The content of the article
The technique in 1973 was patented by opera singer and vocal teacher Alexander Strelnikov (1912-1989). Two years later, an article on the unique “breathing” practice was published by the union magazine “Inventor and Rationalizer”, which indirectly confirmed the recognition of the effectiveness and benefits of respiratory gymnastics Strelnikova.
The development of the famous vocalist was investigated on the basis of state medical institutions. Including, at the Central Research Institute of Tuberculosis. Not all studies showed a clearly positive result, which, according to modern proponents of the program, may be associated with a violation of the original recommendations.
Who is advised to try
However, exercises are popular now. They know the technique abroad, where they call it “Russian national gymnastics”. Strelnikova’s gymnastics can be represented as the following example: “deep short breaths plus physical movements”. The peculiarity is that both terms are involved simultaneously. Wherein:
- take a breath - powerful and rhythmic, akin to an army step;
- movements - in which the chest compresses.
So a person trains the main respiratory muscle - the diaphragm. As a result, the blood is saturated with oxygen, diaphragmatic massage of the internal organs takes place, favorable conditions are created for accelerating the metabolism. During classes, lung capacity increases by 10-30%, which means that there is a full-fledged physical activity and self-cleaning of the body. The main indications for the use of the technique are:
- respiratory diseases (useful for the treatment of nasal congestion, with bronchitis, with asthma, tuberculosis, sinusitis, adenoids);
- ligament problems;
- stuttering;
- snore;
- severe psychological condition;
- hypertension;
- Heart arythmy;
- excess weight.
Such breathing exercises are beneficial for the back and neck. For children, gymnastics is advised for both therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. Especially in the cold season: exercises strengthen the body's barrier functions. And even if the baby gets sick, the cough, runny nose and other symptoms of acute respiratory infections will quickly and easily go away.
How to master the technique
How to deal? Today in Moscow, the Center for Respiratory Gymnastics them. A. N. Strelnikova, led by her student - doctor of medical sciences Mikhail Schetinin. He, in his own words, in due time thanks to Strelnikova’s program without drugs cured bronchitis.After the death of the singer, he became the assignee of the technique.
It is under the name of Dr. Schetinin that books on respiratory gymnastics are circulated today. And on the basis of the Center conduct regular medical classes. And although literature with a detailed description of the program is available to everyone, it is strongly not recommended that the head strongly recommend doing exercises without prior consultation with the Center’s specialists. Distortion of equipment, as stated on the official website of the institution, can lead to poor health.
Strelnikova breathing exercises: try exercises
However, Strelnikova’s breathing exercises at home “in the book” in pictures are a common practice. In this case, they use basic exercises from the so-called “Basic Complex” of Strelnikova’s gymnastics exercises. Doctors strongly do not recommend modifying exercises at their discretion: this can be harmful. Here is a basic list of 13 items. They are calculated taking into account that during training a person stands with a straightened back.
- Bend your arms with your elbows down.
- Turn your palms away from you ("posture of a psychic").
- On a sharp breath, clench your fists.
- Press your fists to your stomach.
- On inspiration, sharply push your hands down, unclenching your palms.
- On inspiration, bend over gently, rounding your back (with your hands reach for your feet).
- Get up a little, bow again, making a noisy breath "from the floor."
- On inspiration, do a shallow springy squat with a turn (at the waist) of the body (left-right).
- At each turn-inhale with your hands, make grasping movements at the level of the belt.
“Hug your shoulders”
- Arms bent at the elbows at shoulder level.
- At the inhale, hug your shoulders and throw your head back, as if "inhaling from the ceiling."
- Keep your hands parallel to each other and do not change places.
Big Pendulum (Pump + Hug shoulders)
- Make a slope on the inhale, as in the exercise "Pump".
- Leans back, and on the inhale hug his shoulders, throwing his head back.
"Head Turns"
- Relax the neck.
- On inspiration, turn your head (left-right).
- Relax the neck.
- On inspiration, tilt your head (left-right).
The Small Pendulum
- On inspiration, lower your head down.
- When you inhale, throw your head back.
Rumbles (left)
- Put your left foot in front of your right.
- On inspiration, do a springy squat with the transfer of the body to the left leg, then to the back right (the free leg is immediately straightened).
- Take a breath on each squat.
Rifts (on the right)
- Put the right foot in front of the left.
- On inspiration, do a springy squat with the transfer of the body to the right leg, then to the back left (the free leg is immediately straightened).
- Take a breath on each squat.
Step (front)
- On inspiration, do a springy squat, lifting your knee up.
- Alternately change legs.
- Pull the toe of the raised leg toward the floor.
"Step" (back)
- Squat while inhaling, alternately bending your legs and pulling your heels to your buttocks.
It is important to perform gymnastics, observing the specified sequence of exercises. They go from simple to complex, and progressively involve different muscle groups.
5 recommendations for beginners
There are no age restrictions for gymnastics: both three-year-old children and 80-year-olds are capable of performing it. Experts advise you to do your whole life, do not quit if you started. There are five recommendations for beginners on how to properly perform Strelnikova breathing exercises.
- Session Duration To work out the “Main complex”, you need half an hour.
- Load increase. Master the first three exercises well. And then introduce new ones every day, one at a time.
- The number of approaches. Each exercise is repeated in three sets of 32 inspiratory movements. The break between sets is three to ten seconds. If it’s hard to do this, divide it differently: 12 sets of eight inspiratory movements. In total, each exercise is done 96 times (Strelnikovsky "hundred"). In order not to lose track of the score, you can mark completed approaches with a tick on paper.
- Body position. “Respiratory exercises” are done standing on the floor, sitting or lying on the couch.
