Duspatalin tablets in the treatment of diseases of the digestive system
Instructions for use "Duspatalin", dosage regimens, dosage. Evaluation of effectiveness in diseases of the digestive system. How long can I take the drug. Risk of side effects. What can be replaced.
How to clean the liver at home: a review of methods, their pros and cons
Liver cleaning at home: how and why it is carried out, scientific and folk methods of removing foreign components from body tissues. Evaluation of the effectiveness of measures to cleanse the liver and start its regeneration in some cases.
Novigan Pills Against Pain: Are Risks Justified By Effectiveness
Instructions for use "Novigan": what pain it copes with, how to drink and how much it works. To whom the drug is contraindicated. Risks of side effects. Is it possible to "cure" a hangover by Novigan. Analogs Reviews
Capsules "Linex": in which cases the probiotic helps, and in which - powerless
Instructions for use "Linex": ordinary, children's, "Gastro" and "forte". Which patients are suitable, indications for appointment. Restrictions on admission and side effects. Reviews
Diet menu for hepatitis C for every day: the rules of nutrition for adults and children, a table with an example of a diet
Diet for hepatitis C, as well as A, B and their complications: features. Lists of allowed and prohibited products. Diet rules. Differences in the nutrition of children and adults. An example of a weekly menu.
"Orsoten" diet pills: regimens, restrictions, risks and results
Instructions for use "Orsotene": the main action and the scope of the drug. Contraindications The immediate and long-term consequences of taking Orsoten. Evaluation of the effectiveness of losing weight.
"Furazolidone" for intestinal infections, as well as a role in gynecology and urology
Instructions for use "Furazolidone", its release form, analogues, composition and mechanism of action. In which cases it is indicated for children and adults. Contraindications and possible side effects. Manifestations of an overdose.
Loperamide and its complete analogues: efficacy and risks in the treatment of diarrhea
Instructions for use "Loperamide" from diarrhea. Composition and acceptable dosage of the drug. Contraindications to the reception of funds based on loperamide. Is it possible for children and pregnant women. Safe analogues.
Vascular cleaning at home: will it help with atherosclerosis, and how to conduct it
How to clean blood vessels at home: scientific and folk remedies for reducing cholesterol deposits on the walls of blood vessels and the progression of atherosclerosis. Safety of individual cleaning measures and their consequences.
How to clean the body at home: scientific and folk methods, their effectiveness
Cleaning the body at home: in which cases it is needed. Scientific and folk remedies for the digestive system, respiratory organs, blood and tissues. Advantages and disadvantages. Contraindications and limitations.
Reduxin Diet Pills: We Compare Effects and Risks
Instructions for use "Reduxine", its effectiveness in losing weight. The composition of the drug, how it affects the body. Dosages and contraindications. Risks and consequences of taking.
The drug "Acylact": when you need beneficial bacteria
Instructions for use "Acylact", composition and principle of action. When candles, powder and tablets are used. Contraindications and side effects. Dosage and administration for various dosage forms. Analogs
Candles "Genferon": effectiveness against viruses and bacteria
Instructions for the use of candles "Genferon": what is included in the composition, the action of the components. When to use. Contraindications for use. Treatment regimens and side effects. Analogs
"Doxycycline": why a long-forgotten antibiotic is good
Instructions for use "Doxycycline", the composition and principle of action of the drug, indications and contraindications. Complications of use. Reception schemes. Recommendations during treatment with Doxycycline. Analogs
Candles "Neo-Penotran": does the price justify the quality
Instructions for the use of candles "Neo-Penotran": types of candles, composition and effect. Indications for treatment. Who should not use. Side effects. Special instructions. Analogs