A detailed diet for psoriasis: how to shift the pH to the alkaline side

Psoriasis is a chronic non-infectious skin disease. It is manifested by the formation of peculiar pink rashes, peeling and itching. Diet for psoriasis is one of the integral parts of treatment, which allows to achieve a stable remission faster and improve the patient’s general well-being.
Fish with vegetables on a plate

Nutrition for psoriasis for every day should be balanced and sufficient in calories. The main emphasis is made by specialists on maintaining the acid-base balance in the body, while the pH needs to be shifted to the alkaline side.

Basic principles

A hypoallergenic diet is prescribed to patients. It consists of 70% products that lead to the formation of alkali. These include fruits and vegetables. No more than 30% of the diet should be acid-forming food - meat, fatty dairy products, legumes.

Particular attention must be paid to water balance. With vulgar psoriasis, the patient should drink at least ten glasses of fluid per day. It is better to drink purified water, mineral water without gas, herbal decoctions and fresh juices.

Taboo Set

How to eat? When planning a diet, it is important to know what you can not eat with psoriasis. The ban is subject to all products that cause or potentially cause the patient an allergy, thereby worsening the condition of his skin.

  • Citrus. Oranges, tangerines, lemons, grapefruits, as well as all exotic fruits.
  • Red berries. Strawberries, raspberries, cherries, cherries, black and red currants.
  • Vegetables. Tomatoes, red and yellow bell peppers, paprika, eggplant.
  • Fat meat. Pork, lamb, duck, and also fried meat products with spices.
  • Seafood. Shrimps, mussels, raps, squids.
  • Fatty Dairy Products. Milk, cream, fermented baked milk, butter, purchased yogurts with additives, margarine.
  • Spice. Hot peppers, mustard, factory sauces, marinades and pickles.
  • The drinks. Black coffee, cocoa, chocolate with a high content of cocoa, milkshakes, sweet sparkling water, alcohol.
  • Bakery products. Fresh white bread, muffin, butter cakes.
  • Sweets. Chocolate, colored lollipops.

All recipes should be simple, with seasonal products available.

It is impossible to completely exclude all prohibited foods from food or, conversely, to consume permitted foods in excess. In all, measure should be observed. This is especially true of the diet for psoriasis in children, because it is important for a growing body to get enough nutrients.

Pegano Nutrition

John Pegano's diet for psoriasis is very popular. An American scientist has developed a specialized diet for patients with seborrheic psoriasis and its other species. A balanced diet is used to normalize the condition during exacerbation, to maintain remission and prevent exacerbations.

Recovery is recommended to start with monopower. Within a few days it is necessary to follow a watermelon diet, apple or citrus, if there is no intolerance. It is also important to control the water balance and the frequency of bowel movements, since the main task of this stage is to rid the body of toxins.

In the future, it is important to properly plan the diet menu for psoriasis for a week with an emphasis on alkaline foods. The diet psoriasis diet chart will help you find a balanced diet based on the pH of some foods.

Table - Products with an alkaline and acid reaction

ProductsAlkalineSlightly alkalineSlightly acidicSour
Sweets- Natural stevia;
- vegetable syrup (maple, rice)
Natural honeySyrup- Refined sugar;
- cane sugar
Fruits and berries- Watermelons;
- mangoes;
- papaya
- Apricots;
- fresh and baked apples;
- pears
Rhubarb- Cranberries;
- currant
NutsSweet almondsRoasted chestnutsSunflower seedsWalnuts
LegumesBeans- Millet;
- wild rice
- polished rice;
- buckwheat
- Soya;
- pasta;
- flour products
Vegetables- Asparagus;
- bow;
- broccoli;
- Brussels sprouts
- Zucchini;
- carrot;
- pumpkin;
- mushrooms
Green beans- Tomatoes;
- dark beans
Milk productsSerum- Goat milk;
- low-fat goat cheese
Natural yogurt- Hard fatty cheeses;
- soy cheese;
- soy milk;
- ice cream
Eggs, butterOlive OilFlax Seed OilCorn oilChicken eggs
The drinks- Vegetable juices;
- herbal teas
- Ginger broth;
- Fresh fruit and berry juices;
- smoothie
- Tea;
- packaged store juices
- coffee;
- beer;
- strong alcoholic drinks

The Pegano diet has earned good reviews from doctors and patients. Strictly observe it with palmar-plantar psoriasis is necessary for a month. In the future, with the disappearance of the symptoms of the disease and good health, you can expand the diet and add mildly acidic foods in moderation.

With psoriatic arthritis, the duration of a strict therapeutic diet can be increased.

With prolonged remission in patients with psoriasis of the scalp and skin, a common table is indicated (diet number 15) with the restriction of excessively acidic foods and allergens that can cause exacerbation in a particular patient.

Food on Fire

Food for psoriasis! The approximate menu of the Fire diet for psoriasis differs little from the Pegano diet. The main emphasis is on alkalization, the complete exclusion of coffee, chocolate, alcohol, spices and smoked products.

On the recommendation of Dr. Ogneva, once every seven to ten days it is necessary to do a fasting day when you can only eat certain foods - fresh vegetables, apples, kefir. Contraindications to mono-diets are associated pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, pregnancy, diabetes mellitus.

The diet is also suitable for patients with exacerbations of allergic diseases such as atopic dermatitis, eczema. Alkaline nutrition will help reduce itching and inflammation of the skin, accelerate the regeneration process.

Oatmeal with apples, raisins and cinnamon

Diet for psoriasis: an example

What products can be eaten on a diet for psoriasis, the attending physician will tell in detail, based on the complaints of a particular patient, the severity of the clinical manifestations of the pathology and data on concomitant diseases. But the approximate menu for the day with psoriatic skin lesions is as follows.

  • Breakfast. Porridge on the water (better oatmeal) with the addition of a small amount of berries, fruits (both fresh and dried). Herbal broth or green (flower) tea.
  • Lunch. Baked apple with a little almonds and honey. You can replace the vegetable salad.
  • Dinner. Lean vegetable soup. Steamed chicken breast. Fresh fruit compote or dried. Can be replaced with tea.
  • Dinner. Low-fat fish baked in the oven. Vegetable Salad.
  • Second dinner. Cottage cheese with yogurt. Herbal decoction.

A detailed diet for psoriasis also involves taking multivitamins recommended by a dermatologist, especially in the initial stages of the disease. This is necessary to make up for the lack of fat-soluble organic compounds. They are necessary for better skin regeneration after psoriasis, especially palmar-plantar localization.


With psoriasis, a diet is certainly good, but it rather supports the result achieved through medications. The main thing is to choose the one that will help you. Having tried many different hormonal ointments, I chose the immunostimulating drug lycopid.He helped me a lot (only 1 course of taking pills), now I just support this effect through diet, as well as trips to the Dead Sea (if I can get out).

Helena, http://www.woman.ru/health/diets/article/74466/

I treated psoriasis according to the method of Dr. Ogneva Svetlana Mikhailovna! Here she has a comprehensive approach to treatment: it’s not only diet and nutrition, but also phyto-collections of tinctures and phyto-ointment, and no hormones !!!!! Of course, the approach should be comprehensive! In addition to diet and tanning, I also use Pulsar cream, it helps very well, it’s just a phyto))

Svetlana, http://www.woman.ru/health/diets/article/74466/

Other diets

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