Skin diseases
Acne (acne, acne) on the face: causes, treatment with scientific and folk methods
The effectiveness of the treatment of acne (acne) folk and official methods. Causes of development and forms of pathology. The use of antibiotics, hormones, organic acids, herbs and a low-fat diet.
Parapsoriasis: types, symptoms, therapeutic tactics
Causes, symptoms and treatment of various forms of parapsoriasis. Differences of small-patchy, large-patchy, lichenoid, drop-shaped types of the disease. Variant of the Haberman-Fly. Medicines, procedures, diet. Complications
Psoriasis on the head: how to treat, local and systemic drugs
A review of local and systemic medications for treating psoriasis on the head. Causes, forms and stages of the disease. Differences from seborrhea and atopic eczema. Basic care. Recommended shampoos and gels. The role of phototherapy and bioactive proteins.
Zinc ointment for acne: how to use, so as not to aggravate the problem
Rules and effectiveness of the use of zinc ointment for acne. The composition and properties of the drug. Types of rash that helps. Contraindications, risks, side effects. Reviews
Acne salicylic acid: suitable solution, skin treatment methods, side effects
Methods of using salicylic acid for acne. The effectiveness of the drug for acne, ulcers, subcutaneous inflammation. Release Forms. Recipes for talkers, lotions and masks. Contraindications and side effects.
Acne Brewer's Yeast: Efficacy, Dosage and Administration
The effectiveness of brewing yeast from acne. The composition of the tool. Dosages for internal administration of tablets and granules. Recipes masks. Contraindications and side effects.
Calendula for acne: rules for safe use, recipes for tinctures and talkers
The effectiveness and risks of using calendula tinctures for acne. The composition and properties of the drug. Effect on the skin. Cooking Recipe. Methods for making chatterboxes with chloramphenicol, aspirin, tea tree oil. Side effects.
Acne levomekol reviews application in cosmetology, instructions
The effectiveness and rules for the use of ointment "Levomekol" from acne. The composition and principle of action of the drug. Skin treatment in the daytime and compresses at night. Contraindications and side effects. Alternative remedies. Reviews
"Lactofiltrum" for acne: help if the problem is in the intestines
The effectiveness of the sorbent "Lactofiltrum" from acne. The composition of the drug and the effect on the body. Instructions for use against rashes in adults and adolescents. Prevention of vitamin deficiency during treatment. Side effects.
Acne Zener: Effectiveness and Rules of Use
The effectiveness of the use of "Zenerit" from acne and blackheads. The composition and principle of action of the drug. Rules for application in the morning and evening. Bacterial resistance. The duration of therapy. Cheap counterpart. Reviews
Acne ointment on the face: a review of pharmacy drugs, and how to choose "your" remedy
Remedies for acne on the face: how to choose an effective one. Composition requirements. List of drugs with antibiotics. Directed medicines. Budget options. How to improve treatment results.
Ointment for resorption of scars and facial scars: types, when and how to use
Ointment for scars and facial scars: which is better. Causes of defects. The composition of the remedies for post-acne. How do "Contractubex", "Dermatics", "Imoferase" and "Solcoseryl". Will the nonsense and Boro Plus help.
Acne spots (post-acne): how to get rid of home remedies and the possibility of hardware cosmetology
How to get rid of post-acne at home, and what are the chances of success. The effectiveness of clay, herbs, mummies, essential oils. Overview of professional techniques: laser treatment, chemical peeling, mesotherapy and plasmolifting.
Facial acne rosacea (rosacea): origin, features, therapy and prognosis of remission
Causes and treatment of rosacea on the face (rosacea). Signs of pathology. Differences from other types of rashes. Therapy and prevention by folk and scientific methods. The prognosis for relapses and consequences. What can not be done with rosacea.
How to quickly get rid of acne on your face at home: the secrets of masking, emergency measures and a competent approach to treating a rash
How to get rid of acne on the face: a professional approach and home life hacks. Rules for the competent treatment of inflammation. Emergency ways to cleanse the skin. Cosmetic tricks to mask the problem for several hours.