The content of the article
Pancreatitis is a common pathology of the gastrointestinal tract. Only gastritis and cholecystitis are ahead of him. The disorder is characterized by an inflammatory process inside the pancreas. Accompany its swelling of the ducts, organic changes in the organ parenchyma. As a result, the gland cannot produce enough enzymes for normal digestion; problems arise with the excretion of pancreatic juice into the intestinal lumen. The situation in the language of medicine is called exocrine pancreatic insufficiency. The specified pathology is the main reason for the appointment of the patient "Festal". The medicine works like this:
- covers the deficiency of pancreatic enzymes;
- covers the lack of bile enzymes;
- stimulates pancreatic ducts, preventing stagnation;
- provides normal digestion of fats, proteins, carbohydrates, fiber;
- normalizes the absorption of nutrients in the intestine.
The tool reduces the load on the pancreas and partially on the liver. The drug helps the body absorb nutrients from food.
Reasons for Appointment
"Festal" is considered a means of substitution therapy. It is used for mild to moderate pancreatic insufficiency, exclusively for chronic pancreatitis. Among the indications for use are conditions requiring complete digestion of food:
- nonspecific ulcerative colitis;
- the period after resection of the stomach or intestines;
- stomach ulcer;
- gastritis;
- irritable bowel syndrome;
- dysbiosis.
In these situations, it is prescribed as part of complex therapy to increase its effectiveness.
In addition to serious gastrointestinal pathologies, “Festal” can be used situationally for:
- flatulence;
- non-infectious diarrhea;
- overeating;
- after poisoning and forced starvation.
Enzyme intake is also indicated before ultrasound examinations of abdominal organs. The tool will prevent bloating and ensure effective diagnosis.
The need for enzymes occurs when there is a violation of chewing function, for example, after a jaw injury. The doctor will recommend "Festal" along with fat-containing vitamins to improve their absorption. A medicine can increase the effectiveness of certain drugs:
- sulfonamides;
- antibiotics.
The original Indian drug is a combination. Its composition includes the following substances.
- Amylase. Starch-breaking enzyme, provides the breakdown of polysaccharides to monosaccharides and dextrins.
- Protease. Promotes the breakdown of proteins into amino acids for their subsequent absorption.
- Lipases Represented by trypsin and chymotrypsin, the main enzymes for converting complex fats into fatty acids.
- Hemicellulase. An enzyme that provides the processing of hard-to-digest carbohydrates - fiber.
- Powdered bile bile. Replaces the lack of bile enzymes and facilitates the emulsification of lipids.
The dosage of Festal, as well as other enzyme preparations, is calculated by the content of lipolytic protein compounds. The concentration of lipase in one tablet is 6000 units.
There are new forms of drug release - “Festal NEO” and “UNI-Festal”. They differ from the original in their narrowed composition. It includes only pancreatic cattle extract. Due to the absence of bile, the dosage of enzymes is slightly increased - up to 7000 units and 8000 units, respectively.
All forms of Festal have a special shell, due to which enzymes are released and interact with food only in the lumen of the small intestine. This is important because enzymes completely lose activity in an acidic stomach.
Instructions for use
Festal treatment can be short-term - up to several days. This course is necessary when consuming indigestible food. Long-term use is recommended for chronic gastrointestinal pathologies. Sometimes there is a lifelong need for the receipt of enzymes in tablet form.
The dosage of the drug must be selected individually. With serious pathologies of the pancreas, this is done by the doctor. The average dose for adults is one or two tablets three times a day. General rules for using the product:
- take - during the meal or immediately after it;
- wash down- A sufficient amount of clean water or fruit juice;
- prohibited- chew pills.
You can give the drug to a child only as directed by a doctor. According to the instructions, it is designed to correct digestion in people over 14 years old. For childhood, it is better to choose analogues that do not contain bile. It can be “Festal NEO”, “Creon”, “Pangrol”. The first substitute is allowed from the age of four. Dose - one tablet three times a day.
Usually "Festal" is well tolerated. However, enzymes of animal origin may be allergic. Individual sensitivity to the drug is the main contraindication to its use. Also, drinking the medicine is prohibited in the following cases.
- Acute pancreatitis. Due to the risk of swelling of the pancreatic ducts and necrosis of the organ parenchyma.
- Acute hepatitis. It is possible to reduce the production of bile acids and aggravate liver dysfunction.
- Gallbladder disease. The drug stimulates the contractility of the bile ducts, which is fraught with their blockage in the presence of calculi.
- Intestinal obstruction. In this case, the agent provokes scarring of the intestinal epithelium, enhances intestinal motility.
A separate topic is the reception of "Festal" with remote gall. In some cases, this is acceptable, since the concentration of bile is reduced, and the drug can partially compensate for the lack of bile acids. But more often after cholecystectomy there is an increased secretion of bile into the intestine, which provokes complications. The use of "Festal" is fraught with increased irritating properties of liver secretion. This suggests the need for medical prescription of the drug, depending on the patient's condition after surgery and the individual characteristics of his body. Enzyme intake in the absence of the gallbladder is necessary, but it is safer to choose dosage forms with pure pancreatin.
Festal cannot be used to prevent digestive disorders. The tool is used only if necessary. An acceptable reason for self-administration for several days is overeating or irregular eating. As a rule, these conditions are accompanied by heaviness in the stomach.Any other purpose of taking the tablets should be discussed with your doctor.
Unwanted effects
Side effects of the drug are very rare. Often, they are preceded by intentional or accidental exceeding of the recommended doses. The following manifestations may be observed.
- Dyspeptic disorders. Nausea, vomiting, change in the nature of bowel movements, spastic abdominal pain, increased gas, constipation, heartburn.
- Allergic reactions. Rash on face and body, urticaria, lacrimation, anaphylactic shock, skin itching.
- Other violations. An increase in the level of uric acid in the blood, the formation of kidney stones, contracture in the intestine.
Medicinal combinations
The effectiveness of Festal is manifested in the small intestine. Most drugs are absorbed in this section of the digestive tract. This means that some reactions may occur between the medications taken. For example, an enzyme preparation provides complete assimilation and enhanced action:
- fat soluble vitamins;
- antibacterial substances (PASK, sulfonamides, antibiotics);
- M-anticholinergics.
At the same time, it can weaken the effect:
- antithrombotic agents;
- vitamin K antagonists;
- acetylsalicylic acid.
Adsorbents, alcohol, as well as alcohol-containing drugs reduce the effectiveness of Festal. After taking such substances, a time interval of three hours should be maintained.