Signs of gonorrhea in women: what indicates infection, and how to confirm it

In the age of antibiotics, infection with an infectious disease is not as dangerous as it was several centuries ago. Usually, the symptoms of gonorrhea in women are difficult to confuse with another pathology, so treatment can be started on time, without waiting for the development of complications. But the erased signs of the disease are not uncommon. In this case, the medication becomes untimely. What does it threaten and how to prevent complications?
Sexually Transmitted Disease - Gonorrhea

Inflammatory diseases of the genital area cause many inconveniences. In women, they are associated with discomfort, the appearance of pain depending on the level of damage, the accession of dysuric disorders. The lack of timely treatment leads to the transition of inflammation to the overlying departments, and non-compliance with the recommended regimens ends with a chronic process. Gonorrhea is no exception. Chronic forms are no less dangerous than acute gonorrhea.

Medical history

The first mention of gonorrhea appeared in the XVI century BC. e. in the Egyptian Ebers Papyrus. Then the first methods of treatment were proposed - washing with astringents. Mention of the symptoms of the disease is in the Bible, the works of ancient Greek scientists, Hippocrates, Celsus. Galen called this disease "expiration of the seed", although he pointed out the need to distinguish it from true ejaculation during sexual arousal. But the name is firmly entrenched and preserved to this day.

The treatment was carried out by douching with lead solutions, Avicenna washed the bladder with water from a silver syringe. Elementary preventive measures were identified:

  • sexual relations - prohibited until seven days after the end of the disease;
  • insulation- each patient with gonorrhea;
  • personal items“The bed, the chair of the patient, and the people with whom he was in contact were considered“ unclean ”.

Epidemic syphiliswhich swept Europe after the discovery of America, diverted attention from gonorrhea. For a long time she was considered one of the manifestations of syphilis. In 1527, a French scientist assigned them to the group of sexually transmitted diseases.

Gradually, the development of microbiology and immunology made it possible to identify the causative agent of the disease, as well as to develop a vaccine, thanks to which it was proved that syphilis and gonorrhea are different diseases.

The discovery of antibiotics in the 20th century took gonorrhea treatment to a new level. But even in modern conditions, the disease does not lose its relevance: the latent course of some women, the development of resistance to many drugs makes it dangerous for reproductive health.

Pathogen features

The development of microbiology in 1879 allowed the German physician Albert Ludwig Neisser to isolate the causative agent of gonorrhea. These are cocci that resemble coffee beans in shape and are arranged in pairs. They have the following features.

  • Incomplete phagocytosis. In pus, diplococci can be located inside leukocytes, but at the same time they remain viable. This property explains the ability of the disease to become chronic. It also allows the pathogen to escape from the action of drugs, spread to other parts of the genital organs.
  • Low stability. In the external environment, bacteria quickly die. When heated to 40 ° C, they die in three to six hours, and at 56 ° C in five minutes. Do not stand cooling. The pus can persist for a day. They die under the action of silver salts. Sensitive to penicillins, streptomycin, but become resistant to them during treatment.
  • Antigenic structure. During treatment, it can seriously change and form L-forms. The latter have a different structure, which allows them to persist for a long time in the body, to get away from the action of antibiotics.
  • Immunity. There is no innate resistance to gonorrhea. A transferred disease does not protect against re-infection.

The development of the pathological process

Tripperok - symptoms in humans. Trapper infection is transmitted only from person to person, animals do not get sick. The causes of gonorrhea in women are a sick man and sexual contact with him. Gonococcus is able to persist in pus, so there is a chance of infection through a common towel, washcloth, and linen. But this method is more relevant for girls.

  • Penetration method. Tripak bacteria are often attached to spermatozoa, epithelial cells, and also inside Trichomonas. They act as carriers that help the pathogen to penetrate into the overlying urogenital tract.
  • Lesion areas. The parts of the genitourinary system lined with a cylindrical epithelium are affected - these are the urethra, cervical canal, fallopian tubes. With oral contacts, stomatitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis develops. With rectal - gonorrheal proctitis. In children after childbirth from an infected mother, blepharitis (eye damage).
  • Vaginal protection. The vaginal wall is lined with stratified squamous epithelium, which is not suitable for gonococcus life. But with its thinning or loose structure, conditions are created for fixing the microbe. Such features in the epithelium appear during pregnancy, in postmenopausal women, as well as in girls before puberty.
  • Penetration into the blood. Gonococci can enter the bloodstream, but most of them die. The remaining are carried throughout the body and form extragenital foci. Most often, joints are affected, less often gonococcal endocarditis, meningitis develops.
  • Incubation period. Usually lasts 3-15 days, very rarely up to a month. In women, it is longer than in men.
For infection, it is necessary that a sufficient number of pathogens enter the vagina. That is, not always a single contact leads to the disease. Therefore, the household transmission mechanism is irrelevant.

