How to lose weight
Egg diet (chemical): detailed menu for 4 weeks in the tables
Menu egg (chemical) diet for 4 weeks. The essence of the technique, the pros and cons, contraindications. Lists of allowed and prohibited products. Predicted Results. Curd and fast varieties of the program.
Treatment table No. 5: characteristics, varieties, menu
Indications and purpose of the therapeutic diet No. 5 (treatment table No. 5). Varieties. Lists of prohibited and permitted products. Calorie intake, distribution of BZHU. An example of a daily menu. Reviews
Keto-diet (ketone, ketogenic diet): menu and metabolic adjustment rules
The essence, varieties and effectiveness of the keto diet (ketogenic diet). The rules of low-carb nutrition, the ratio of BZHU. Prohibited and permitted products. Sample menu for seven days. The risks of the technique.
Therapy table number 9: the right diet for diabetes and other metabolic disorders
An example of a therapeutic diet menu No. 9 (treatment table number 9). Diabetes mellitus and other indications for the purpose of the diet. Distribution of proteins, carbohydrates, fats and fiber. The role of nutrients. Calorie intake, water consumption.
Treatment Table No. 6: Purpose of Purpose and Sample Menu
An example of a therapeutic diet menu No. 6 (table number 6). Effectiveness in disorders of salt metabolism. The effect of diet on the body. Calorie content, BJU, recommended and prohibited products.
Applicator Kuznetsova: benefits and harms, rules of treatment sessions
Instructions for use of the Kuznetsov applicator. Types and principle of operation of the device. The effectiveness of the mat for headaches and joint pain, PMS and insomnia, excess weight. Benefits for legs and back. The frequency and duration of the sessions.
The 7-petal diet menu for every day: pros, cons, effect and health hazard
Detailed description of the 7-petal diet. Differences from the 6 Petals. Detailed menu. The norms of food use in fish, vegetables, chicken, cereal, cottage cheese, fruit and drinking days. The expected plumb line. Contraindications and risks.
Diet for diabetes: varieties, rules and features of its compliance
Diet for diabetes. The rules of nutrition for diseases of the first and second types. Features of diet therapy pathology during pregnancy. Calculation of bread units. Lists of prohibited and permitted products. Sample menu.
Hormonal gymnastics of Tibetan monks: description of exercises, rules and results
The effectiveness of Tibetan hormonal gymnastics. Benefits and contraindications. Technique of a complex of ten exercises. Impact on life expectancy, health status and appearance. Reviews
Pilates for beginners: what is it and how to do at home
Pilates exercises for beginners. History of creation, benefits and contraindications. Classes for the elderly, children and pregnant women. Efficacy for losing weight. Reviews
Diet for pancreatitis: nutritional features in acute and chronic pancreatic inflammation, allowed and prohibited foods
An example of a pancreatitis diet menu. Prohibited and permitted for inflammation of the pancreas products. Differences in nutrition in acute, chronic stages and complications from other organs.
Therapeutic table No. 1: allowed and forbidden dishes, an example of a weekly menu
An example of a weekly menu of therapeutic diet number 1 (treatment table number 1). Effectiveness in gastritis and ulcers. Lists of allowed and prohibited products. Calorie content, BJU, portion size and meal schedule. Reviews
Weight Loss with Activated Carbon: Effect and Risks
The effectiveness of activated carbon for weight loss. The effect of the drug on the body and metabolism. Three "diet" schemes for taking black tablets. Duration of courses. Contraindications Side effects.
Tabata: the rules of training at home, or How to lose weight in 4 minutes a day
Tabata exercises for weight loss of a stomach, hips and buttocks. The rules of a circular workout. TOP 5 tabata timers for smartphones. Complexes for problem areas from well-known trainers. Contraindications
How to get rid of the abdomen after childbirth: a safe diet and exercise, massage options
Ways to quickly remove the stomach after childbirth at home. An effective and safe diet for nursing mothers. Allowed gymnastics. Massage options. Wraps and herbal infusions.