The content of the article
Diet for hypercholesterolemia, in contrast to therapeutic nutritional schemes in acute conditions, cannot be a temporary phenomenon. It should be part of the lifestyle. This does not mean that sometimes you can not treat yourself to something tasty. Yes, the diet for high cholesterol contains limitations - for both men and women. But if you stick to them daily, even “harmful” foods can be afford in small quantities.
The benefits and harms of fatty alcohol
Metabolism in the human body is impossible without cholesterol. This fatty alcohol is involved in the production of sex hormones, vitamin D and bile acids. In addition, it is a component of the membranes of all body cells. Therefore, the concentration of cholesterol in the blood must be within certain physiological limits so that this substance is sufficient for the necessary biochemical reactions.
There are situations when the level of cholesterol in the body rises, and this is considered a physiological norm. For example, this is observed during pregnancy, when the mother's body requires a large amount of building material to carry the baby.
What you need to remove from the menu
Cholesterol diet and proper nutrition with high cholesterol primarily involves limiting the intake of trans fats and animal fats. They are the external source of cholesterol. The list of products that should be strictly limited, and it is better to completely exclude from the menu, is given below. So, with high cholesterol, you can not drink alcohol and natural coffee, eat fast food, sausage and smoked meats, as well as:
- butter substitutes - spreads and margarines;
- liver and pate - 100 g of product contains 500 mg of cholesterol;
- offal - more cholesterol than in red meat;
- puff pastry and pastry - contains eggs and butter;
- cheeses - the highest concentration of fats in hard varieties;
- butter - cream, whole milk;
- chicken yolk - it is permissible to eat one a week;
- shrimp - 100 g of product contains 310 mg of cholesterol;
- fish caviar - 100 g of product contains 211 mg of cholesterol.
What should include a diet for high cholesterol
What to eat and what should be the diet? With high cholesterol, food for women and men should include a large number of products that slow down the absorption of fats from the intestines and the synthesis of cholesterol in the body. You can and should eat with high cholesterol:
- vegetables - tomatoes cucumbers;
- fresh greens - onions, parsley;
- fruits - apples, bananas, oranges;
- bean - beans, peas;
- cereal - wheat, buckwheat, rice;
- fish - trout, salmon, cod;
- lean meat - rabbit, chicken without skin, lean beef;
- skim dairy products - milk, kefir;
- nuts - almonds, hazelnuts;
- mushrooms - oyster mushrooms, champignons, white;
- natural tea - green leaf;
- vegetable oils - especially flaxseed and olive.
The basic principles of nutrition
When drawing up the diet, it is important to consider not only the list of permitted products, but also the general principles of healthy eating:
- need to eat fractionally - up to six times a day;
- portion should be placed - in two folded palms;
- take an additive - extremely undesirable;
- two days a week - must be fish;
- one day - It is advisable to make unloading or lean;
- fruits and vegetables - it is better to eat raw, but you can stew and bake them;
- refuse - from frying foods in oil.
In order to comply with the recommended ratio of protein, starch and fiber in one meal, you can use the plate rule:
- half a serving - must be vegetables, except for potatoes;
- quarter serving - assigned to lean protein products;
- quarter serving - take starchy foods (rice, bread, potatoes, pasta).
Often, hypercholesterolemia is found in people with other diseases that exacerbate its negative effect on the body. For example, in individuals with:
- overweight;
- diabetes mellitus;
- liver or kidney dysfunction;
- hypothyroidism;
- unstable blood pressure;
- heart failure.
Therefore, a diet with elevated cholesterol may also include other restrictions aimed at correcting concomitant pathologies (lowering blood sugar, losing weight, reducing uric acid). So, table number 10 according to Pevzner, in addition to limiting sources of cholesterol, it also provides for the minimization of the use of table salt.
Approximate diet for the day. Table for lowering cholesterol
In order to make a diet menu with high cholesterol for a week, you need to take the allowed foods and group them into fractional meals. Here's what the sample menu looks like for one day:
- after rising - a glass of freshly squeezed carrot juice, tea without milk and cream, dried fruits and nuts are allowed;
- breakfast - cereal porridge (150 g), steamed beef cutlet, large apple or citrus (250-300 g), green tea with honey;
- lunch - fresh vegetable salad witholive oilcarrot or tomato juice;
- dinner - vegetable broth soup, baked chicken cutlet, grilled vegetables (200 g), a slice of whole grain bread, a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice or tea;
- afternoon tea - yogurt and juice;
- dinner - grilled fish (150 g), stewed or boiled vegetables (200 g), boiled potatoes or bread, unsweetened tea (possible with honey).
Can I drink alcohol
Doctors recommend strictly restricting alcoholic beverages with hypercholesterolemia, since alcohol negatively affects the metabolism of fats and cholesterol.
- Enhances cholesterol synthesis. Ethyl alcohol itself is the substance from which cholesterol is synthesized - the alcohol in the body turns into acetic acid, which is involved in the formation of cholesterol.
- Increases triglycerides. Taking even small doses of alcohol dramatically increases the amount of triglycerides in the blood. This is due to the conversion of alcohol in the body and an increased release of triglycerides from the fat depot.
Therefore, the amount of alcohol in patients with hypercholesterolemia should be strictly regulated. Doctors recommend not to exceed the following doses:
- 40 ml of whiskey;
- 150 ml of wine;
- 45 ml of brandy.
Coffee and cholesterol
Cardiologists consider hypercholesterolemia a contraindication to natural coffee. Studies have shown that with regular coffee consumption for a month, cholesterol levels increase by 8-10%. This is due to the fact that the drink contains cafestol. Especially harmful are the following methods of brewing ground grains:
- French press;
- in Turkish.
Doctors' reviews confirm that during strict diets people often remain hungry, and the temptation to eat something harmful, as a rule, leads to a breakdown. To prevent this from happening, you must understand that a diet with high cholesterol does not contain absolute exceptions. And banned foods can be consumed if you really want to. But remember - the less the better.
The result was good while I was clearly sitting on buckwheat with herbs, but I also love mayonnaise and sauces based on it. Here again rose 5.8. And also girls, they suggested a folk remedy - kefir withcinnamon. I tried it and I really liked it, now I drink, though not always. Some professor spoke on the radio and said, despite the fact that now the standards have increased, we must try. so that at any age, cholesterol does not exceed 5.0
To fight high cholesterol, you must first of all the appropriate diet. By the way, here are some tips. Diet to lower cholesterol is simple: avoid saturated fats and dietary cholesterol. It is recommended to reduce the amount of animal fats in the diet, it is desirable that the meat portion is not more than 100g. Eat lean meat, remove skin from chicken. Do not abuse butter, fat sour cream, mayonnaise. Prefer stewed or boiled over fried. Eggs - as a result of recent studies, scientists have found that eating eggs does not affect blood cholesterol. The article is about vegetable oil, vegetable oil if you have problems with the stomach it is better not to use a double-edged sword here, on the one hand a monogyro, on the other hard to split. The problem of cholesterol worries me in connection with my mother. What kind of fishman? Tell us more. Mom was recommended some other polyphepan, but somehow it didn’t really help.
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