Ginkgo biloba (Ginkgo bilobate): the benefits of relict tree hoods for the cardiovascular system, potency and brain

Ginkgo biloba is the only surviving representative of the Ginkgo family on our planet. A relic tree that has gone through all evolutionary stages. Today it is valued for its ability to strengthen blood vessels, regulate the conduct of nerve impulses, restore memory and optimize thought processes. It is used in official and traditional medicine as a means to improve cerebral circulation.
Ginko biloba plant

This plant has many popular names - a tree of life, wisdom, a dragon tree, girlish braids, tanakan. On the European continent it is considered a Goethe tree (a famous writer admired him). In the practice of oriental medicine, ginkgo has been used since BC.

The tree survived the nuclear attack on Hiroshima.

Botanical characteristic

The birthplace of the tree is China. Anhui Province has impressive relict natural reserves. For use in medicine and cosmetology, ginkgo biloba is grown specifically. The largest plantations boast the province of Bordeaux in France, as well as the US state of South Carolina. In countries with warm climates, the culture is grown in gardens as an ornamental plant. Morphological characteristics will help to find out.

  • General form. A large tree with a well-developed root system. The thickness of the barrel can reach 4 m in diameter. Height varies from 15 to 50 m. Taller trees grow in the East. Artificially grown - rarely become giants. The crown is widely pyramidal; as the tree grows, the peak becomes dulled.
  • Leaves. There are no familiar leaves on the tree of life. Branches are bare, branched, outgrowths are formed on their surface, from which bundles of petiole leaves depart. They are complex, most often they consist of two fan-like lobes. Color - light, bluish-green. In the fall, the foliage becomes saffron yellow.
  • Flowers. Ginkgo blooms in May. On one plant, only female or only male flowers are present. The first is inconspicuous. The seed germ is located on long, branched pedicels. The second are brush-like with many stamens.
  • Fruit. Formed closer to the fall. In appearance, they resemble apricot - round, orange-yellow. Under the first leathery layer is a ribbed hard layer, and underneath is a thin, paper-like layer. A characteristic feature is the unpleasant smell of the fruit, due to the presence of butyric acid (it smells of rancid oil).
Pollination occurs in late May. Pollen is blown onto females. Characteristically, the crowns of female and male trees are different. The first are squat. The second - elongated and slender, often higher.

Harvesting of raw materials

The foliage of the tree, as well as its seeds, has medicinal properties. From the dried leaves, an extract of ginkgo bilobate is obtained - the basis for the manufacture of many medicines and dietary supplements. Seeds are less commonly used in the pharmaceutical industry, but they are very much appreciated in traditional medicine. Procurement is as follows.

  • Collection. Leaves can be harvested throughout the growing season. Yellowed foliage collected in autumn is of particular value. On plantations it is removed with special machines, at home - manually.
  • Training. Leaves are sorted for damaged, damaged, uncharacteristic color parts. They are thrown away.Raw materials should have a uniform yellow or bluish-green color.
  • Drying. In industrial conditions, dried in special devices resembling drums. Requires quick drying - to maintain maximum beneficial properties. At home, you can use the oven, observing a low temperature and regularly turning over the raw materials.

Dried leaves are used for the preparation of extracts, aqueous extracts.

Seeds are harvested in late autumn. The ideal period is the period after the first frost. At this time, the seeds are well peeled and still contain most of the beneficial ingredients.

Dried raw materials should be used throughout the year. It is better to store it in paper or fabric "breathing" containers. The foliage does not have a characteristic smell, but tastes bitter-sour.


Over 100 useful biologically active substances have been found in ginkgo foliage. Among them, bioflavonoids are of the greatest value to the human body:

  • kempferol;
  • quercetin;
  • isoramnetin.

Flavonoids are characterized by vasoprotective, capillary-stabilizing actions. Substances improve coronary and peripheral circulation, preventing tissue ischemia. A particularly beneficial effect of ginkgo flavonoids on the state of the vascular system in the brain was revealed - they reduce the permeability of the capillary wall, increase its resistance to pressure drops, and prevent spasms. Also, flavonoids act as antioxidants - they neutralize free radicals, preventing damage to body cells and the development of diseases against this background. In fact, the tree of life inhibits premature aging.

Thanks to isoramnetin, the culture has a hypotonic effect. It manifests itself due to a slight diuretic effect. The anticholesterolemic effect allows the use of the tree in the treatment of atherosclerosis and hypertension.

Also, the plant is famous for its triterpene compounds. They have anti-allergic properties, eliminate tension zones in the walls of blood vessels, prevent airway spasms, regulate lipid metabolism, and prevent the formation of edema in the destruction of brain cells. The antioxidant properties of the plant increases the content of the superoxide dismutase enzyme. Other beneficial substances in the composition of the leaves:

  • organic acids;
  • vitamins
  • minerals;
  • polysaccharides;
  • tannins;
  • catechins;
  • fatty oil;
  • essential oil;
  • wax.
Seeds are used in medicine and cooking in various countries. They are considered a particularly nutritious and healthy product. The raw materials are rich in fatty oil, starch, carotenoids, phytosterols, valerianic and butyric acids. As well as amino acids, which are similar in structure to the components of leguminous proteins.

