Genital herpes in women: where does it come from and how dangerous

Herpetic infection is one of the common viral diseases. The tendency to one form or another largely depends on the immunity of a woman. Genital herpes is one of the varieties, the constant recurrence of which negatively affects the woman's health and her reproductive function. Infertility, miscarriages and infection of newborns - this is not a complete list of possible complications. Is there an effective treatment for genital herpes in women?
Sos in the lower abdomen

In ancient times, a herpetic infection in girls was called "creeping". This name is due to the clinical picture. Initially, the herpes simplex virus (HSV) of the second type was considered to be “sexual”, but sexual emancipation had long ago washed away the boundaries between the varieties of the virus. Today, genital infections of the first and second types are found on the genitals with the same frequency. They have no fundamental differences in treatment, prognosis for health and prevention. The viruses of the first and second type themselves have an identical structure by 50%.

What kind of infection and causes

Where does herpes occur and how is it treated? Herpes simplex viruses of the first and second type are typical intracellular parasites. After getting into the tissue, microorganisms penetrate the cells and only here they become active. According to the WHO, almost 100% of people have antibodies to this virus in their blood, which means that they once encountered this pathogen. And only 60% periodically have characteristic rashes, most often on the mucous membranes of the lips, mouth and nose, a little less often - on the genitals.

After the herpes virus enters the cells, it further tends to penetrate into the nerve endings, where it remains in an inactive state for life. During immunodeficiency (for example, stress, serious illness, pregnancy), infection is activated, which is expressed in a vivid clinical picture.

How can I get sick?

Herpetic infection is transmitted in the following ways.

  • During sexual intercourse. Herpes viruses are easily transmitted from man to woman and vice versa in unprotected intimate relationships. It matters both traditional sex and other types - oral, anal. Foci of rashes are localized on the external genitalia, vaginal mucosa and cervix.
  • By airborne droplets. It is less common, with close contact with a sick person, for example, the virus is transmitted by kissing, talking at a distance of up to a meter. In this case, rashes will be located on the lips, mucous membranes of the mouth, nose.
  • Contact household way. In this case, genital herpes can be transmitted through the use of hygiene items, towels, and dishes that are common with a sick person (during the rash). Herpes foci will be in those places where there was contact with the pathogen.

In the presence of a primary focus of herpetic infection, the virus can infect all other organs and parts of the body, penetrating into these areas by the hematogenous, lymphogenous pathway or the nerve endings.

Infection can occur only in the case of an active infection. If it is not difficult to notice herpetic eruptions in visible parts of the body, then with localization on the vaginal mucosa or cervix, this is impossible for an ordinary person. Therefore, any sexual contact can potentially become dangerous.

Manifestations of genital herpes in women

The classic symptoms of genital herpes are pain, itching, and rashes. With localization on the vaginal mucosa and cervix, a latent and low-symptom course is characteristic. In this case, a woman can note only a slight increase in secretions or signs thrush. Therefore, it is important, even at the slightest complaint, to see a doctor and undergo a full examination. The classic symptoms are as follows.

  • Itching and pain. In the field of virus activity, an unpleasant sensation and desire to scratch arise. Itching is supplemented by pain and persists throughout the entire period of the illness.
  • Rashes. By the end of the first beginning of the second day after the appearance of unpleasant sensations, bubble rashes appear. Most often this is a group of small ones, but there can be single ones. As they recover, the bubbles change into crusts. The latter independently depart after complete restoration of the epithelium in this area. A bacterial infection can join, then the rashes of herpes are covered with a yellow coating.

In addition to the main manifestations, genital herpes in women, the following may occur:

  • sores on the skin and mucous membranes - are formed if the bubbles open immediately, while the woman notes that this place itches and burning sensation intensifies after visiting the toilet or shower;
  • discharge increases - if herpes viruses are activated on the cervix, white or transparent discharge appears, thrush may occur;
  • lymph nodes increase - this is a reaction to inflammation, most often regional (inguinal) lymph nodes increase;
  • signs of cystitis - when the virus enters the urethra and further into the bladder, a typical clinic of urethritis and cystitis occurs with pain, pain during urination.
Damage to the uterine cavity leads to the clinic endometritis, ovaries - inflammation of the appendages. Sometimes a woman learns about herpes by accident, for example, when examined for sexually transmitted infections, that is, with recurrent colpitis, cervical dysplasia, leukoplakia or even without concomitant complications.

