Table 15, diet general list of products
Therapeutic diet No. 15: calorie content, energy value and the ratio of BZHU. Why table number 15 is called an exception to the rule. Features of the diet of those who do not want to get sick. What foods are prohibited and a list of recommended dishes.
Pills "Furagin": how to get rid of relapses of genitourinary infections
Instructions for use "Furagin": in which cases effective. How is absorbed and excreted from the body. How to take it - before or after a meal. Compatible with alcohol. Side effects. Contraindications
Paste "Fitolizin": a natural cure for diseases of the genitourinary tract
Instructions for use "Fitolizin": in which genitourinary pathologies is the drug effective. What substances determine the effect of the paste. Application scheme. Contraindications and side effects. Reviews
Norbactin tablets: how to use it in case of genitourinary and intestinal infections
Instructions for use "Norbactin": the mechanism of action of the drug and composition. Against what infection and under what pathologies is effective. Side effects and contraindications. Signs of an overdose and first aid.
Nolitsin tablets: a workhorse for the treatment of urinary tract infections
Instructions for use "Nolitsin": dosing for urinary tract infections, gastrointestinal tract. Use during pregnancy and planning. Compatible with alcohol. Contraindications What to do in case of overdose.
Nitroxoline tablets: the effectiveness of treatment with a drug prohibited in the West
Instructions for use "Nitroxoline": in which cases it is effective. The spectrum of activity of the drug. Contraindications The correct dose for children and adults. Is it possible during pregnancy. The combination of drugs with alcohol.
Levomycetin: a backup antibiotic for emergency cases
Instructions for use "Levomycetin": the main indications and contraindications. Why is it dangerous for children and in large doses. Symptoms of an overdose. Methods of using different forms of medication.
"Clotrimazole": will an inexpensive antimycotic help with thrush, mycosis, and lichen
Instructions for use "Clotrimazole": what release forms are suitable for the treatment of candidal vaginitis, foot mycosis, palms, nails, lichen. Use during pregnancy. Indications and contraindications. Analogs
"Miramistin": a role in various fields of medicine, and why it is called a "miracle remedy"
Instructions for use "Miramistin", the composition and principle of action of the drug. How to use for thrush, stomatitis, burns, sore throat, genital infections. Is it possible to treat them during pregnancy. Side effects.
"Macmirror" (tablets, cream, suppositories): use in gynecology, urology and in the pathology of the digestive tract
Instructions for use "Macmirror." Effectiveness with ulcers, giardiasis, thrush, cystitis. What forms are allowed during pregnancy and lactation. Features of taking pills, suppositories and cream for various diagnoses.
Pentalgin tablets: ambulance for pain and spasm
Instructions for use "Pentalgin", and for which pain the most effective drug. What is the difference between Pentalgin Plus, Pentalgin-ICN and Pentalgin N. Contraindications Is it possible to give to children and pregnant women. Reviews
Signs of lactostasis in a nursing mother: how to control lactation and breast size
Symptoms and treatment of lactostasis in a nursing mother. Why is the outflow of milk disrupted. How to determine the pathology at the initial stage.Medical methods of treatment and alternative methods. Prevention Reviews of nursing mothers.
Treatment of cervical inflammation: the rules for selecting a scheme depending on the pathogen
Symptoms of cervicitis of the cervix uteri: how to distinguish between viral, bacterial, atrophic lesions. Rules for the diagnosis. The choice of treatment method depending on the cause of cervical inflammation.
Treatment table No. 8: we regulate a metabolism and we save a figure
Therapeutic diet number 8: the principles of medical weight loss. For whom this food system is developed and to whom it is not recommended. How to speed up metabolism and reduce appetite. What to exclude from the diet. Sample menu in the table, reviews.
Mycoplasma in women: when treatment is needed
Symptoms and treatment of mycoplasmosis in women: how you can get infected and what the infection leads to. Possible complications to the reproductive system. In what cases it is necessary to carry out treatment. What antibiotics are effective.