- Time and number of classes. He trains twice a day: an hour before breakfast and dinner.
Due to what is the "plumb"
It is difficult to believe that a person who has learned to “breathe great” can lose weight without diets and marching in the gym. The fact is that breathing exercises nourish the brain with oxygen. This, in turn, optimizes the work of all its centers. In particular, food, which "controls" the feelings of hunger and satiety. It turns out that the body begins to "regulate itself", adjusting, including weight.
It is interesting that, according to the memoirs of contemporaries, Alexandra Strelnikova at the age of 77 was a model of femininity. The singer had a slender figure, did not suffer from age-related diseases, walked in high heels and wore fashionable dresses. Needless to say, her example inspired both ordinary people and the elite. Breathing exercises according to the Strelnikova method were practiced, for example, by folk artists Lyudmila Kasatkina, Andrey Mironov, Armen Dzhigarkhanyan. Check out the practice video below.
Reviews and experience of employment of expectant mothers
I have been doing gymnastics Strelnikova 5 years. She studied with Shchetinin M.N. My diagnosis: obstructive bronchitis, i.e. COPD I use inhalers Symbicort and Berodual. In the hope of getting rid of the inhalers, I took up this gymnastics. I do it in the morning and evening, I never missed it. My COPD did not budge, as I lived with inhalers and still live. Although Shchetinin promised us that sputum would also go away, and we would breathe freely with all our breasts, nothing of the promised happened. I will not say that gymnastics is completely ineffective, there is no sense in it. For example, I got rid of cervical chondrosis, eczema on my hands, nodules on the thyroid gland, but I did not stop suffocating, but how I want to breathe normally. I continue to do gymnastics also in a disciplined way, and all of a sudden, years later that way ... .. help.
I have been doing gymnastics for 4 months (since January). I had to do it because of my daughter. She is sick with otitis media about once every two months. The result is both in her and in my face. It’s already the month of May, and we slipped through the March otitis on duty. A month after the start of classes, my sputum began to recede, but the most surprising thing for me was my 3-4 kg weight loss. In addition, my chronic pharyngitis was treated under. For me, this gymnastics discovery
Remembering the technique of the exercise was not difficult, the difficulty for me was to coordinate the breaths and movements of the hands. Perhaps all beginners are faced with this. So, slowly, exercise after exercise began to do gymnastics. I tried to perform every day. For the first time after 4-8 breaths, my head was already spinning. But as the authors write, this is completely normal, soon the vessels will be saturated with oxygen, get stronger and the dizziness will pass.After all, with such a noisy frequent breathing, oxygen is actively saturated with blood. Gradually, I switched to 32 breaths in a row.
I’ve been doing gymnastics for 2 years. What to say. Ever since she began to do it, the heart has not bothered even once. You can believe it or not, but the fact remains, I just forgot what a fast heartbeat is. I also forgot what weakness and loss of strength in the morning, a headache before the change of weather is. In my opinion, it was not only breathing exercises that played a role, but in general my transition to a healthy lifestyle, in particular nutrition with a predominance of raw foods, which very efficiently cleans blood vessels, jogging in the morning, a contrast shower and a positive attitude to everything that happens.
Strelnikova's gymnastics is good in that it can be performed at home or on the street without prior preparation, provided that no one bothers you. It’s very convenient for us, we have our own house and yard, I go out for a walk with a child where no one sees me and do quiet gymnastics in the fresh air. I also want to teach my daughter 4 years old, but so far she can only “smell the air”, it is still difficult to coordinate breathing with hand movements.
I can also share from my experience that during a runny nose, nasal congestion, and coughing, I do the exercise “Pump” many times a day, you need to get up, lean forward slightly, lower your arms and head and take active breaths. It very well helps to discharge the contents of the nose and when coughing, sputum is better.
Marie deka
In 2008, my son was diagnosed with asthma and prescribed hormonal drugs. For about 1.5 years we tried to “be treated” by them, but the situation only got more complicated. And although there were no attacks, the son constantly coughed, coughed, groaned and often hurt. All this could not but bother me and was very upsetting! Once in the electronic catalog of Flibust I came across a book by M.N. Shchetinina at the beginning of the book it was written that before proceeding with the exercises, you need to read to the end. I really could not wait, but I read it. And with each page, confidence grew in me that I had found a way to defeat my son’s illness ... Our results:
Eldest son
Diagnosis: asthma. Thanks to gymnastics we keep in check. Thank God!
Younger son
He was born deeply premature, so any ARI goes into bronchitis and lingering cough. They started doing gymnastics at 5 years old. Become less sick. Cough passes faster.
It helped me during pregnancy. Unfortunately, I could not find information on whether it is possible to do such gymnastics for pregnant women. Still, I decided to do it carefully, listening to my body. The fact is that terrible migraines bothered me. The headache did pass by the end of the gymnastics. And at the beginning of pregnancy, the pressure increased to 130/80, with my working 110/70. Of course, I understand that this pressure is not high. But I felt really bad with him. Therefore, she began to do gymnastics regularly, but once a day. She performed the first 6 exercises. I tried to do gymnastics very carefully without sudden movements. Result: the pressure returned to normal.
Diagnosis: vasomotor rhinitis. Without medication, the nose is blocked in the evening, and all night the stuffiness makes it difficult to sleep. After gymnastics, which dad performs in the evening, he can oversleep until 6 in the morning. It should be noted that he does gymnastics irregularly.
A runny nose often ended in her sinusitis. During the illness begins to do gymnastics and runny nose passes quickly and without complications. For several years now, she has not recalled this unpleasant disease that could only be treated with an antibiotic.
You can say: “There’s some kind of panacea!”
And I will answer: “Yes! This is so for our family! ”Blakejake