Gastal tablets: how effective they are for stomach diseases

Diseases of the upper gastrointestinal tract, accompanied by increased acidity of the gastric contents, are one of the most common in therapeutic practice. Especially susceptible to this pathology are people of young and middle age. An effective and safe drug that can quickly reduce acidity in the stomach and eliminate pain is Gastal. What features of the product reflects the instructions for use of "Gastal"?
Gastal Packaging

Today, a whole group of various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) is diagnosed, accompanied by increased acidity in the stomach. The most common of them include the following:

  • peptic ulcer of the duodenum, stomach;
  • gastroesophageal reflux disease;
  • erosive lesions of the gastric mucosa, esophagus;
  • complications after taking certain medications.

The modern pharmaceutical market offers a huge number of drugs to eliminate this pathology. They have various mechanisms of action, differ in release forms. Every year there are more and more new drugs that can effectively control acid formation in the stomach, while having a minimum of side effects.

What is this drug

The most widely used drugs in medical practice include antacids - drugs that neutralize the acid in the stomach and, thus, restore the pH to the optimal level. They are used to treat various diseases of the stomach and esophagus for a long time, almost several centuries.

The modern pharmaceutical market offers an extensive list of various drugs that can quickly normalize the pH of gastric contents. Moreover, despite the widespread adoption in practice of such drugs as H2-histamine blockers or proton pump inhibitors, antacids have not lost their relevance.

In addition, every year there are more and more new drugs that can effectively control acid formation in the stomach, while having a minimum of side effects. One of such modern means is Gastal. It reduces acidity in the stomach within a few minutes, while it is relatively safe and can be used for a long time.

How does it work

The composition of "Gastal" includes compounds of aluminum and magnesium. They have the ability to bind acid in the stomach and thereby change the acidity to a physiological level. Thanks to this, heartburn, dyspeptic disorders (nausea, belching, feeling of heaviness in the stomach) are eliminated.

Features of the chemical structure of the main active components of the drug allow them to have a fairly quick and lasting effect. A few minutes after taking the drug, a pronounced therapeutic effect occurs. And the average duration of the antacid effect of Gastal is about two hours.

In addition, this drug has a number of other positive effects.

  • It has a cytoprotective effect. It protects the gastric mucosa, which is associated with the ability of Gastal to stimulate the synthesis of prostaglandins. This effect is especially useful in the presence of stomach ulcers or erosive defects of the mucosa.
  • Stimulates the healing of erosion and ulcers. This is due to the ability of the drug to fix the epithelial growth factor at the site of the pathology.
  • Binds bile acids. As well as lysolecithin, which damages the epithelial layer of the stomach.

Another important advantage of the drug is its exclusively local effect on the pathological focus. After oral administration, it is not absorbed into the systemic circulation, and therefore it is practically devoid of side effects.

In the lumen of the stomach, aluminum and magnesium salts interact with hydrochloric acid and form stable compounds. The combination of magnesium and aluminum compounds provides a combined effect of the drug on the walls of the stomach. In this case, magnesium salts cause an initial decrease in acidity, and aluminum salts have a more prolonged action. Thus, the fastest and longest therapeutic effect is achieved.

The main components of Gastal are excreted together with feces through the intestines. In the process of their interaction with the contents of the stomach, magnesium chloride is formed. It can have a laxative effect, especially with prolonged use.

In what form is produced

The medicine is available in the form of tablets that can be absorbed in the mouth. The content of aluminum and magnesium salts in them is 0.45 and 0.3 g, respectively.

Gastal tablets have a pleasant taste (cherry or mint) due to the addition of flavorings to their composition. Neutral taste tablets are also available without the addition of flavorings. The medicine contains as additional components lactose, mannitol, a compound of magnesium and silicon.

When appointed

The main indications for the use of "Gastala" are any pathological conditions in which there is an increase in the acidity of gastric juice. These conditions include:

  • heartburn - both arising against the background of organic pathology, and as a result of lifestyle disorders (overeating, bad habits);
  • gastritis - inflammation of the gastric mucosa;
  • ulcers and erosion - in the wall of the stomach;
  • reflux- reflux of gastric contents into the esophagus (organic, functional);
  • pancreatitis- inflammatory process in the pancreas;
  • food poisoning - accompanied by an increase in acidity in the stomach;
  • bloating - as a result of the prevalence of putrefactive or fermentation processes in the intestine.

