DNA diet - an individual way to lose weight as a way of life

What is a DNA diet and how does it work? What are its advantages and what results can be achieved? What is the difference from other popular methods of losing weight, including those that are scientifically sound? How to apply it specifically to you? And where to order a DNA diet in Russia?
DNA model on a plate

We are accustomed to the high-profile discoveries that science makes today. And we pay little attention even to real breakthroughs that can fundamentally change the life of every person. How did you react when you found out about the decoding of the DNA molecule, which scientists all over the world have come along for a long two-year journey? Most likely, more than calm. But it was from this discovery that new and new achievements followed, one of which was the low-fat DNA diet. Moscow reviews about it are still difficult to find even on the Internet. But experts at MyGenetics (Novosibirsk) believe that it will become the main focus in the correction of human weight in the coming years.

Diet in a scientific way: as scientists advise to lose weight

There are hundreds of diets that offer various ways to lose weight. The most popular of them are mono-diets, in which nutrition is limited to one product: kefir, buckwheat, chicken. Medicine and science do not strictly support these methods, since when they are followed, the body does not receive a huge list of the necessary substances. Because of this, the diet brings not only the long-awaited weight loss, but also problems with the digestive tract, vitamin deficiency, and the lack of other significant elements.

Of the evidence-based methods of losing weight, five are distinguished.

  1. Grazing - involves frequent snacks, literally every 2 hours. In this mode, a person does not have time to get hungry, and the lack of a feeling of hunger reduces the amount of food eaten. The calorie content of the daily diet is reduced by 15%, which in turn stimulates the loss of excess weight. But some scientists are wary of grazing. In their opinion, hunger is an important factor in the existence of a person, and when this feeling is dulled, the gastrointestinal tract begins to work in a new way, which can bring unexpected and unpleasant results.
  2. Low-calorie nutrition - weight loss is achieved by reducing calories in food. Muffins and sweets are completely removed from the diet, and fats are minimized. A large amount of it contains proteins: eggs, fish, poultry, vegetables and herbs. The low-calorie protein diet has a significant drawback: our body still needs fats, because our cells are built from them, and they participate in the synthesis of hormones. And only protein foods, devoid of long healthy carbohydrates and valuable fats, will become a serious burden for the body, accustomed to a varied diet.
  3. A low-fat diet is an analogue of a low-calorie diet, but even more attention is paid to the lack of fat. Important suppliers of polyunsaturated fatty acids are completely eliminated from the diet, provoking the development of atherosclerosis and diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  4. Plate model - at first glance, this is a great option for a healthy diet. It involves dividing plates into 4 parts, one of which should be occupied by boiled vegetables and greens, the other - pasta or cereals, the third - protein foods with a low fat content. The fourth part of the dishes is no longer in the plate, but in a glass, and includes all drinks without sugar and fat. The plate model is really capable of assisting in losing weight, but by no means everyone. Moreover, in some people it can cause the development of unpleasant and dangerous diseases.The reason for this is the individual characteristics of each person, which we will talk about a little later.
  5. Diet by GI or glycemic index - based on the scientific fact that every product, getting into our digestive system, causes an increase in blood sugar. The higher the glycemic index of the product, the more dramatic increase in sugar it causes. And it is all the more nutritious, as the body begins to actively extract glucose from it, which ideally should be transformed into energy. However, if a person does not engage in sports or fitness, or simply absorbs too many products with high GI, energy does not have time to be completely spent. Excess glucose is transformed into fat, which leads to weight gain. The difficulty of following a GI diet is the need to account for and calculate the indices of each product, which is not always convenient and possible.

DNA molecule on a white plate with a fork and a spoon

What is a DNA diet

Another modern and science-based way to lose weight is a DNA diet. It belongs to the youngest methods, since it is based on the latest achievements of genetics. Its basic principle is a DNA model, which is individual in each person. Science has confirmed the fact that 70% of our individual characteristics (not only external, but also habits, propensities for certain foods, character traits) depend on the unique set of genes transmitted to us by our parents.

It is genes that are responsible for adherence to certain products, our tastes in food. It is they, through the action on enzymes, that determine the basis of the metabolism of certain products in our body. It depends on them how prone a particular person is to certain diseases and obesity in particular.

The study of the characteristics of the effect of products on human health is carried out by a young and actively developing science - nutrigenetics. Today, she intensively confirms her practical purpose. Any of us is individual. And each has its own set of genes, similar to which no one in the world has. It is on this principle that the DNA diet is based, which also has other features.


  • Not a diet - but a way of life. According to the results of DNA testing, a set of products that are preferable for consumption by a particular person, neutral and those that are prohibited for use due to the risk of weight gain and other factors is determined. Thus, a person receives a “waybill”, along which he should move throughout his life in order to maintain or gain harmony, maintain beauty.
  • More effective (2-3 times) compared with other types of diets. This fact was proved by scientists at Stanford University (USA) in a study in which 101 women participated. Each of them had a DNA test done before starting the study. Some women were recommended a diet based on their genetic code (low-carb, low-fat or balanced). Another recommended normal diet, without taking into account the characteristics of genes. After 12 months, it was recorded that women who adhere to a DNA diet lost 2-3 times more fat mass than other participants in the study.
  • The ability to anticipate and prevent the development of diseases. Based on testing, a person’s propensity to acquire obesity, type 2 diabetes, hypertension, celiac disease, and a number of other serious diseases that are caused by products that are not suitable for our body is determined. Thus, this type of diet becomes not just nutrition, but a healthy lifestyle that allows you to maintain strength, restore health, maintain longevity.
  • An individual solution for everyone. The DNA diet is individual. It will not be 100% identical even to close relatives and especially parents and children. The fact is that mixing the parents' genes gives a completely different gene in the child, which forms his individual tastes and characteristics.Therefore, every person should do DNA testing to determine their preferred diet. The good news is that you only need to go through this procedure once, as the genetic code of people does not change over time.

Female doctor examines DNA in a laboratory.

Who will help pick

The selection of DNA diets today is offered by leading foreign scientific institutes, but the cost of research in them is high, the result must be expected for a long time, and difficulties in sending samples can occur. The leading Russian center for DNA testing and individual diet is Novosibirsk Scientific Company MyGenetics.

You can find out more about ordering testing and receiving recommendations (by the way, which is important, in the form of a colorful magazine with a detailed description of all the features of nutrition and lifestyle) on the Mygenetics website.

Other diets

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