Nutrition for hemorrhoids and cracks how to eat with bleeding, exacerbation, constipation

For several centuries, inflammation of the hemorrhoidal nodes has been and remains a pressing problem in medicine. Today, the prevalence of this disease among middle-aged people reaches 40%. Entire groups of drugs have been developed for the treatment of hemorrhoids; modern minimally invasive techniques are introduced annually in surgery. In this case, observing the correct diet, which avoids exacerbations of the disease, is of no small importance. What foods does the diet for hemorrhoids include, and which ones should not be consumed?
Steamed fish

Hemorrhoids are an abnormal expansion of the venous plexus of the rectum and anus (internal and external hemorrhoids, respectively). In this case, hemorrhoidal nodes can have various sizes. Complications of this pathology are thrombosis and inflammation of pathological venous formations, their loss may occur. Of particular danger is massive bleeding from the nodes, requiring urgent surgical intervention.

One of the main causes of hemorrhoids, according to proctologists, is frequent constipation caused by malnutrition and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT). Also, sedentary lifestyle, sedentary work, venous stasis phenomena in the pelvic area can also become provoking factors. An important role is played by a genetic predisposition to venous pathologies.

Why you need a special nutrition plan

How to eat and what kind of food is useful for violation of the digestive tract? Given that disruption of the gastrointestinal tract is one of the causes of exacerbation of hemorrhoids, a proper diet takes a leading place in its therapy. A properly designed diet menu for hemorrhoids prevents the occurrence of constipation and thereby prevents an excessive increase in pressure in the rectal ampoule. For patients with a tendency to constipation, a special laxative diet (diet number 3 according to Pevzner), which normalizes the intestines.

Of particular importance in the preparation of the menu is the inclusion in the diet of a sufficient amount of dietary fiber, that is, fiber. The latter plays an important role in the implementation of digestion processes, contributes to easier bowel movements.

Fiber is represented by a whole group of substances having a different chemical structure. These substances are not exposed to digestive enzymes and are not absorbed in the intestines. However, they create conditions for the formation of normal microflora of the gastrointestinal tract, have a positive effect on intestinal motility, and are adsorbents.

The wide spread of hemorrhoids is partly due to the use of a large number of so-called refined foods that lose fiber during the production process. According to WHO, on average, modern people consume only 10-15 g of dietary fiber per day. Proctologists recommend with hemorrhoids to consume at least 30-40 g of fiber, which approximately corresponds to 400-500 g of fresh vegetables and fruits.

What products are allowed

The nutrition of a hemorrhoid patient at home should consist of:

  • foods with a lot of dietary fiber;
  • drinks with a high percentage of carbon dioxide;
  • foods high in organic acids;
  • sugary substances and salty foods (without exacerbation of the disease).

In addition, the diet for hemorrhoids and anal fissures provides for fractional food intake and a small amount of servings. It should be eaten at least five to six times a day. Such recommendations are due to the fact that when food enters the stomach, reflex stimulation of the lower parts of the gastrointestinal tract occurs. This contributes to easier bowel movements. For patients with hemorrhoids, long breaks between meals are unacceptable. Culinary recipes can include any heat treatment:

  • boiling;
  • baking;
  • easy frying.

However, if there are any diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, you need to abandon excessively fried food.

The menu must necessarily include salads from raw vegetables and fruits. It is advisable to use vegetable oils when preparing meals, and refuse refractory animal fats. The second dishes should be prepared from low-fat varieties of poultry and meat. A very important point in the diet for hemorrhoids is adequate fluid intake. A day you need to drink an average of about 2 liters of water.

Dietary fiber sources

The nutritional plan for hemorrhoids involves the use of a sufficient amount of vegetables, fruits and leafy greens. For example, the diet should include:

  • zucchini;
  • pumpkin;
  • carrot;
  • beets;
  • Tomatoes
  • cucumbers.

Favorably affect the work of the digestive tract, these same vegetables, but cooked in boiled or stewed form. It is also useful to use dried fruits from plums, apricots, figs. Salads are cooked with lots of herbs (parsley, basil, dill, arugula).

With hemorrhoids, it is better to eat bakery products with bran. Instead of baking, biscuit cookies such as "Maria" or "Zoological" are recommended. The menu must include cereals, here is a list of cereals:

Without exacerbating the disease, chopped nuts (peanuts, almonds, pistachios), including coconut, are very useful. Seaweed salads are recommended to enhance intestinal motility.

To compensate for the deficiency of dietary fiber, many nutritionists recommend adding special dietary supplements to dishes, for example, ready-made fiber. In the supermarket for this you can buy bran: wheat, oat, soy, from a mixture of cereals. The recommended initial dose of bran for hemorrhoids is not more than one teaspoon three times a day. Every three days, the dose is gradually increased.

The maximum number of bran should not exceed six tablespoons per day. Before use, the product is poured with boiling water and allowed to infuse for 15-20 minutes. However, bran should not be eaten during an exacerbation of hemorrhoids and before surgery, since they can mechanically damage inflamed hemorrhoids. You should also use the product with caution in the menu for pregnant women and children.

Organic Acid Food

With hemorrhoids, you must definitely eat foods high in organic acids. These include:

  • dairy products;
  • sour-tasting fruits;
  • plum, peach juices.

From dairy products it is better to choose fresh and high acidity. Most preferred are acidophilus, kefir, yogurt.

Girl holds a glass and a bottle of mineral water in her hands

High Carbon Dioxide Drinks

If you are prone to constipation, you can take mineral waters for therapeutic purposes. The following are shown:

  • "Essentuki 17";
  • Essentuki 4;
  • "Jermuk."

