How to lose weight
Massage from cellulite at home: reduce the "orange peel" banks, spoons and even a rolling pin
Anti-cellulite massage at home: the optimal duration and frequency of procedures. Effective manual technique. Dry grinding for advanced cases. Koch method. To whom it is contraindicated.
How to use cellulite cream, what to look for in a store and why home remedies are no worse
How to apply anti-cellulite cream: a five-step scheme. Features of the choice, and what should be in the composition. Home remedies with essential oils. Three composition for wrapping. Preventive gel. Contraindications
Body slimming myostimulation: alternating current vs constant fat
What is body myostimulation: how is it done in a salon, and is it possible to repeat the procedure at home. To whom it is shown, and for whom it is undesirable. How often you can "beat" yourself with electric shock. Reviews about the effectiveness.
How to make chocolate wrap: “sweet” procedures for plumbing and against cellulite
Chocolate wrap at home: does it help for weight loss and cellulite. Rules of the procedure, contraindications. Recipes with seaweed, coffee, honey, pepper. Techniques for the body and hair.
How to use a mesoscooter for rejuvenation, weight loss and beauty of hair
Mesoroller for the face: how to use at home, contraindications. The choice of device and means for independent mesotherapy. Application algorithm for rejuvenating and treating the skin, enhancing hair growth and against cellulite.
Why bischofite baths are needed, and how to take them with maximum effect
Indications and contraindications for bischofite baths, effectiveness for weight loss. Rules for conducting procedures at home. The benefits of mini-baths and compresses. What patients say about bischofite baths: real reviews.
Instructions for use the soul of Alekseev: will it help to lose weight and remove cellulite
What is the soul of Alekseev, who is shown and contraindicated. How to do a general massage of the back, legs, face. Features of use against cellulite and for weight loss. Criticism of the shower head.
Hypoallergenic diet menu for adults and children (allergy diet)
Hypoallergenic diet: the essence of diet and menu principles. Allowed and forbidden products. What are the features of a hypoallergenic diet. How to go out a diet.
How to Speed Up Metabolism with Activator Products, Diet, and Exercise
What is metabolism: nine influencing factors. The debunking of myths. Physical activity to speed up metabolism. Activator products and smoothie recipes. Rules of activity for triggering biochemical processes.
Metabolism-boosting foods: eating and losing weight is possible
Metabolism Accelerating Products: List and Tips for Use. Fiber-rich plant foods. Animal food as a source of protein. Warming spices and cleansing drinks. Decoctions of herbs for weight loss.
Instructions for use of L-carnitine (L-carnitine): fat burner with health benefits
How to take l-carnitine for weight loss and is there a result. The use of the substance and the daily need for it. Contraindications and adverse reactions. Is it mandatory to combine l-carnitine with fitness.
How to learn to sit on the twine, and is it realistic to master the exercise the first time
How to sit on the twine at home: where to start for beginners, and when to wait for the results. Basic complex, techniques of longitudinal and transverse splits. Five rules for a successful and safe workout.
Yoga for beginners: thoughtfully mastering asanas at home
Yoga for beginners at home: how to begin the development of asanas. Step-by-step instructions for exercises. Rules for preparing for classes. Is meditation and pranayama important? Star Example: Sting and Yoga.
Sassi water for weight loss: how to cook, take and how many extra pounds you can lose
Sassi water recipe: how to make a popular slimming drink at home. What is useful and to whom the cocktail is contraindicated. Course and admission scheme. How to enhance the effect. Reviews
Lipoic acid for weight loss: mechanism of action and whether you need a diet
How to take lipoic acid for weight loss, and what is the drug. The importance of lipoic acid for the body and the process of weight loss. Rules of use and precautions. Do I need a diet.