"Metformin" for weight loss: mechanism of action and how to take medicine
Instructions for use "Metformin": a direct and additional field for its purpose, dosage regimen to reduce sugar or weight. Contraindications, restrictions on the use of Metformin and the long-term consequences of using the drug.
Sea buckthorn oil: instructions for use in medicinal and cosmetic purposes
Composition and medicinal properties of sea buckthorn oil. Application for the treatment of burns, hemorrhoids, gastritis, gynecological pathologies. Recipes for masks for skin and hair. Benefits for eyelashes and nails. Role in losing weight.
Vitamins of group B: content in products, symptoms and danger of deficiency
List of foods rich in B vitamins. Roles B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9 and B12. Daily allowance for children and adults. Causes and signs of deficiency. The effect of compounds on the condition of the skin and hair, nervous system, mucous membranes.
Treatment table No. 5: characteristics, varieties, menu
Indications and purpose of the therapeutic diet No. 5 (treatment table No. 5). Varieties. Lists of prohibited and permitted products. Calorie intake, distribution of BZHU. An example of a daily menu. Reviews
Therapy table number 9: the right diet for diabetes and other metabolic disorders
An example of a therapeutic diet menu No. 9 (treatment table number 9). Diabetes mellitus and other indications for the purpose of the diet. Distribution of proteins, carbohydrates, fats and fiber. The role of nutrients. Calorie intake, water consumption.
"Vikasol": regimens for heavy periods and other bleeding
Instructions for use "Vikasol" for bleeding. Appointment in tablets and ampoules. Action for heavy periods. Dosages by age. Contraindications and side effects. Options for replacing the drug.
Treatment Table No. 6: Purpose of Purpose and Sample Menu
An example of a therapeutic diet menu No. 6 (table number 6). Effectiveness in disorders of salt metabolism. The effect of diet on the body. Calorie content, BJU, recommended and prohibited products.
Acne (acne, acne) on the face: causes, treatment with scientific and folk methods
The effectiveness of the treatment of acne (acne) folk and official methods. Causes of development and forms of pathology. The use of antibiotics, hormones, organic acids, herbs and a low-fat diet.
Vitamin E capsules: features of the release form and rules of administration
Instructions for use of vitamin E capsules. Indications for appointment. Therapeutic and preventive dosages. Use during pregnancy, lactation, menopause. Side effects and contraindications.
"Herbalife": "duck" or a unique development for weight loss
The effectiveness of dietary supplements "Herbalife" for weight loss. Overview of drugs for weight loss. Composition and principle of action. Advantages and disadvantages. Dosage regimens and results. Risks and contraindications. Reviews
The 7-petal diet menu for every day: pros, cons, effect and health hazard
Detailed description of the 7-petal diet. Differences from the 6 Petals. Detailed menu. The norms of food use in fish, vegetables, chicken, cereal, cottage cheese, fruit and drinking days. The expected plumb line. Contraindications and risks.
Diet for diabetes: varieties, rules and features of its compliance
Diet for diabetes. The rules of nutrition for diseases of the first and second types. Features of diet therapy pathology during pregnancy. Calculation of bread units. Lists of prohibited and permitted products. Sample menu.
Goji berries: how to take superfood for weight loss, rejuvenation and recovery
The benefits and harms of goji berries. The composition and properties of superfood. Expert opinions on the healing potential of fruits. Role in losing weight. Effective for hair and skin problems. Ways of application. Contraindications
Diet for pancreatitis: nutritional features in acute and chronic pancreatic inflammation, allowed and prohibited foods
An example of a pancreatitis diet menu. Prohibited and permitted for inflammation of the pancreas products. Differences in nutrition in acute, chronic stages and complications from other organs.
Uterine fibroids: what is it, the danger of diagnosis and the correct action when detecting nodes
Causes of uterine fibroids. Symptoms Diagnostics of nodes. Complications Chances of a successful pregnancy. Hormonal contraceptives as a way to restrain tumor growth. Surgical treatment options. Prevention