It is better to drink water in an amount of 200-300 ml one and a half hours before breakfast, lunch and dinner. The course of treatment is two to three weeks.

Sweet and salty dishes

Despite the fact that hemorrhoids are not recommended to eat sweet pastries, cakes and pastries, some types of sweets are allowed in small quantities. You can use such products as dessert:

  • honey;
  • caramel;
  • plum or apricot jam;
  • marshmallows;
  • candy;
  • marmalade.
Also, in the diet for both men and women, you can add dishes with a high salt content. They contribute to the accelerated advancement of the food lump in the digestive tract.So, the diet for hemorrhoids for women for every day (as for men) may include herring, pickles, a small amount of pickled vegetables and fruits. However, when breastfeeding, it is better to abandon marinades.

Pumpkin Puree Soup

What prohibits a diet for hemorrhoids

If there are pathologists of hemorrhoidal veins, it is better to exclude products from the menu that slow down intestinal motility and emptying. You can not eat with inflammation of the venous nodes of the rectal plexus (hemorrhoids):

  • pasta;
  • white flour pastries;
  • polished white rice;
  • legumes;
  • mushrooms;
  • onions, spinach, turnips.

The diet in acute hemorrhoids excludes fatty meats (pork, geese, ducks) and fatty fish. Smoked meats, hot spices and seasonings, which have an irritating effect on the mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract, are also limited in the menu.

Rich meat soups are not recommended. To prepare the first dishes using a secondary broth.

How to make a menu

When selecting products, you can focus on the sample menu for people without serious gastrointestinal diseases, shown in the table below. Additionally, you can consult a dietitian who will recommend a diet for a week and draw up a table of products that are allowed for use.

Table - Example diet menu No. 3 for hemorrhoids

EatingFood & Dishes
Right after waking up- A glass of mineral or drinking water;
- soaked prunes
Breakfast- Oatmeal;
- kefir camp;
- salad of boiled beets and carrots;
- bread with bran;
- butter;
- raw apple or pear;
- weak coffee or tea
Lunch- Black bread with butter;
- salad of grated raw carrots;
- rosehip broth
Dinner- Vegetarian borsch with the addition of boiled meat;
- bread with bran;
- mashed potato and vegetable oil with vegetable oil;
- steam chicken cutlets;
- a salad of seasonal vegetables;
- compote from plums
Dinner- Fish baked with vegetables in the oven;
- salad of cabbage and carrots;
- buckwheat porridge in milk;
- bread with bran;
- fruits;
- weak tea
Before bedtime- Salad from boiled beets with prunes;
- kefir

Beetroot salad

Features of the diet after hemorrhoidectomy

With advanced and complicated forms of hemorrhoids, surgical treatment is performed. To date, modern minimally invasive hemorrhoidectomy methods have been developed that have a short rehabilitation period. Nevertheless, the diet in this case plays a very important role, since trauma to the intestine can significantly delay the recovery period.

  • In the first day. Immediately after the operation, any food is forbidden. Drink plenty of fluids: rosehip brothweak tea with sugar.
  • From the second day. The diet after surgery for hemorrhoids on the second day allows meals in small portions. Mostly, they use vegetable purees (potato, squash, pumpkin), cereals without a rough shell, dried bread, sour-milk products. Meat dishes are prepared from lean meats. The cooking in this case is boiling or steaming. Showing juices with pulp, best plum or peach. The same therapeutic diet is recommended for hemorrhoids with bleeding.
  • In two to three weeks. During this period, you can go on a diet for patients with chronic hemorrhoids. Deviations from the diet are sometimes permitted, however, it is necessary to monitor the work of the intestines and avoid constipation.
During rehabilitation after hemorrhoidectomy, cereals with coarse fiber, nuts, legumes, radish, cabbage, and bran are excluded from the menu. Also contraindicated are products that provoke constipation: flour products, cakes with cream, pasta. Spicy seasonings, canned and pickled dishes are not recommended.

Proper nutrition for hemorrhoids with constipation has a positive effect on the digestive tract. However, such a diet contains a sufficient amount of necessary nutrients, vitamins and minerals and has a general healing effect.
According to doctors, a special menu, rich in dietary fiber, promotes regular bowel movements and prevents exacerbation of the disease. A particularly pronounced effect of the diet can be observed with the first and second degrees of hemorrhoids.

Reviews: “Need more porridge and bran in the morning”

Since this disease is inflammatory, namely, the rectum becomes inflamed, one should adhere to a certain diet that will facilitate the course and treatment of the disease or, at the initial stage, will itself relieve all inflammation.
- To alleviate and reduce pain, you should eat soft and liquid foods, that is, crackers, for example, must be forgotten.
- eat meat and fish in small quantities once every few days;
- dried fruits, such as dried apricots, raisins and the like, are very good;
- You should also exclude products that strongly fasten rice, banana and so on;
- very good enveloping cereals, such as oatmeal, egg, finely ground wheat, barley;
- All vegetables are allowed, but not hard. For example, raw beets can not be, and boiled can. Cucumber is not allowed, since it is in one solid form;
- honey;
- whole sour milk;
- exclude spicy, fried, smoked, highly salted, acidic foods, as it will provoke new attacks of pain;
- very good vegetable unrefined oils.

(Yana612) Yana,

For starters, try to normalize your diet so that you have good stools. I went to the proctologist, they did not begin to write me anything, since the initial stage only. The doctor advised washing with cold water after each stool. When it hurts, I wet the napkin with ice water and apply it, it really helps. Another doctor say eat more cereals and bran in the morning. It helps. Better go see a doctor.


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