Complication risks

Herpes is not dangerous for women whose immune system does not allow the virus to actively multiply and lead to various diseases. But for those whose body defenses can fail, the pathogen is dangerous and needs to be combated. Most often, exacerbation occurs in the following situations:

  • during pregnancy;
  • on the eve of menstruation;
  • with inflammation in the vagina;
  • after serious illness or surgery;
  • against the background of chronic fatigue and stress.

Those women who are prone to viral diseases during these periods should be especially careful in the prevention of the disease. In addition to unpleasant symptoms and anxiety, genital herpes is dangerous for its complications. The main ones are as follows.

  • Pathology of the cervix. The role of herpetic infection in the development of leukoplakia, dysplasia, and cervical cancer along withhuman papillomavirus (HPV).
  • Chronic inflammation Recurrent herpetic infection causes inflammation not only on the cervix, but also in the cavity (chronic endometritis), in the fallopian tubes and ovaries. In this case, characteristic rashes can be detected on the internal organs at the time of surgery, for example, cesarean section.
  • Infection of the fetus. With an active infection on the cervix, pathogens easily enter the cervical canal and penetrate the amniotic membrane to the fetus, causing infection. In addition, the infection of the baby can occur at birth through the natural birth canal, if the mother has rashes at this moment. Active herpes in the cervix and external genitalia is an indication for cesarean section.
  • Pathology of bearing. Herpetic infection can be the cause of an undeveloped pregnancy, miscarriage at any time, premature discharge of amniotic fluid.Therefore, it is important to maintain immunity during gestation and to prevent the recurrence of infection with a tendency to herpes.


Depending on the location of genital herpes in women, it can be divided into the following stages:

  • first stage - with only external localization of foci (on the labia, in the area of ​​the vestibule of the vagina);
  • second stage - established if the virus is detected on the cervix, in the urethra;
  • third stage - with the spread of infection into the uterine cavity, appendages, bladder.

How to confirm the disease

Diagnosis of herpetic infection is not difficult with a typical clinical picture. In the case of a latent or chronic course, a diagnosis can only be established using additional examination methods.

  • PCR For research, a special smear is performed from the surface of the cervix, cervical canal, if necessary - from the urethra. The detection of HSV DNA indicates a relapse of the infection. A negative PCR analysis does not mean a complete cure, but that the virus is not active at the moment and the immune system copes with herpes.
  • IFA. For the study, a blood sampling is carried out, in which the presence of antibodies to the herpes virus is determined. Immunoglobulin M (IgM) titers indicate an acute stage of infection, immunoglobulin G (IgG) indicates a past illness, and IgA indicates a recent episode of the disease.

Other methods and tests (for example, virological) do not have clinical significance in genital herpes.

Is it possible to recover

A feature of herpetic infection is that it will not work out completely, the virus will still remain in some quantity in the nerve endings and can be activated at any time.

The main objective of any treatment regimen for genital herpes is to reduce the number of copies of the virus to a minimum and strengthen the immune system so that it blocks any HSV attempt to relapse. When examined by PCR, viruses should not be detected when taking material from the cervix or vagina. Based on this, the prevention of genital herpes in women with a tendency to this infection should be carried out throughout life.

Acute Therapy

If viruses are detected by PCR, treatment is prescribed to reduce the number of HSV. For this, the following antiviral drugs are used, inside and out in the form of an ointment or cream. The main ones are:

  • «Acyclovir» - 200 mg (one tablet) up to five times a day for a week or as an ointment;
  • Valacyclovir - 500 mg (one tablet) once a day for a week;
  • "Famvir" - 150 mg three to five times a day for 10 days.
Locally, various ointments, gels with antiviral action can be used - Virolex, Cyclovir, Epigen, Panavir-gel, Foscarnet.

