The alkaline diet menu for the week: the 80 by 20 approach, or the “Miracle” diet from Dr. Young
An alkaline diet and menu building guidelines are recommended. Why is the acidification of the body. What will help an alkaline diet in oncology. Which products increase acidity and which decrease. An example of a weekly menu.
A detailed diet for psoriasis: how to shift the pH to the alkaline side
Diet for psoriasis: what can and cannot be eaten for persistent remission. The basic principles of nutrition for Pegano and Fire. An example of a menu for a day and the rules for compiling a weekly diet.
Diet for high cholesterol: what restrictions does it provide
Diet for high cholesterol: what to remove from the menu, and what you need to include in it. Is it possible to drink alcohol. What is the effect of coffee. Lists of recommended and prohibited products. Reviews
Diet for gastritis: how to build a diet for inflammation of the gastric mucosa
What you can and cannot eat on a diet for gastritis: varieties of "stomach" tables. How to eat in the acute period, without exacerbation, if acidity is increased and decreased. Sample menu.
Acne ointment on the face: a review of pharmacy drugs, and how to choose "your" remedy
Remedies for acne on the face: how to choose an effective one. Composition requirements. List of drugs with antibiotics. Directed medicines. Budget options. How to improve treatment results.
Ointment for resorption of scars and facial scars: types, when and how to use
Ointment for scars and facial scars: which is better. Causes of defects. The composition of the remedies for post-acne. How do "Contractubex", "Dermatics", "Imoferase" and "Solcoseryl". Will the nonsense and Boro Plus help.
Acne spots (post-acne): how to get rid of home remedies and the possibility of hardware cosmetology
How to get rid of post-acne at home, and what are the chances of success. The effectiveness of clay, herbs, mummies, essential oils. Overview of professional techniques: laser treatment, chemical peeling, mesotherapy and plasmolifting.
Facial acne rosacea (rosacea): origin, features, therapy and prognosis of remission
Causes and treatment of rosacea on the face (rosacea). Signs of pathology. Differences from other types of rashes. Therapy and prevention by folk and scientific methods. The prognosis for relapses and consequences. What can not be done with rosacea.
How to quickly get rid of acne on your face at home: the secrets of masking, emergency measures and a competent approach to treating a rash
How to get rid of acne on the face: a professional approach and home life hacks. Rules for the competent treatment of inflammation. Emergency ways to cleanse the skin. Cosmetic tricks to mask the problem for several hours.
Acne on the face of women: for what organs are responsible, and how are the bumps on the forehead connected with fast food
Which organs are responsible for acne on the face: a card. Rash formation pattern. How are diseases and inflammations connected on the lips, forehead, nose, chin. How to understand that the rash is a symptom, and not the result of errors in hygiene.
Subcutaneous acne: causes of internal inflammation on the face and how to get rid of them
Subcutaneous acne on the face: why it appears and how to fight. Does the location of the rash matter. How to safely squeeze out the formation. Treatment with tea tree oil, aloe leaves, retinoic ointment, Isotrexin, Effezelom.
Acne on the tongue white pimple on the tip of the tongue what to do
Causes and treatment of acne on the tongue. Why do red tubercles arise and what is the nature of white. What problems are indicated by brown and black formations.Overview of pharmacy drugs and alternative methods of therapy. Preventive measures.
What causes acne why small pimples appear on the neck
Causes of acne on the neck in women: internal and external factors provocateurs. What pills are prescribed for treatment. Topical pharmaceutical products and folk recipes with aloe, garlic, tar soap. Reviews
Boil in the ear pimples in the ears, what to do
Acne in the ear: why it appears and why it is dangerous. How to treat inflammation in and around the ear. Why do I need antiseptics, what ointments help and what “works” from folk remedies. Is it possible to push, and how to do it right.
Acne on the back of a woman: causes, and how to be treated at home
How to get rid of acne on the back: ointments, therapeutic baths, hygiene and changes in the diet. Ways to determine the cause of the rash. Remedies for purulent and red formations, how to solve the problem of comedones and remove watery bubbles.