ZhKB diet menu for gallstone disease, which can not be eaten during exacerbation, recipes

Gallstone disease (cholelithiasis) is a pathological condition in which large stones form in the lumen of the gallbladder and in the ducts. The disease can be suspected by symptoms such as a slight severity in the right hypochondrium, bitterness in the mouth after eating fatty foods. Diet is one of the most important measures to prevent these complications.
Porridge with vegetables

Without treatment and diet, this pathology can be complicated by jaundice or acute cholecystitis - conditions requiring urgent surgical intervention. Let's look at what kind of diet will be acceptable to the body after surgery for gallstone disease.

The basic principles of nutrition

It is proved that the process of formation of insoluble stones in the gallbladder is directly associated with a violation of cholesterol metabolism, hormonal imbalance in the body and stagnation of bile against the background of concomitant pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract.

More often, cholelithiasis develops in people suffering from obesity, diabetes, gastritis, pancreatitis, as well as during pregnancy and in women who take hormonal contraceptives for a long time.

Nutrition should be balanced based on the following principles.

  • Cholesterol rejection. Since the process of cholelithiasis is directly related to the excess of cholesterol that enters the body from the outside, you should limit or completely abandon the foods rich in it - egg yolks, liver, fatty fish and meat.
  • Magnesium. Magnesium salts contribute to the accelerated elimination of harmful products of fat metabolism from the body. That is why patients with cholelithiasis or at-risk patients are shown a magnesium diet. Apricots and peaches are richest in this mineral. oatmeal and buckwheat porridge.
  • Alkali. The diet for cholelithiasis must necessarily contain alkaline products. They dissolve small stones, liquefy thick bile. To achieve a good result, you need to eat more fresh vegetables, herbs, as well as mineral water.
  • Mode. With calculous cholecystitis, you need to eat often, fractionally, that is, the portion size should be small. This will prevent stagnation of bile, which is secreted into the lumen of the duodenum in response to incoming food.

To prevent complications, you must adhere to diet number 5, during and after the attack, the food should be stricter - it is selected individually by the doctor. The daily diet should be sufficient in calories, contain an average of 100 g of protein, 400-500 g of carbohydrates and 50-70 g of fat. Drink at least 2 liters of fluid per day.

For pathologies of the gallbladder and liver, it is better to drink Borjomi, Luzhanskaya, Polyana Kvasova.

What are the allowed foods to eat? Sample menu

In general, this diet is diverse. Allowed foods and dishes contain enough calories, vitamins, and minerals. Here is a list of what can be taken post-gradually in a week.

  • Flour products. Yesterday's gray, white and black bread, crackers without salt and spices.
  • First meal. Lean soups, low-fat vegetable broths.
  • Side dishes. Cereals on the water (buckwheatoatmeal millet, corn, rice, bulgur, semolina), pasta from durum wheat, legumes (lentils, chickpeas, peas).
  • Meat. Chicken, turkey, veal, beef. Meat products should be boiled, steamed or stewed.
  • Vegetables. You can eat any seasonal vegetables (cabbage, carrots, beetroot, etc.) in raw, baked, stewed form. Especially useful for cholelithiasis and cholecystitis carrots, pumpkinbeetroot.
  • Fruits. You can use without restrictions. To speed up the elimination of bad cholesterol, the best fruits are apricot, watermelon, melon, persimmon.
  • Milk products. Skim milk, low-fat cottage cheese and sour cream, kefir, natural yogurt, yogurt.
  • Sweets. Patients with diseases of the hepatobiliary system can eat homemade jam, jams, marmalade, marshmallows and marshmallows.
  • The drinks. Weak black and green teas, jelly, compotes.

If you follow the correct diet, unpleasant symptoms of cholelithiasis such as discomfort after eating, heaviness in the right hypochondrium, heartburn and a feeling of bitterness in the mouth are reduced.

Table No. 5, shown for cholecystitis and gallstones, can be used in children and adults. It is suitable for pregnant and lactating. And also for weight loss with overweight.

Prohibited Products

With a violation of the diet, the pathology can aggravate or lead to complications. The following foods should not be eaten.

  • Baking. Fresh bread, pies, pies, pancakes.
  • Meat products. Roasted meat, lamb, sausages, smoked meats, pastes.
  • Soups. Fatty, rich meat broths, hodgepodge, borscht.
  • Vegetables. Chips, vegetable stew with butter.
  • Sweets. Butter and protein cakes, pastries, ice cream, chocolate.
  • The drinks. Coffee, strong tea, energy, sweet soda, alcohol.

It is necessary to exclude sour fruits and berries (lemons, oranges, red currants, gooseberries). They irritate the intestinal mucosa, which negatively affects the process of bile secretion. It is important to minimize the amount of salt and spices.

Egg Chicken Soup

Diet for ZhKB

An approximate nutritional plan for stones in the gall is as follows.

  • Breakfast. Oatmeal with a small amount olive oil or cottage cheese with dried fruits, tea.
  • Lunch. Baked apple or fruit salad.
  • Dinner. Vegetarian cabbage soup, stewed vegetables with boiled chicken, compote or lean soup, rice, steam cutlets.
  • High tea. Tea with dried biscuits or crackers.
  • Dinner. Boiled potatoes, baked fish, steamed vegetables or salad.
  • Second dinner. A cup of kefir or natural yogurt.
During an exacerbation, the diet is stricter - at this time legumes, mushrooms, sour vegetables, fruits, cheese and cottage cheese are excluded. One to two days after the attack (with normalization of the condition), you can expand the menu and return to treatment table No. 5.

Menu after surgery

Nutrition before surgery should be gentle, based on the principles of diet No. 5.
After cholecystectomy, the diet is constructed as follows.

  • The first hours. After surgery, you can not drink, you can only moisten your lips with water.
  • First day. You can drink purified water, herbal decoctions, rosehip infusion.
  • In a day and a half. You can drink kefir, yogurt, dried fruit compotes.
  • On the third day. You can eat vegetable broths, mashed potatoes, juices.
  • Five days later. Patients are allowed porridge on the water (oatmeal, rice), vegetables, baked apples.

In the future, you can gradually expand the diet and move to table No. 5. With strict adherence, the recovery process is faster.

Diet is the key to good health and the absence of exacerbations. At the same time, folk remedies can be taken. So, dissolving stones contribute to decoctions birch leavesmountain ash immortelleas well as moderate consumption of vegetable oil.

Other diets

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