Douche Charcot: indications and contraindications, rules of conduct, weight loss effectiveness

The healing soul invented in the 19th century is still relevant among women who want to lose weight, tighten their skin, and relieve fatigue. Sharko shower is a therapeutic water massage, which is carried out by a stream of water under high pressure. Such a “shock” jet massages problem areas, stimulates blood circulation, and improves tone.
Sharko shower

Initially, the French psychiatrist Jean-Martin Charcot invented his famous shower for the treatment of neurosis, hysteria, and depression. Until now, the invention has been used to relieve stress and treat chronic fatigue. Over time, the procedure migrated to SPA salons, motels, cosmetology clinics, without losing their treatment status.

Benefit and harm

On forums and in healthy lifestyle communities, women advise each other to use Charcot's shower for weight loss. After completing the course, many patients noted a decrease in the volume of the hips, an improvement in the condition of the skin, and the disappearance of the “orange peel”.

Sharko shower - a special device with two hoses that direct the flow of water forward. The installation allows you to set the temperature and strength of the water supply in advance. Hot water is supplied to one hose, and cold to the other. The patient in a swimsuit or swimming trunks rises in a special place at a distance of 3 m or more from the apparatus. Handrails are attached to the wall, for which you can hold while taking a shower so that the jet does not knock down. The water massage procedure is divided into two stages.

  1. Preparatory. The patient is washed with a "fan" shower under a small pressure, without directing a stream of water at one point. Water temperature 36-42 ° C. Hands, hips, buttocks are washed in the back and front. The duration of the stage is two to three minutes.
  2. Effective. Gradually, in one stream, the pressure is increased, and the water temperature is reduced to 20 ° C. A large temperature difference is allowed at the end of the course, in the first sessions it is insignificant. A strong stream of water is directed to problem areas of the body. A second stream washes hands and back. The duration of the stage is one to two minutes.
To many, this procedure may seem rather harsh. The contrasting jet of water under pressure is perceived by many patients as very painful. To evaluate your strength and endurance, it is recommended to go to a trial procedure. With a low pain threshold, it is better to ask to make the pressure less - in one or two atmospheres (in Charcot's soul there are usually six atmospheres). If the effect outweighs all the shortcomings, then you can sign up for a full course.


Charcot's douche is a healing procedure that has a beneficial effect on health. It has many advantages:

  • strengthens blood vessels and normalizes blood circulation;
  • eliminates cellulite in the first and second stages;
  • cleanses the body of toxins and toxins;
  • saturates skin cells with oxygen;
  • relieves stress and fatigue;
  • tones muscle tissue;
  • normalizes metabolism;
  • reduces stretch marks on the legs and hips;
  • tempers;
  • boosts immunity.
Using a shower after intense sports training will help relieve muscle tension and restore strength. It is also recommended to take a course for sleep disorders. Water massage relaxes the body and improves tone, normalizes the brain, relieves insomnia and stress.


The main minus is the pain of the procedure. Water under pressure literally hits the skin. Bruising may remain after taking a shower. The degree of exposure depends on the individual characteristics of the skin, but slight redness is noted in most cases. After several procedures, the jet is not so painful.

Pain in muscles and joints is also noted, especially with diseases of the musculoskeletal system.Painful sensations disappear after a few days, and after three to five sessions the patient does not feel discomfort.

The results of water massage will be noticeable after completing the full course (10-15 procedures). The skin will become firm and toned, sleep will be restored, and mood will improve. A strong flow of water enhances the blood circulation of the skin, strengthens the muscles, normalizes metabolism, which contributes to the absorption of fats. However, Charcot's shower will not cope with extra pounds on its own. During the course of the treatment course, it is important to adhere to a diet and exercise.

Two jets of Charcot's shower


A course is prescribed not only for beauty and replenishment of energy. There are diseases of the musculoskeletal system and cardiovascular system, in which the procedure relieves the symptoms and improves the patient's condition. Indications:

  • osteochondrosis;
  • arthritis and arthrosis;
  • rheumatism;
  • spinal hernia;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • neurosis;
  • stress
  • the first stage of depression;
  • musculoskeletal injuries (during rehabilitation);
  • decreased immunity.
It is recommended that patients with a sedentary lifestyle suffer from back pain. A jet of water under pressure massages the muscles, improving blood circulation and lymph flow. Toxins are removed from tissues and tension is removed from the musculoskeletal system.


