Ureaplasmosis in women: symptoms, tests and whether it is necessary to treat
Symptoms and treatment of ureaplasma in women: what kind of bacterium is it, is it dangerous or not, how is it transmitted. Which studies are informative. Do you need therapy, and which one. Why appears again. How to protect yourself.
Treatment of cytomegalovirus: are there any effective drugs, and why is it so dangerous for expectant mothers
Symptoms of cytomegalovirus in women: latent, generalized and localized forms of infection. How to identify and why the virus is especially dangerous for pregnant women. Does immunity to CMV develop. How to recover Prevention
What is frigidity in women: how to establish an intimate life and restore past emotions in a relationship with a husband
Frigidity in women: myths and truth. Causes of sexual coldness. Frigidity "according to Bern." Drug therapy. Psychological help. Alternative methods of treatment. Reviews of women with a problem.
"Polyoxidonium": the use of an immunomodulator in gynecology and not only
Instructions for use "Polyoxidonium": the origin of the drug, its composition and principle of action. Assessment of the immunostimulating potential of "Polyoxidonium", side effects. Indications and contraindications. Storage and doses.
How to use Lyapko's applicator for gastritis, cystitis, colds, childbirth and cellulite
Detailed instructions for using the Lyapko applicator. Unlike the massager Kuznetsov, types of devices. Indications and contraindications. Disease treatment regimens in tables. Effectiveness with cellulite and obesity. Reviews
What contains vitamin B17 (amygdalin): a dangerous toxin or hope for cancer patients
What foods contain vitamin B17, and why the body needs it. Is amygdalin a vitamin, its benefits and harms. How to use the substance, pharmacological preparations with amygdalin. Contraindications, risks, reviews.
Remedies for thrush medicines for women against candidiasis
Effective suppositories for thrush and tablets for candidiasis for oral and vaginal administration. The main groups of drugs, their pros and cons. Additional treatment for thrush. How to deal with the disease during pregnancy and lactation.
Treatment of thrush in women: why itching returns and how to get rid of it forever
Symptoms of thrush in women, features of the disease. Why arises and who more often. How acute and chronic forms manifest. How to identify and confirm. What is dangerous thrush. How to get rid of an illness forever. Prevention
Symptoms of the formation and treatment of polyps in the uterus: in the endometrium and cervix
Symptoms and treatment of polyps in the uterus, in the cervical canal. Why grow and what manifestations. How to identify. Do they affect pregnancy. Hysteroscopy as the "gold standard of treatment." Prevention
Treatment of trichomoniasis in women: how to get rid of a dangerous infection without health consequences
Symptoms of trichomoniasis in women and methods for its detection. What kind of pathogen causes the disease, how infection occurs, who is at risk. Why are pathogens dangerous? Trichomonas during pregnancy. Is non-drug treatment possible?
"Paracetamol": how to use for children and adults
Instructions for use "Paracetamol": how the drug works, the main and side effects. In which cases it is better to use candles, and in which - tablets, syrup. Compatibility with other agents.
Useful properties of linseed oil for weight loss, purification and disease prevention
The benefits and harms of linseed oil: we analyze the composition. How to choose a quality product.Use for prevention, for weight loss. Two ways to cleanse the body. Advantages of capsules over liquid product.
Niacin: what foods contain, how to drink in tablets and why injections are prescribed
Instructions for use of nicotinic acid: daily intake and dosage regimen. What products contain. How to drink for weight loss. Features of admission during pregnancy and lactation. Benefits for skin and hair. Contraindications
Useful properties of pecans for health and beauty, how and in what quantity it can be eaten
The benefits and harms of pecans: what is unique about the "twin" of walnuts and in what quantities it can be consumed. Features of the composition, calorie content. Significance for losing weight. To whom the product is contraindicated.
The benefits and harms of succinic acid: the healing potential of "natural energy"
Indications for the use of succinic acid, and why it is called a natural energetic. Main sources. In what form is sold in pharmacies. Rules for admission and contraindications. How she helps to be slim and beautiful.