Symptoms of gonorrhea in women

Often, the pathology is asymptomatic. The signs of gonorrhea in women are nonspecific and can be mistaken for symptoms of candidiasis or cystitis. How much gonorrhea manifests depends on the number of gonococci and the reactivity of the body. At the end of the incubation period, the symptoms may not appear or be unexpressed.

  • Urination disorders. Dysuric disorders are manifested in the form of burning and frequent urination. In men, the expiration of pus, hyperemia of the urethra is expressed (in women, this symptom is invisible). A certain amount of pus can stand out and glue the urethra. But these symptoms are not expressed.
  • Vaginal discharge. The appearance of yellowish-white discharge is not always associated with gonorrhea. They are odorless, meager. This is due to the fact that it is not the vagina itself that is affected, but the cervical canal. Therefore, the discharge may not be visible on the gynecologist’s chair during an external examination, but can only be seen in the mirrors.
  • Bleeding. With advanced gonorrhea, intermenstrual bleeding may occur.
  • Lower abdominal pain. This is an unexpressed symptom, which in most cases may be absent.

In women, the process is often multi-focal, the urethra and internal organs are affected. It is impossible to recognize lesions of the neck from the outside. On examination, it looks swollen and inflamed. Pus flows from the cervical canal.

Gonococcal cervicitis goes intoendometritis. At the same time, the condition worsens, the symptoms become more pronounced. Damage to the muscle layer of the uterus leads to myometritis. In this case, the uterus becomes dense, increases in size, hurts on palpation and during intercourse.

From the uterus, gonorrhea quickly spreads to the fallopian tubes and ovaries.Is developing salpingoophoritis. If gonococci penetrate the abdominal cavity through the ampullar end of the tube, then peritonitis is formed.

Gonorrhea is dangerous during pregnancy due to the possibility of infection of the baby during childbirth. In this case, eyes are affected, gonorrheal blepharitis develops. Since the disease can have a hidden course and be undiagnosed before childbirth, prophylaxis is given to all newborns: immediately after birth, the eyes are instilled with a 30% solution of Albucid. Girls bury him in the genital gap.

A rash with gonorrhea is not characteristic. This is a mandatory sign of syphilis. Therefore, if spots appear on the skin, it is necessary to inform the doctor about this.

Risks in Girls

Before puberty, the vulvar ring, the labia are involved in the inflammatory process. Children infected with gonorrhea are characterized by a tendency to relapse, multifocal lesions, as well as postgonorrheal complications.

It should be remembered that in modern conditions, latent gonorrhea is often observed, which is detected only by laboratory tests.

Diagnostic Approaches

Examination and treatment of patients with gonorrhea are carried out by dermatovenerologists. Diagnosis includes a mandatory examination and history taking. The doctor finds out the following points:

  • time of sexual intercourse;
  • term of onset of symptoms;
  • Is the person who infected the family member
  • is he examined.

Next, a mandatory external examination is performed, lymph nodes are palpated to exclude concomitant pathology, women are examined on a chair.

A woman is offered to pass a smear for gonorrhea. This is the most reliable diagnostic method. Material for research is taken from the following places:

  • urethra;
  • cervical canal;
  • lateral vaginal arches;
  • large vestibular glands;
  • paraurethral glands.

A smear is necessary for microscopic examination. Cultural analysis is carried out according to the results of seeding on special nutrient media. In this case, decoding helps to determine the sensitivity of the pathogen to certain antibiotics.

The following studies are also relevant.

  • Analysis of urine. It is necessary to identify concomitant diseases of the urinary system.
  • Colposcopy. Examination of the vagina and cervix using a colposcope. Gonorrhea may be accompanied by the formation of cervical erosion, which increases the risk of cancer.
  • Pelvic ultrasound. Allows you to see the area of ​​spread of the inflammatory process to the uterus, appendages. This determines the further treatment tactics.

According to indications in the presence of purulent lesions in the rectum, oral cavity, eyes, consultations are prescribed by a proctologist, ENT doctor, ophthalmologist.

In connection with the physiological characteristics of the organs of the genitourinary system in girls, in case of illness of the mother or father, an examination of the child is mandatory.

Discomfort in the lower abdomen

Therapeutic tactics

The treatment of gonorrhea in women is based on the protocols of the Ministry of Health. They determine the list of drugs with localization of the infectious process. The treatment regimen for gonorrhea in women is presented in the table.

