The content of the article
In most cases thrush caused by a fungus of the genus Candida albicans, less often it is provoked by other species, for example, Candida glabrata. This type of microorganism belongs to the conditionally pathogenic flora, they are also detected in healthy people.
Where does the fungus come from
There are a number of factors that can cause intensive multiplication of the fungus and the appearance of symptoms of candidiasis. In women, the most frequent localization is the vagina and mucous membrane of the external genitalia.
According to doctors, the cause of thrush is a violation of the biocenosis (a kind of status quo of microorganisms) of the vagina due to a decrease in the number of lactobacilli that maintain the balance of microflora. This provokes the development of conditions such as dysbiosis, bacagnosis with the appearance of appropriate symptoms. Thrush can develop with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT), taking antibiotics, for example, about ureaplasma, cystitis, and respiratory system diseases.
What diet is recommended against thrush in women
Do I need a diet and what to eat with thrush in women? Of course, the treatment of thrush involves the appointment of antifungal drugs. To complement and increase their effectiveness will help a properly designed diet for candidiasis in women. In addition, such nutrition is necessary if thrush is diagnosed during pregnancy or breastfeeding, when the appointment of medications has a number of contraindications.
First of all, it is advisable to eat only natural products, it is not recommended to include canned food or dishes containing a large number of dyes and preservatives in the menu. To restore the microflora of the intestines and vagina, it is recommended to eat products that have prebiotic properties. These are those that are not absorbed in the upper parts of the gastrointestinal tract, but enter the large intestine, where they contribute to the growth of beneficial microflora. Important components of these products are inulin and fructosoligosaccharides.
For example, it is recommended that products from:
- rye
- maize;
- millet;
- buckwheat groats;
- beans, soybeans.
It is also very important to add to the diet:
- garlic;
- artichoke;
- bow;
- chicory;
- nuts
- Freshly squeezed juice of lemon and orange.
The role of sour milk
Nutrition for thrush should include such dairy products:
- kefir;
- yogurt;
- sour cream;
- sourdough;
- cottage cheese.
Thanks to their lactic acid bacteria, the proliferation of their own beneficial microflora, as well as chemical compounds that lower the pH in the intestine, are stimulated. A sour-milk diet leads to a suppression of the growth of opportunistic microorganisms, including candida fungi.
It should be borne in mind that dairy products purchased at the store, especially those with a long shelf life, contain few live lactobacilli and bifidobacteria. Therefore, the best option is yogurt or sour cream, cooked at home in a yogurt maker.
Menu accents
It is useful to include vegetables, berries and spices in the diet during thrush, which have an antifungal effect:
- lingonberry;
- carrot;
- lemon;
- sea kale;
- hot peppers;
- cloves;
- Bay leaf.
What foods are harmful
However, the diet for vaginal candidiasis excludes foods from the diet that, on the contrary, contribute to the growth of pathogenic microflora. Should be removed from the menu or limit the use of:
- sweet pastries, cakes and pastries;
- sugar (better replaced with honey);
- potatoes;
- polished rice;
- whole milk;
- Chocolate
- condensed milk;
- white flour pasta.
Sample menu
With thrush, you can use any method of cooking products: frying, boiling, baking. However, the best option would be to use recipes that include steaming or baking in the oven without fat. So in the dishes will be stored a sufficient amount of vitamins and nutrients.
In addition, raw, thermally unprocessed vegetables and fruits should be included in the menu. The use of a large number of leafy vegetables, greens is shown. It is recommended to eat fresh fruit after each meal. Below is a sample menu for a day with thrush.
Table - Products and dishes for a sample menu for the day
Eating | The list of products and dishes |
Breakfast | - Buckwheat; - cottage cheese with honey; - one apple of sour varieties; - bread with bran; - green tea with honey |
Lunch | - Galetny cookies; - yogurt |
Dinner | - Bean soup; - boiled unpolished rice; - steamed meat (chicken; - turkey); - salad of leafy vegetables with olive oil; - orange juice |
High tea | - Casserole of cottage cheese and rice; - yogurt; - lingonberry tea |
Dinner | - Fish baked with vegetables; - bread toasts with bran; - fruit salad; - green tea |
Thus, a diet with thrush will help restore disturbed microflora, and some products inhibit the growth and reproduction of fungal infections. Such nutrition must be maintained even after the symptoms of candidiasis disappear, and usually the diet lasts one to two months. If a recurrent form of the disease is diagnosed, a constant diet is recommended in the treatment of thrush.
Other diets
Diet models
Protein-carbohydrate alternation
Diet on the water
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