Ginko Biloba Leaves

Healing properties

Scientists argue that extracts from ginkgo bilobate can only be used as part of the complex therapy of ailments, that is, along with classic medicines. In their opinion, the plant cannot independently cope with those pathologies, activity against which they attribute to it. However, it improves the susceptibility of the body to treatment.

The main positive effect of the plant is noted relative to the cardiovascular system:

  • normalizes the tone of the coronary vessels;
  • dilates peripheral small vessels;
  • improves trophism of all body tissues;
  • cleanses blood of cholesterol;
  • prevents the growth of fibrous plaques.

It is believed that the activity of the plant against most pathologies is due to its ability to improve blood circulation. The plant is prescribed in the complex treatment:

  • brain tissue ischemia;
  • tinnitus;
  • migraine headaches;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • angina pectoris;
  • hypertension
  • varicose veins;
  • impotence;
  • vascular erectile dysfunction.

And also in post-infarction and post-stroke rehabilitation periods, to slow the progression of Alzheimer's disease.

Decongestant activity of the plant is appropriate not only for hypertension, but also in the recovery of patients after traumatic brain injuries and other brain injuries. Using ginkgo can prevent brain edema after concussion.

Scientists hope to create culture-based drugs for the treatment of autoimmune diseases. The relic regulates the reactivity of the immune system, prevents the development of allergic conditions, and is used in the complex treatment of bronchial asthma.

Ginkgo biloba preparations are prescribed for the treatment of nervous disorders. It is believed that the plant improves mood, eliminates signs of depression, and is effective against insomnia.

Drug Overview

Almost all plant preparations are designed to optimize the functioning of the brain, eliminate memory problems, and restore health to the veins and blood vessels of the brain. At the moment, the following drugs are best known.

  • Ginkgo Biloba Forte. Means with plant extract in a dosage of 80 mg. It is prescribed three times a day for the treatment of pronounced pathologies of the coronary vessels, improving memory and peripheral blood flow, accelerated recovery after a stroke.
  • "Ginkgo Biloba Evalar". Dietary supplement used for all indications characteristic of the plant. Each tablet contains 40 mg of extract. In an emergency, the doctor can prescribe up to three tablets per day.
  • Ginkoum". It is used for neurological disorders and related impaired memory, speech, attention.
  • «Doppelherz asset of Ginkgo biloba". Contains 30 mg of extract in one capsule in combination withB vitamins. It has a beneficial effect on the vascular system and metabolism, is prescribed as a prevention of senile dementia.

Among the popular drugs are also Tanakan, Ginos. Means are used for the same indications as other drugs of the tree of life.

Despite the therapeutic “weakness” of the plant discussed by scientists, it is impossible to neglect contraindications or take pills without medical prescription.

Prescription Drugs

Medicinal raw materials are dispensed in pharmacies. It is possible to purchase filter bags with dried leaves. They are brewed with hot water (not boiling water) and drunk like tea for a month. Such a drink is shown to prevent vascular problems and improve brain function. Other medicines can be made from raw materials procured independently or purchased from herbalists.


Features Take orally to strengthen memory, from depression, hypertension. And also to stimulate the immune system and treat anemia.

Preparation and use

  1. Completely dry leaves are ground with a coffee grinder into a homogeneous powder.
  2. Half a teaspoon of the drug is taken in the morning on an empty stomach, carefully chewing and drinking with a glass of water.
  3. Reception continues for four weeks. Repeat course after two weeks break.


Features Tincture is taken to treat and prevent vascular problems, improve tissue trophism, cleanse blood vessels of cholesterol deposits, against varicose veins. Also prescribed for decreased potency, to restore strength in people engaged in mental work.

Preparation and use

  1. 50 g of dry or fresh leaves are ground with a coffee grinder or scissors.
  2. Pour raw materials in a glass bowl with 700 ml of high-quality vodka or diluted alcohol.
  3. Seal the container tightly, put in a dark place for two weeks, shake the bottle regularly.
  4. After straining, take a teaspoon three times a day, mixing the medicine with a quarter glass of water.


Features Assign to treat frequent infections of the respiratory tract, asthma, tuberculosis, anemia and diabetes.

Preparation and use

  1. A tablespoon of crushed dry leaves is poured with a cup of water.
  2. The container is put on a slow fire, brought to a boil, boiled for five minutes.
  3. After cooling, the product is filtered.
  4. For the treatment of infectious diseases, anemia and diabetes, take a quarter cup three times a day. With tuberculosis, the dose is increased to half a glass three times a day.

Ginko biloba leaves and dry root


Features The tool prevents heart attack and stroke, improves immunity, normalizes blood circulation, improves blood formation.

Preparation and use

  1. In equal proportions, chopped fresh ginkgo leaves and natural linden honey are combined.
  2. Thoroughly mix the components. They put the product in the refrigerator for two days.
  3. Take a teaspoon twice a day, washed down with water or slightly warm tea.
Contraindications of the plant: acute stage of stroke, preoperative period, ulcerative erosive lesions of the digestive tract, hypotension. Only on the recommendation of a doctor can the plant be used to treat children. During pregnancy and lactation, you should refrain from using ginkgo preparations.

The plant is used in cosmetology practice. Its extracts are included in cosmetics, anti-aging drugs for mesotherapy. Aqueous extracts from the leaves are used as tonics for the face. They also rinse hair to strengthen, smooth, stimulate growth.

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