According to reviews of Gastal tablets, against the background of their use, heartburn, a feeling of heaviness in the stomach disappear, and digestion improves. However, it should be remembered that the use of antacid does not always eliminate the cause of unpleasant symptoms. You need to consult a doctor, you may need the simultaneous administration of antacids and other drugs. It should also be borne in mind that Gastal is taken only one or two hours after taking other medications.

You can take "Gastal" and to prevent heartburn, for example, the field of overeating or a violation of the diet. This is especially recommended for people with chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Instructions for use "Gastala"

Gastal is used both periodically (that is, to relieve symptoms) and long-term courses. However, in each case, you must adhere to the following principles of application:

  • drink the drug an hour after eating - since at this time the maximum level of gastric secretion is noted;
  • be sure to take before bedtime - to neutralize acid at night;
  • take an extra pill- during periods of maximum pain.

It is better to drink a small amount of medicine, but often. To eliminate severe pain, you can take "Gastal" 30-40 minutes after eating. In the case of a long break between meals, an antacid should be taken an additional three hours after the meal.

The tablet is taken whole and kept in the mouth until completely dissolved. The usual dosage of Gastal is four to six tablets per day. The maximum daily dosage is eight tablets.

For children under six years of age, Gastal resorption tablets are not prescribed. For the treatment of patients from six to 12 years old, a dose half as small as an adult is used.

Hands on stomach

What are the side effects?

Typically, the drug is very well tolerated by patients. Very rarely, Gastal can provoke the following side effects:

  • nausea, rarely vomiting:
  • discomfort, pain in the stomach;
  • diarrhea or, conversely, constipation;
  • a change in taste in the mouth;
  • allergic manifestations.

Over the entire period of use of this medication, no cases of its overdose have been recorded. However, prolonged use of antacid can cause:

  • decrease in blood phosphorus and calcium;
  • increase in blood magnesium and aluminum;
  • impaired kidney function;
  • osteoporosis;
  • encephalopathy.
Especially often, these phenomena are observed in people with impaired renal function. Against the background of prolonged use of the drug in large doses, they may develop symptoms such as a drop in blood pressure, a decrease in reflexes, and a feeling of thirst. In this case, treatment in a hospital is indicated with the appointment of appropriate symptomatic therapy.


Gastal treatment is contraindicated in the following situations:

  • individual intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • low levels of phosphorus in the blood;
  • violation of the filtration function of the kidneys;
  • Alzheimer's syndrome.
"Gastal" during pregnancy and lactation is prescribed only on the recommendation of a doctor. Also a contraindication is children's age up to six years.

Girl drinks a pill

Acquisition, analogues

Gastal is an over-the-counter drug. Its cost is relatively low. One package containing 12 tablets costs from 150 to 170 rubles (data for December 2017).

In the absence of this drug in the pharmacy, you can buy its analogues, which also have an antacid effect:

  • "Maalox";
  • "Rennie";
  • Almagel;
  • Gaviscon.
These drugs also have a neutralizing effect on hydrochloric acid and restore the physiological pH level in the stomach. However, they may have a slightly different composition and form of release. In the event of a drug replacement, it is best to consult your doctor.

Gastal is a modern medicine. It has a high level of security, does not cause systemic adverse reactions, can be used periodically and for a long time. The use of Gastal, according to doctors and patients, very quickly eliminates signs of increased acidity of the stomach, and also promotes the regeneration of the gastric mucosa and the healing of ulcerative defects.


A good antacid drug for the rapid relief of gastric dyspepsia and heartburn. In general, the drug is good, effective, without side effects. Typically, patients themselves prescribe the drug for a long time, which should not be done, since harmless symptoms can hide a serious illness of the stomach and other digestive organs.

Doctor Kuznetsova E.N., necessary>

Recently, heartburn has been very worrying, I have been looking for a cure for it for a long time, and the pharmacy suggested trying Gastal. The next morning, it seemed like heartburn bothered less after taking the medicine, but when the heartburn started again in the evening, I tried the drug, heartburn did not stop. Turning to a pharmacy for advice, they replied that there were no complaints about the drug. After my experience, I can say that the drug is not suitable for everyone.

Denis S.,>>

And I eat this Gastal like crazy for many months ... more than a pack a day. Rennie and Givescon stopped helping. now Gastal has stopped ... apparently addiction is happening. I don’t know what to do, and now I'm worried about the doses of the eaten Gastal.

Diana, https: // ″>

I use GASTAL in such cases. There is one BUT: after the means of such a plan, calcium is poorly absorbed, which is not very good for pregnant women. The instructions are written. I have heartburn for periods, the doctor says how the baby grows up, also irregularly, the organs of the uterus contract, and then get used to, find a comfortable position.


Other medications

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