Cellulite wrap at home: technique, proper mixes and relaxation results in a “cocoon”
Anti-cellulite body wrap at home: types and techniques. Compositions with clay, coffee, honey, seaweed, vinegar, pepper, ginger, essential oils. Chocolate procedures, and how Capsicam works. Reviews about the effectiveness.
Honey anti-cellulite massage: how to do it right, when and what the result will be
Honey massage from cellulite at home as part of a comprehensive anti-cellulite program. Benefit and effectiveness. Technique of execution. Contraindications and side effects. Means to enhance the effect. Reviews
Cellulite can massage: about technique, bruising, and results
Anti-cellulite massage with banks at home: technique and effectiveness. To whom the procedure is contraindicated. How to choose the "good" banks. How to enhance the effect, and when to observe the results. Reviews
How to remove cellulite on legs and pope at home ways to get rid of cellulite
How to get rid of cellulite at home, and the causes of its occurrence. Characterization of the stages. Baths and herbal infusions from the "orange peel". Solving the problem with training for the busy. Nutrition and prevention.
The use of a massager for cellulite: manual and electric
Anti-cellulite body massager: manual and electric. General rules for working with devices. Frequency and optimal treatment time. In which zones you can’t do it. The specifics of vacuum and roller. Contraindications for use.
Massage from cellulite at home: reduce the "orange peel" banks, spoons and even a rolling pin
Anti-cellulite massage at home: the optimal duration and frequency of procedures. Effective manual technique. Dry grinding for advanced cases. Koch method. To whom it is contraindicated.
How to use cellulite cream, what to look for in a store and why home remedies are no worse
How to apply anti-cellulite cream: a five-step scheme. Features of the choice, and what should be in the composition. Home remedies with essential oils. Three composition for wrapping. Preventive gel. Contraindications