The content of the article
The first attempts to synthesize nitrofuran precursors have been undertaken since the mid-19th century. But only in 1940 they became known as antibacterial drugs. Before using fluoroquinolones, doctors actively practiced nitrofuran treatment. The number of drugs in this group was even greater than at present. But now, due to severe toxicity and a large number of side effects, only six are used in clinical practice.
Features of the mechanism of action
Pills "Furagin" belong to the second class of synthetic antibacterial agents. They are isolated from antibiotics, as they are completely artificially synthesized and have no natural analogues. In a small concentration, only a bacteriostatic effect is manifested - they inhibit the growth of microorganisms. But at high doses, a bactericidal effect appears.
Furagin, produced in powder, has a different name - Furasol.
"Furagin" acts against a small spectrum of microorganisms, it is used for their resistance to sulfonamides and antibiotics. It is rapidly excreted from the body, therefore it is used only for uncomplicated infections caused by the following microorganisms:
- staphylococci;
- Shigella
- E. coli;
- enterococci;
- Klebsiella;
- salmonella;
- Proteus.
After absorption in the digestive tract is distributed throughout the body. A concentration sufficient for the bacteriostatic effect is maintained for 8-12 hours. It is actively excreted through the kidneys, but some through the intestines. It does not accumulate in the tissues and does not show prolonged activity, therefore it is used only in the treatment of acute uncomplicated forms of urinary infections. If you ask how long the drug needs to leave our body - a few hours after taking the drug accumulates in the urine, after which it is completely excreted.
How quickly the drug begins to act and how quickly the symptoms of the disease begin to disappear depends largely on the individual characteristics of the body. The effectiveness of the drug increases in an acidic environment. Therefore, the intake of drinks and food that acidifies urine will have a positive effect on treatment, in contrast to neutralizing substances.
The medicine can pass through the placental barrier, but the concentration in the child is slightly lower than in the mother. Also able to pass into breast milk.
When drug treatment is necessary ...
Indications for use of "Furagin" inside are limited to infections of the urinary organs:
- acute and chronic cystitis;
- acute pyelonephritis and exacerbation of chronic;
- urethritis;
- prostatitis.
Also, “Furagin” can be used as a prophylaxis and treatment of bladder infections in the postoperative period, if the operation was on this organ or after surgical treatment of urolithiasis. With gastroenterocolitis, the use of Furagin is allowed, but it is better to use another medicine from the nitrofuran group - Nifuroxazide.
"Furagin" is applied externally in the following cases:
- burns;
- purulent wounds;
- vulvovaginitis;
- keratitis.
... and when contraindicated
Contraindications for "Furagin", as well as its analogues in the composition of "Furasol", "Furamaga" (available in capsules), include the following conditions:
- pregnancy;
- the period of breastfeeding;
- children's age (children under six years old);
- allergy to the drug or its components;
- severe renal failure;
- porphyria;
- polyneuropathy;
- glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency.
Side effects
In most cases, the drug is well tolerated, but sometimes the side effects of Furagin are manifested.
- Blood system. Agranulocytosis, thrombocytopenia, aplastic anemia.
- Nervous system. Dizziness, drowsiness, peripheral neuropathy, visual impairment. Therefore, it is not recommended for a history of peripheral nerve damage, including those caused by diabetes.
- Respiratory system. Acute pulmonary reactions that develop rarely, but very rapidly. Manifested by chest pain, shortness of breath, the appearance of cough. At the same time, itching, hives, angioedema can be observed.
- Digestive system. Nausea, decreased appetite, vomiting, and diarrhea. Rarely, with prolonged treatment, pancreatitis, cholestatic jaundice, hepatitis can develop.
- Integumentary system. Rash, skin itching, urticaria, rarely - hair loss, which occurs after drug withdrawal.
Very rarely observed joint and muscle pain, a short-term increase in temperature. Treatment "Furagin" stains urine in brown.
Instructions for use "Furagin"
The treatment regimen for adults involves the use of two tablets four times a day on the first day. On the second day, the dosage of Furagin is reduced to two tablets three times a day. Kidney pain decreases on the second day of treatment, but the course should be seven to eight days. If necessary, after 10-15 days, the course can be repeated.
For prevention, adults are prescribed one tablet at night. The duration of the course is determined individually.
special instructions
During treatment, you can not drink alcohol. Simultaneous use leads to the appearance of a disulfiram-like reaction, which is used when coding for dependence. In this case, there is an increased heartbeat, heart pain, nausea, shortness of breath, a sense of fear of death, headache, cramps.
Sometimes the growth of normal microflora in the intestine can be suppressed, which is manifested by symptoms of dysbiosis. In rare cases, women develop thrush. The use of Furagin for cystitis, prostatitis in men can lead to impaired testicular function. This affects the state of sperm, its quantity decreases, motility and morphological appearance of spermatozoa suffer.
The following drug combinations are not recommended:
- with norfloxacin - act as antagonists;
- with antacids- absorption of "Furagin" decreases;
- with Chloramphenicol and Ristomycin- oppression of blood formation;
- with MAO inhibitors, tyramine - the risk of hypertensive crisis.
Tyramine is found in large quantities in beer, wine, cheese, beans, smoked meats. Therefore, at the time of treatment, you need to abandon these products, as evidenced by the reviews of doctors.
When treating patients over 65, it is necessary to regularly monitor the blood picture, as well as indicators of kidney and liver function, in order to notice the complications of therapy in time.
Treatment of urinary tract infections often requires recurrence. In rare cases, it is possible to cure an acute form of the disease without its transition to a chronic one. Sometimes patients have to repeat courses of therapy at short intervals. Reviews of Furagin tablets say that with this medicine, the period of remission can be significantly extended, especially if you take the medicine for prophylactic purposes.
Very effective remedy. Used to take furadonin, but I was constantly sick of him, but I did not feel nausea from furagin. Real salvation, because like spring or autumn - a strong aggravation. Thanks for the drug.
Relief after the first pill! But with long-term treatment, vitamin B6 deficiency needs to be compensated. After a week of taking, I started to have severe cramps, drank pyridoxine in parallel
Excellent pills, it blows me instantly, all year round lies a furagin in my bag, I feel discomfort, I drink 2 tablets, it quickly goes away, after 2 hours ... if you haven’t caught a cold, but many people write that the effect is not long, and all the urine tablets 10 days are drunk, any doctor will say that if we all drank the course, this trouble would occur less often
Really a working tool, I have absolutely no side effects. I am finishing the course of admission (10 days) and from the beginning of admission there has been no relapse. I combine withphytolysin paste (It helped well with exacerbation of cystitis, but did not remove the “attacks”) and diuretic phyto-tea / collection. The main thing with urological diseases is to drink at least 2 liters per day!
Akane Yuko,
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