptoms. The list of allowed dishes and the main rules of nutrition for diarrhea. Features of the diet with a combination of diarrhea and vomiting. Sample menu.
Treatment table No. 3: for the intestines to work like a clock
Therapeutic diet No. 3: efficacy for constipation. General principles of nutrition in the framework of table No. 3. Table of allowed foods and dishes. What kind of food should not be consumed. Examples of the daily menu.
Treatment table number 2: how to eat with gastritis, enteritis and colitis
Therapeutic diet No. 2: to whom it is shown and what gives the effect. General principles of special nutrition. A table of allowed products and a list of dishes that will have to be abandoned. Three examples of a daily menu.
What is the danger of sibutramine, and how to take drugs based on it for weight loss
Instructions for use sibutramine for weight loss. What preparations contain the substance. The mechanism of weight loss. The scheme of admission. What is dangerous sibutramine. Can I drink while planning a pregnancy.
Candles "Polygynax": how the remedy against inflammation "feminine"
Instructions for the use of suppositories "Polygynax" for inflammation of the vagina. The mechanism of action of the drug. Indications and contraindications. What side effects are likely. Terms of use, duration of treatment and prevention.
"Pimafucin": the benefits of an antifungal drug in the fight against thrush
Instructions for use "Pimafucin", the composition and principle of action, the benefits of the drug. When appointed. The right dosage. Adverse reactions and contraindications. Is it possible during pregnancy. Analogs Reviews
Zalain: can a single candle completely eliminate the symptoms of thrush
Instructions for use "Zalain": composition and principle of action, advantages over other drugs. Indications, contraindications. Features of the use of cream and candles. Side effects. Analogs Reviews
"Fluoxetine": is it worth it to use an antidepressant for weight loss
Instructions for use "Fluoxetine": how to use for weight loss, a variety of the drug and dosage. What are the possible consequences of taking. Are tablets compatible with alcohol? Reviews
"Troxevasin": features of the use of capsules and gel for venous pathology
Instructions for the use of "Troxevasin" in the treatment of venous pathologies. What treatment regimens are relevant. Are there any side effects and contraindications. How to replace "Troxevasin". Reviews
"Solcoseryl" for the restoration of tissues and organs: when the drug is prescribed by neurologists, traumatologists and dentists
Instructions for use "Solcoseryl": features of the drug for the restoration of damaged tissues and organs. What diseases are prescribed tablets, gel, injections. Side effects and contraindications. Analogs
Suppositories, tablets and Nystatin ointment: why the forgotten drug is returned
Instructions for use "Nystatin": composition and principle of action of the drug. The main indications. Is it possible for pregnant women. To whom it is contraindicated. Side effects and overdose. Analogs Interaction with other medicines. Reviews
"Azithromycin": will the infection kill with a single dose
Instructions for use "Azithromycin": composition and principle of action of the antibiotic, when used. Treatment regimens. Adverse reactions and complications. Overdose. Interaction with other medicines. Analogs
The drug "Nise" against inflammation, pain and heat
Instructions for use "Nise": tablets and gel. Effectiveness in diseases of the joints, spine, myalgia, toothache and headache. From what age are prescribed for children. Side effects and contraindications.