Dietary cereals: rules of choice, use and recipes

It is known that cereals are high in calories. But are nutritionists advised to consume them regularly? What is the reason? Is it possible to lose weight on cereals? Which cereals contain the least calories? We answer these questions and offer simple recipes for dietary cereals for weight loss.
Slimming Porridge

Indeed, cereals are among the most high-calorie foods in the diet. For example, the calorie content of the same oatmeal is almost the same as a portion of dumplings. And in terms of calorie saturation, neither barley nor rice nor millet is inferior to it. The lowest calorie porridge is buckwheat. The number of calories in it does not reach 100. However, it is a mistake to use only it for weight loss. It turns out that in relation to cereals, not everything is as simple as with other products.

Why lose weight on cereals

The point is the composition of the products. Most cereals contain fiber. These are valuable natural fibers that do not dissolve in our body. Unlike other substances that are absorbed through the intestinal wall, fiber remains unchanged. Leaving the intestines, she takes with her a lot of unnecessary. For example, low-calorie cereals, oatmeal ideally removes fats, barley - Toxins and decay products of antibiotics. Rice porridge has a powerful sorbent effect, absorbing aggressive allergens. Better to be in the morning.

The more fiber, the greater the effect of "harvesting" carries cereal in the intestine. The coarsest fibers work according to the principle of a toothbrush: they simply clean the toxins that have settled on them from the mucous membranes. Only cereals with preserved fruit shells are capable of such a “general cleaning”. These include Hercules oatmeal, barley groats (crushed and unpeeled barley grains), brown and unpolished rice.

But even if the cereal is cleaned and polished, it still contributes to weight loss. And again, its composition. What kind of porridge is best for nn for breakfast and dinner?

  • Slow carbohydrates. All cereals contain them. From fast carbohydrates, which are many in baking, confectionery, sweet drinks, they are distinguished by the rate of assimilation by the body. If fast ones are absorbed in minutes, causing an instant surge in blood glucose, which, not having time to be wasted as energy, is transformed into fat, then long carbohydrates are broken down within a few hours. They are absorbed gradually, providing a lasting feeling of satiety. And if you don’t want to, then there are much more chances to lose weight than on a hungry diet.
  • Beta glucans. These substances in most cereals work the same way as fiber. They act only not in the intestines, but in the blood vessels. There they dissolve cholesterol plaques, providing high-quality cleansing of the circulatory system.
  • Vitamins. Cereals are rich in a whole spectrum of vitamins, but most of all are substances of group B. They participate in the formation of the nervous system, tissue regeneration, and blood formation. Because of this, porridge for weight loss can be considered a source of calm, beauty and youth.
  • Amino acids. Cereals contain substances that the body needs for a normal metabolism. And he, in turn, is the basis of the harmony of the body. It is possible to get amino acids exclusively from food. And cereals in the list of their carriers is the cheapest, affordable product.
But what is missing in cereals is animal fats. They settle in the form of cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels. Vegetable products only bring benefits to the body, if used properly.

Girl smiles and eats porridge from a blue bowl

How to cook and eat porridge. What porridge is less than high-calorie

For weight loss, it’s not enough just to include porridge in the diet.Although for many this will already be an achievement, it will support the body with valuable elements! The right diet cereals are different from the usual ones. They have several features.

  • Boil on water. You can’t use milk for the preparation of cereals, as it is a source of animal fat and increases calorie content. The exception is skim milk, with which you can cook millet, barley porridge. The only cereal that does not mix with milk is oatmeal. When using milk porridge, the properties of oatmeal to remove fats from the intestines are completely lost.
  • If the cereal swells in water, do not boil it. Such cereals include oatmeal, buckwheat, rice. It is enough to fill them with boiling water and leave until swelling. The lack of heat treatment preserves the maximum amount of nutrients in them, and valuable fiber is not destroyed.
  • Do not add salt, sugar. Salt disrupts the natural water metabolism in the body, stimulates edema. Sugar becomes a source of empty calories. Other useful ingredients will help make the dish tasty. It is necessary to add fresh or frozen berries, a small amount of dried fruits, nuts, fresh fruits to cereals. Such dishes will taste perfect, nutritious and help to lose weight.
  • Exclude oil. In dishes prepared on the water and supplemented with fresh berries, fruits, butter will be superfluous anyway. In dietary porridge, it reduces the efficiency of fiber.
  • Eat porridge morning and evening, but not before bedtime. The duration of time before sleep should be 4 hours, so that you can have time to spend the resulting carbohydrates.
  • You need to eat porridge regularly. According to nutritionists, it is necessary to eat cereal at least 3 times a week. It is possible and more. Developed diets for weekly and ten-day use of cereal dishes.
  • Drink water. To lose weight and increase the efficiency of fiber in the intestine, it is necessary to saturate the body with water. Drink it often, little by little. Drink more than two liters during the day.
Not all cereals are equally healthy. One of the "empty" cereals is semolina. It is made from processed wheat, so there is no fiber in it.

The geographical principle of product selection is also important. The fact is that the ability to break down carbohydrates depends on the characteristics of enzymes in the body. They are laid genetically. If your parents and older relatives have never eaten wild rice or corn, these healthy cereals can play a trick on you. Your body simply can not digest them, which will cause problems with the digestive tract.

Different cereals for every taste and stomach


We offer you to learn how to cook the right porridge for weight loss from millet, barley, oatmeal, buckwheat and lentils.

  • Millet porridge. Scald a glass of cereal with boiling water, pour three glasses of cold water. Stew on low heat for 15 minutes. Before serving, season with honey.
  • Barley porridge. Pour a glass of cereal into boiling water (3 cups), boil for 25 minutes. Serve with fresh fruit.
  • Oatmeal. Pour a glass of coarse cereal with boiling water at a rate of 1: 2. Leave under the lid for 30 minutes. Add fresh or frozen berries before use.
  • Buckwheat. Pour a glass of cereal in the evening with two glasses of cold water. Eat in the morning with honey, nuts.
  • Lentil porridge. Pour a glass of lentils with five glasses of cold water, boil for 20 minutes. Serve the dish seasoned with vegetable oil.

The advantage of each recipe is the ease of preparation and the ability to change the tastes of dishes, adding other useful ingredients.

Proper nutrition can be delicious. And low-calorie cereals make up its healthy foundation. With them, you can lose weight and improve the body using the most affordable products.

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