Herpes virus

Subacute Therapy

After stopping the main symptoms of the disease, it is important to undergo a course of immunomodulating therapy to create a background in which the body will further cope with the remaining pathogens. For this, the following drugs are used:

  • Cycloferon - 12.5% ​​solution of 2 ml intramuscularly once a day for 10 days;
  • Arbidol - 200 mg once a day for two to three weeks;
  • Viferon - in the form of rectal suppositories of 500 thousand units, one at night for 10-14 days;
  • Lycapid - 10 mg twice a day for 10-14 days.
The scheme and combination of drugs, as well as the duration of therapy, are determined by the doctor depending on the severity of the disease. For the prevention of recurrence of herpes, immunomodulatory courses are recommended to be taken continuously, for example, in the second phase of the cycle, as well as during illness, severe stress, and moving.

How to give birth

During gestation, the woman’s body experiences the immunodeficiency necessary for a successful pregnancy. This is associated with frequent episodes of recurrence of infection, including after childbirth.

Active herpetic infection at the time of delivery is highly likely to lead to infection of the baby.Indications for caesarean section are as follows:

  • with an episode of rashes on the genitals - two weeks before birth;
  • with PCR detection of HSV in the genital tract - two weeks before birth;
  • if genital herpes arose for the first time- a month before the upcoming birth.


After a complete cure, vaccination can be used to prevent repeated episodes of genital herpes - this is a proven remedy for the disease, but the emerging immunity is not always enough for a long time. 0.2 ml is injected every three days - repeated five times. Then you should repeat the course, but with an interval between injections of ten days (also five times).

In addition, the following procedures are effective to strengthen antiviral immunity.

  • VLOK. This is an intravenous laser irradiation of blood. The procedure is painless and highly effective. During it, the ulnar vein is punctured and laser radiation is applied through a special conductor for a while. VLOK strengthens antiviral immunity and helps to achieve persistent remissions of the disease. The reviews of doctors and patients who used this treatment method confirm its effectiveness.
  • Plasmapheresis This is the method of "blood purification", in which it is distilled through a special device with filters. The procedure also helps to reduce the number of episodes of the disease and increases the body's defenses.
  • Hemosorption. A procedure similar to plasmapheresis according to the procedure and the resulting effect.

Woman consults a doctor

Common methods of fighting the virus

Folk remedies at home should be used with caution, observing all safety measures. So you can try to cure herpes with obvious rashes in places accessible for treatment.

  • Three plants. Calendula plus birch and plantain. It is necessary to prepare a solution based on calendula flowers, birch leaves and plantain. To do this, you need to take them in equal amounts, pour boiling water and hold in a water bath for 10 minutes. Then strain and use as a sedentary bath. You can add a few drops (or powder) of potassium permanganate.
  • Honey and celandine. It is necessary to take a tablespoon of liquid honey and a few drops of celandine. Mix and apply to the affected area, top with gauze. So you can gently burn foci with the manifestation of herpes.
  • Kalanchoe juice. The flesh of fresh leaves or squeezed juice on a cotton pad can be applied to the site of rashes. At least two to three applications should be performed daily until complete healing.
  • Fir oil. It is useful to accelerate the healing of using fir oil - it is necessary to apply it to the rash several times a day. Camphor and tea tree oil can be added to it.
Genital herpes is not always manifested by habitual rashes. Often it has a hidden course, which creates an imaginary impression of health. Therefore, it is important to regularly undergo a medical examination for timely detection of the disease, as well as use barrier methods of protection (condoms) to prevent HSV infection.

Treatment of genital herpes should be comprehensive, both sexual partners should undergo it. But the effect on the causes of genital herpes in women, that is, the virus itself, does not always avoid relapses in the future. Throughout life, you will have to maintain immunity, using medications, herbs, vitamins and other methods for this.

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