The content of the article
Glycerin is a clear, odorless liquid with a viscous consistency. Has a sweetish aftertaste. It can be mixed with water in different proportions. It has high hygroscopicity.
The cosmetic properties of the substance were discovered at the end of the 18th century. Viscous liquid immediately became a salvation for people who were in the fresh air for a long time. They smeared her weathered, dry and inflamed skin of her hands and face.
The benefits of glycerin for hair
The use of glycerin for hair is due to its unique qualities. When it enters the cells, it splits into water and carbon dioxide. The first element has a moisturizing effect. It prevents the scales of the strands and cells of the scalp from drying out, while maintaining the optimal amount of fluid in them. Carbon dioxide removes toxins, impurities and cosmetic residues. We get a kind of homemade hair lamination. There is also a general improvement and strengthening of hair.
Positive effect
First of all, the spray makes the strands obedient, which allows you to experiment with hairstyles. If you regularly use the substance, then you can count on the following additional results:
- the strands are easy to comb;
- thin curls are condensed;
- the hair acquires brilliance and elasticity;
- fragility, dandruff, cross-section of the tips is eliminated;
- there is an active growth of curls;
- the static effect is removed.
Indications for use
The substance is recommended for owners of curly curls to soften them. Also, to increase the protective functions of the scalp, its purification from dead cells. You can safely recommend it for use with the following problems:
- unruly strands;
- seborrheaitching and irritation;
- dryness, stunted growth;
- cross section and damage to the tips.
Side effects and contraindications
Incorrect dosage, prolonged and intensive use can lead to side effects. Often brunettes and brown-haired women suffer, the hair of which is slightly lightened. Other negative consequences are possible:
- overdried strands and scalp;
- impaired blood circulation;
- irritations and skin rashes.
Not recommended for case of individual intolerance. It is dangerous to use the substance for serious damage to the skin and diseases of the dermis. Availability psoriasis, pustular wounds, scratches - a good reason to abandon it. But pregnancy and breastfeeding are not an obstacle to the use of glycerin.
Homemade masks: 8 recipes
Before you start using homemade hair masks with glycerin, we conduct a sensitivity test and see how the product affects the skin. Apply a small amount of the substance to the elbow. We are waiting ten minutes. Rinse the skin. We monitor her condition for two hours. In the absence of any manifestations, we boldly proceed to the preparation of home cosmetics. Irritations, redness - the first "bell" that glycine does not need to be used.
Features. In order for the mixture to act on the strands effectively, we not only adhere to the formulation, but also thoroughly mix the components. The composition should not be lumps. So it is not only well applied, but also penetrates the hair structure faster.
What you need:
- a tablespoon of gelatin;
- two tablespoons of the main substance;
- half a tablet of aspirin;
- a portion of a professional mask (we take as much on the eye as we consider necessary).
Action algorithm
- We dilute gelatin with warm water, heat it in a water bath until completely dissolved.
- Grind aspirin until we get the powder.
- Combine the ingredients, mix.
- Apply to curls. We warm the head.
- Hold for 30 minutes and rinse.
Features. During the course we use the same proportions. We do not change the composition. Pre-wash my hair and dry, but not until the end. Apply the mixture with light massage movements.
What do you need:
- a teaspoon of glycerin;
- a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar;
- one egg yolk;
- two tablespoons of castor oil.
Action algorithm
- We heat the oil in a microwave or in a water bath.
- Beat the yolk with vinegar.
- We connect the components, add glycerin.
- Apply to curls.
- We insulate the head with a hat or a plastic bag, a towel.
- We hold 40 minutes.
- Rinse with warm water.
Features. Suitable for normal hair type. The duration of the course is a maximum of one and a half months. Essential lemon oil is able to provide silkiness and smoothness to the strands. Owners of light curls will receive a beautiful platinum shade.
What do you need:
- a teaspoon of glycerin;
- two egg yolks;
- lemon essential oil.
Action algorithm
- Add the remaining components to the crushed yolks, mix.
- Apply the mixture and hold for 30 minutes.
- Wash off without shampoo.
For growth
Features. We do not heat honey, as it can lose its valuable properties. It is recommended to melt it in natural conditions, putting, for example, in a warm room.
What do you need:
- a tablespoon of glycerin;
- two tablespoons of castor or linseed oil;
- a tablespoon of honey;
- a teaspoon of lemon juice;
- one chicken egg.
Action algorithm
- We heat the oil.
- We mix the components, stir until a homogeneous mixture.
- Apply to curls, insulate, hold no more than 40 minutes.
- Wash off.
For split ends
Features. For the ends of the hair, vinegar is a real “panacea." Due to its properties, it “clogs” the scales, “seals” the ends. There is a kind of lamination. The strands are not only not split, but also protected from the negative effects of the environment.
What do you need:
- a tablespoon of unrefined olive oil;
- a tablespoon of apple or wine vinegar;
- one yolk;
- a tablespoon of glycerin.