Table - Treatment of localized uncomplicated gonorrhea

A drugDosageFeatures of the receptionLevel of evidence of effectiveness
Ceftriaxone250 mg per muscleOnceBUT
Ciprofloxacin500 mg orallyOnceBUT
Ofloxacin400 mg orallyOnceBUT
Spectinomycin2.0 g per muscleOnceBUT
Benzylpenicillin sodium and potassium salt- The initial dose of 60 thousand units per muscle;
- every 3 hours for 40 thousand units
For the entire course of 3 million 400 thousand unitsWITH

The course of treatment may change if gonorrhea is combined with other genital infections. Frequent companions may be chlamydiaTrichomonads. Then drugs are added depending on the type of pathogen. In chronic gonorrhea, a vaccine is added to the regimen. The treatment of gonorrhea is supplemented by the following recommendations.

  • Alcohol. For the entire time of treatment until negative results of crops are introduced, a strict ban on the use of alcohol is introduced.It acts as a provocateur. Sometimes it is recommended to have a glass of beer before passing another analysis in the evening. If gonorrhea is untreated, it will make itself felt in the analyzes.
  • Nutrition. You need a balanced diet, enriched with protein, with a high amount of fluid. Spicy spices, seasonings are not recommended.
  • Sex life. At the time of treatment and until normal tests are received - complete rest. Otherwise, the infection will spread further.

It is recommended to limit labor activity for the duration of treatment, to observe a medical and protective regime.


Many prefer folk remedies to evidence-based medicine. At the same time, candles, ointments, decoctions based on herbs, various chemicals are independently made. But it should be remembered that the causative agent of gonorrhea is a bacterium that is surrounded by a special protective layer and is able to hide inside cells. Local drugs on it are not able to have an effect or will lead to a temporary subsidence of the process, followed by a relapse.

Therefore, it is impossible to cure gonorrhea at home without the use of antibiotics. For women, the consequences of such irresponsibility can turn into sterility.

Gynecological examination on the armchair

Preventative measures

The disease is much easier to prevent than to treat later. To do this, pay attention to the following rules.

  • Personal safety. The most reliable means of protection is a condom.
  • Link Control. Do not engage in casual sexual intercourse. Strangers may not have signs of a clear infection, or simply be silent about being recently treated.
  • Emergency prevention. After accidental unprotected sexual intercourse, it is imperative to immediately urinate, wash with soap, treat the genitals Miramistin solution or "chlorhexidine." You can also inject 1 ml of the drug into the urethra.
Prevention after intercourse is effective in the first 2 hours. If more time has passed, then you can consult a doctor for recommendations on taking preventive drugs. But after 72 hours, these measures will also become ineffective and can only mask the signs of the disease.

The effects of gonorrhea on women can be the most unpleasant. The tendency of bacteria to affect the epithelium of the fallopian tubes leads to the development of an adhesion process in them. This is one of the causes of infertility, which is very difficult to treat. Testimonials of the survivors of the disease confirm this, they can be read by visiting the forum. With obstruction of the tubes for pregnancy, there is only one way - in vitro fertilization.


Author, I have one partner for 10 years. I will write briefly this way: in the summer he had cystitis and fever, then herpes. His doctor friend advised me to take tests. In the high-pressure police I have found a DISEASES (PCR), TRIHOMONADS (tank sowing), CHLAMIDIA (blood), ureoplasma (sowing). Naturally, I did not believe these analyzes (there was a scandal at home and he accused me) and retook TWO more !! times in the high-pressure hospital in the hospital (there you can take it around the clock). As a result, they found only ureaplasma, and said no need to be treated! So retake and show your MCH.


Since sane women are more cautious and much less likely to change in marriage, I turn to the male half. If you have a regular partner, feelings for her, and even more so family, hold your quirks when you feel like going to the left. Firstly, the infection is guaranteed and you will destroy the relationship with your beloved, and the condom will not always protect, especially from syphilis and even from AIDS. Secondly, it is vile and vile, and your serial excuse about polygamy is unlikely to help. In addition, it refers to the animal world, and you have a developed human brain. You are so often proud that he thinks better than women.


As a doctor I tell you - the husband is lying, gonorrhea is not transmitted through the household.Refer to another doctor, you need to be treated only according to the scheme and to both at once, otherwise there will be resistance, which can then result in other unpleasant diseases - you have infertility, chronic inflammation, your husband has urethral stricture, i.e. narrowing, and treat it oh how painful.

Rysyonok *,

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