At the same time, Charcot's shower has contraindications for use and is not suitable for everyone. In particular, its use is unacceptable when:

  • varicose veins;
  • benign tumors of the abdominal cavity;
  • oncological diseases;
  • uterine fibroids;
  • colds;
  • dystrophy and underweight;
  • pregnancy
  • the presence of infectious diseases;
  • hypertension
  • breastfeeding;
  • tuberculosis
  • exacerbation of skin diseases;
  • psoriasis;
  • angina pectoris;
  • menstruation (as well as before and immediately after).

Do not rush to the procedure also after cesarean section. It is permissible only after six months from the date of surgery. It is not allowed to hit the jet on the seam.

Massage with a jet of water has a general beneficial effect on mental and physical health. Contrary to advertising, the shower does not relieve constipation, migraines, obesity, diseases of internal organs - a set of measures is needed. The course should be prescribed by a doctor, and the procedure should be carried out by a professional physiotherapist who knows how to act on problem areas.

Key questions about the procedure

If doubts prevent you from “deciding” on the course of water procedures, then a few more points about the method should be clarified.

  • Duration of one procedure. The procedure during the course is gradually increasing. The first session takes place in two to three minutes, depending on the site of exposure and the size of the body. At the end of the course, the shower lasts up to ten minutes.
  • Frequency. It is recommended to repeat the procedure after one to two days. The course is no more than 15 procedures, otherwise the opposite effect occurs - pain, irritability, complications of chronic diseases. The frequency of the course is every six months.
  • Risky areas of the body. It is necessary to “protect” the mammary glands, head and spine from a strong flow of water.
  • Cases of intolerance to pressure or water temperature. The course is adjusted individually after consulting a doctor. Take into account the characteristics of the body and control the permissible flow of water. The doctor may prescribe less painful procedures (hydromassage, underwater massage).
  • The possibility of holding at home. Nozzles for a home shower provide for the supply of water in one stream. The water pressure of the central water supply is insufficient for the Charcot effect. And given the contraindications, it is better not to conduct a water massage yourself.
  • Differences from the circular shower. A circular (Swiss) shower is carried out in full growth.Small streams hit with a pressure of 1.5 atmospheres throughout the body. There are contraindications for the method, the procedure is prescribed by a doctor. Sharko acts pointwise and helps with weight loss, the circular has no such effect.

Before taking the course, a specialist consultation is required. It is important to consider chronic diseases, the condition and pain threshold of the patient.

Sharko shower for weight loss


Today I went to the 3rd session, I’m a coward myself, but I was immediately given the smallest pressure in 1 atmosphere, it doesn’t hurt at all, there are no bruises, but still the pressure and skin are all red then, 1.5 atmospheres were applied to my back, but on the sides and in front of 1 atmosphere do not hesitate to ask a little pressure first, it is better to add it later, but from 1 atm. the result is visible, I really liked it!


I went to this shower for about 7 days, I thought I would lose weight, yeah. This is all a lie. My hips, instead of becoming smaller in cm, on the contrary added another 3 extra cm. Doubtful pleasure. The shower invigorates and helps to relax, no more! He does not have the effect of losing weight !!!!


Several times, and I did this procedure. I went to the pool to swim and after a 45-minute lesson I did a shower smartly. You lose weight very quickly, your skin becomes elastic, you sleep as if you were killed and energy overwhelms you. Wonderful SPA procedure!


Charcot's shower - the procedure is painful. I went to the sauna several times. But so that the course did not try. I think that if you do 10 times in the system, then the effect will certainly be. And cellulite will leave 100%! Be sure to check with your doctor whether it is possible to do during the period of hepatitis B.


Ohhh cool procedures! Twice a year I go to this shower! I sign up for 2 months, such a stir! I really like. Yes, after the first two times there are bruises on the body, and then everything goes away and such relaxation of all the muscles .. The effect is very similar to what you do with a hand massage. All super and cellulite breaks and the skin becomes more elastic and lose weight before our eyes! Recommend!


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