Action algorithm
- Heat the oil a little, whisk the yolk.
- We combine the components, mixing well.
- Apply the mixture to the ends.
- We stand for 20 minutes.
- Wash off with shampoo.
From fat
Features. The substance can not only moisturize the hair. A homemade hair mask with glycerin is able to work according to the boomerang principle - slightly dry the roots. This happens when a tandem of alcohol or alcohol and glycerol acts as the basis.
What do you need:
- squirrels from two eggs;
- two tablespoons of medical alcohol (95%) or vodka;
- two tablespoons of glycerin.
Action algorithm
- Beat the squirrels. Add the rest of the ingredients to them. Mix.
- Apply to clean, damp locks. We pay special attention to the roots.
- Hold for 20 minutes.
- Wash off with warm, not hot water.
From falling out
Features. We acquire mummies in tablets, capsules or granules. A jelly-like product is less convenient to use.
What do you need:
- a teaspoon of glycerin;
- half a teaspoon of mummy;
- half a teaspoon of wine vinegar;
- one egg yolk;
- two tablespoons of castor oil.
Action algorithm
- Grind the mummy until we get the powder.
- Mix the ingredients.
- We apply the composition, insulate the head.
- Hold for 30 minutes and rinse.
Features. We buy vitamins in a pharmacy. We can choose both tablets and liquid in ampoules. The second option is much more convenient to use, since liquid vitamin is well divorced with glycerin.
What is needed:
- a tablespoon of vitamin E and A;
- two tablespoons of glycerin.
Action algorithm
- Separately, slightly heat the vitamins and glycerin. Mix the ingredients.
- We apply the composition to curls. We warm the head.
- Hold for 20 minutes and rinse.
Lightening curls
The method is suitable not only for blondes. Brunettes can also change the color of curls by a half tone.No drastic changes are to be expected. The effect is more visible among owners of light brown or light hair. If staining with natural or chemical compounds was previously carried out, then clarification is not recommended. It is not known how the strands will react to the prepared composition, so it is better not to risk it.
Features. Chamomile flowers have long been used by fair-haired girls to wash their hair. They are able not only to strengthen the strands, but also to give them shine. They also have a calming effect, eliminate inflammation and irritation on the scalp.
What do you need:
- two tablespoons of dried or fresh flowers;
- 60 ml of glycerin.
Action algorithm
- Pour the flowers with boiled water (500 ml). Cover the container and infuse the broth for two hours.
- We filter the infusion. Mix it with the main component.
- We put on strands, we warm them.
- Hold for 40 minutes and rinse.
Features. The presence of kefir can give a specific smell. Therefore, we can use your favorite shampoo for washing. If the smell does not go away, then use a fragrant hair balm. Do not forget that brightening compounds can not replace paint.
What do you need:
- three tablespoons of glycerin;
- 50 ml skim milk product;
- a teaspoon of lemon juice;
- egg.
Action algorithm
- We mix the ingredients, add the main heated substance to them.
- Apply to wet curls, insulate.
- We wait 30 minutes and wash off.
What else you need to know about the "keeper of moisture"
Glycerin therapy will benefit hair only when the basic rules for using the substance are taken into account. There are only five of them.
- We select proportions. We carefully study recipes for hair glycerin. We carefully select the doses so as not to harm the strands and not to dry them. We take into account the type of hair, its length.
- We comply with the measure. Frequent use can lead to the appearance of yellowness in the hair. Therefore, be sure to take breaks between courses, according to the instructions. “Addiction” can also occur. The first course lasts no more than 30 days, one mask per week.
- Use in diluted form. Despite the mild effect, the substance is able to disrupt the structure of the strands, if used without additional components. Instead of moisture, we get excessive dryness.
- Add at the end. When preparing homemade cosmetics, we add the substance after all the other ingredients. Before that, we can warm it up a little with a water bath or in a microwave oven to enhance the effect.
- Wash off properly. We remove glycerin with several washes without sparing water. Shampoo can not be used, unless we need to wash off greasy or intensely smelling compounds.
Strengthen the action of glycerin masks using herbal infusions. We take such medicinal plants as calendula, nettle, burdock, oak bark. Pour boiling water and insist no more than two hours. Hair glycerin is added taking into account the type and length of curls, adhering to the formulations. For one serving, up to 50 ml of the substance is sufficient.
Reviews: "An indispensable tool for smooth skin and soft hair"
Using glycerin, I make a kind of lamination for myself. In general, an indispensable tool for smooth skin and soft hair. It is relatively inexpensive, the consumption is small, a very good beauty product for home use.
As a hairdresser, I can say that glycerin is really very useful. It goes well with both castor and burdock oil. When making a hair mask, do not forget about intensive rubbing - this massage stimulates your hair follicles. And also, glycerin is very helpful for dry skin - both the face and other parts of the body.