How to lose weight
A detailed menu of the English diet for 21 days with protein and vegetable recipes
The classic English diet for weight loss. Table of allowed products. Detailed menu for 21 days. The ban on the use of salt. To suit. Protein and vegetable recipes. Return to normal diet. Contraindications
Oatmeal diet: losing weight at an aristocratic breakfast
Oat diet: benefits and harms. Correctly cook slimming porridge. Preparation and cleansing of the body. We choose the method: from three days to two weeks. How much can you lose weight. Pitfalls and contraindications.
A detailed description of the metabolic diet for those who are already desperate to get back in shape
Metabolic diet for weight loss: which result can be obtained. Table of allowed products by points. Three phases and several menu options. Recipes for zero points. Advantages and disadvantages of the system.
Effective herbs for weight loss: a list of sliming plants and how to take them
Herbs for weight loss: burning fat, with a diuretic effect, inhibiting appetite, cleansing the body, lowering blood sugar. How to enhance their effect, and the nuances of application.
Weight Loss Shaping: Do Home Workouts
What is shaping and how is it different from fitness. The main programs for weight loss. Benefits and contraindications during pregnancy. A set of exercises for beginners and the secrets of proper nutrition. Where is it better to do: at home or in the hall.
Watermelon diet for weight loss: the menu, the maximum "plumb" and the consequences
Watermelon diet: the essence of the methodology, its pros and cons. Three options: hard, free and lightweight. Features of the watermelon menu of pregnant women. Therapeutic effect for the kidneys. Reviews about the effectiveness.
Diet menu for the lazy for every day, or How to lose weight for those who have no time
Diet for the lazy on the water: the essence of the method, advantages and disadvantages. The main contraindications. Ways to enhance the result. Examples of the menu for the day and for the week. Other lazy plumb options. Reviews
How to drink linseed oil for weight loss (liquid and in capsules): schemes for "aspen waist"
How to take linseed oil for weight loss: we study the composition and mechanism of influence. Use in pure form, in dishes. Rules for selection and storage. The advantages of capsules over a liquid product, methods of application. Risks Reviews
Menu drinking diet, how much you can lose and what is the risk of losing weight
Drinking diet for 7 days: the advantages and disadvantages of the diet. Key features and rules. How to protect yourself from a breakdown. To whom such a diet does not fit. Examples of menus, recipes, recalls.
Vacuum Exercise Technique: Simple exercises for a flat stomach
How to do the exercise vacuum for the abdomen: techniques lying, standing, on your knees and all fours. The necessary frequency of training. Benefits and contraindications. When to wait for the results, and how to speed them up.
Cellulite can massage: about technique, bruising, and results
Anti-cellulite massage with banks at home: technique and effectiveness. To whom the procedure is contraindicated. How to choose the "good" banks. How to enhance the effect, and when to observe the results. Reviews
How to remove cellulite on legs and pope at home ways to get rid of cellulite
How to get rid of cellulite at home, and the causes of its occurrence. Characterization of the stages. Baths and herbal infusions from the "orange peel". Solving the problem with training for the busy. Nutrition and prevention.
Contraindications LPG massage, principle of action, effectiveness, or We hit cellulite
What is LPG massage, and does it help to reduce weight.In what situations are prescribed. Differences from manual equipment. Course duration and optimal procedure time. List of contraindications and side effects.
Bikram Yoga exercises for beginners: a large table of asanas for home workouts
What is Bikram Yoga: the pros and cons of "hot" training. The history of the creation of yoga practice. Tips and rules for performing asanas. Table of 26 physical and breathing exercises with a playback algorithm.
The use of a massager for cellulite: manual and electric
Anti-cellulite body massager: manual and electric. General rules for working with devices. Frequency and optimal treatment time. In which zones you can’t do it. The specifics of vacuum and roller. Contraindications for use.