Glycolic acid peeling: reviews, results, indications

It is believed that glycolic peeling is the most sparing of all that the cosmetology industry offers. And its action is so effective that you can practice even at home. Is it so? What features does the procedure have? And who helped glycolic peeling - reviews from women who tested it on themselves.
Cosmetic procedures

Glycol peeling is a type of chemical face peeling. It is performed using glycolic acid - a substance that is found in unripe beets, sugarcane, grapes. Molecules of fruit acid are so small that they easily penetrate the upper layers of the skin. And once inside it, they begin to work on improving the epidermis:

  • have an anti-inflammatory effect,
  • stimulate collagen production
  • increase skin elasticity
  • Improve and even complexion
  • provide rejuvenation and smoothing of fine wrinkles.

Types of glycolic peeling

The procedure today is so popular that it is found in the catalog of almost every beauty salon. And often glycolic peeling is practiced at home, which is quite risky from the point of view of professional medicine. After all, acid still affects the skin, which requires extreme caution due to the risk of burns and allergic reactions. Therefore, 2 types of procedure are shared.

  • Superficial peeling (possible at home). It is carried out with a solution with an acid concentration of up to 40 percent (ideally 15-30%), with an acid-base balance of 2.4 to 4.5. Reviews on this type of glycolic peeling indicate an effect on the upper stratum corneum of the skin. Acid removes dead cells, evens out skin texture, refreshes color. It is recommended to perform the procedure for young people with oily and problem skin, as well as before the holiday, in order to quickly put their face in order.
  • Median peeling (possible only in the beauty parlor). It is carried out with a composition with an acidity of 40 to 70% at a pH below 2.8. Such a mixture is no longer so harmless, but it can solve serious problems: reducing the severity of fine wrinkles, the presence of “pits” on the face from acne, multiple pigmentation in the form of freckles. Negative glycol peeling of 70 percent always becomes painful during the procedure, peeling of the skin, the formation of brown “crusts” that cannot be removed on their own.

Recommendations and contraindications

If you are planning to try glycolic acid peeling, reviews of those who have experienced it themselves should not be your main motive. It is important to determine if you need a procedure and whether it suits you. To do this, it is enough to understand the indications and contraindications of glycolic acid peeling.

When need

If you have:

  • violation of skin pigmentation, not associated with a chronic disease;
  • oily and problematic skin with defects in the form of acne, acne, excess production of sebum (seborrhea);
  • the age of natural aging of the skin and the appearance of a fine network of wrinkles;
  • dry and inelastic skin;
  • pronounced deep traces of acne, acne;
  • shallow stretch marks;
  • preparation for laser resurfacing of the skin or plastic surgery.

When not

Glucon face peeling is prohibited for you if:

  • an allergy to its components has been identified;
  • there is inflammation on the skin, open wounds or herpes in the active phase;
  • you are pregnant or breastfeeding;
  • there are warts or neoplasms;
  • Do not avoid the risk of exposure to the active sun;
  • In the coming days, hair removal was performed on the face.

Features of the procedure with a photo

  • It is advisable to perform in the fall or winter. Active summer sun can cause age spots after the procedure. And as the reviews show about glycolic peeling, avoiding them even when using sunscreen in the summer is extremely difficult.
  • The number of sessions individually. On average, 5 is required, theoretically possible from 3 to 10. The required number depends on the characteristics of the skin and the type of problem that should be solved. Each subsequent session is performed no earlier than 5 days after the previous one.
  • If the composition is incorrectly selected, burns of 1 and 2 degrees are possible. Treatment requires the use of anti-burn drugs and medical supervision.
  • Immediately after the procedure, redness of the skin is observed. It passes within 2 hours - 2 days.
  • Before the procedure, you need to do an allergy test: one day before peeling, apply the composition on the skin of the elbow and stand for several minutes. If there is no marked redness and burning, peeling can be done. If you are not sure about the result, postpone the procedure and consult an allergist.

The girl has smooth skin

5 stages of glycolic peeling

  1. Cleansing your face with cool water and tonic.
  2. Degreasing with lotion to penetrate the skin.
  3. Application of a peeling substance - the time of the first procedure is only a couple of minutes. Each subsequent one takes longer. In order to avoid negative feelings, a stream of cool air is sent to the patient.
  4. Neutralization - the composition is washed off with an alkaline solution, which neutralizes the effect of the acid. Then the skin is abundantly moistened with saline to restore its water balance.
  5. Soothing, protective procedures - applying a nourishing mask and sunscreen with a factor of 30 SPF.


According to women who have tested glycolic peeling, reviews and results in general correspond to what is obtained in practice.

  • Olga: Expected more effect. The skin looked good, but not for long. After peeling, in places there were painful redness, treated with Panthenol. Gone in 3 days.
  • Nastya: The result is super! At 22, she looked 15, I didn’t even want to sell cigarettes. But after a week everything returned, so if you try for 1 time, just thrown out the money.
  • Maria: Did a course - 7 procedures. The face is like new, the result lasted 4 months. It turned out a little expensive, but if there is money, it's worth it.
  • Arina: I tried the professional composition at home. Face burned, horror! Never again!
  • Natalya: I got hooked on him thoroughly! This is just lovely! What a smooth face, the skin is just porcelain!
  • Eugene: I am a cosmetologist, I have been doing peeling for 7 years. It is undesirable to do at home, because there may be burns. And a professional has a safe and chic result! It is important to do the course in increasing order. And even more important - post-peeling care!

Video: glycol peeling - reviews and results

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