Diet for gastritis: how to build a diet for inflammation of the gastric mucosa

Modern man tends to eat wrong. For a normal meal, there is often not enough time. The composition of the products also leaves much to be desired. Under the influence of these and other negative factors, diseases of the digestive tract develop. The most common of these is gastritis. In addition to medicines, the treatment of pathology provides a number of restrictions in the menu. On a diet with gastritis, you can eat food that helps to accelerate the healing of the mucosa and prevents re-inflammation.
Steam Salmon with Vegetables

The main symptomatology of gastritis is pain in the stomach. Often "hungry." Should a person have a bite - the discomfort almost completely disappears. Such dynamics is inherent in chronic gastritis. Untreated disease has extremely negative consequences, up to the development of the oncological process. With exacerbation of gastritis, the pain becomes very intense. If you do not pay due attention to treatment, there is a risk of ulcers and bleeding. In the treatment of gastric diseases, diet takes a leading place.

Sooner or later, all gastritis begin to be interested in such questions: what kind of food is useful for gastritis, what can and should not be eaten for gastropathy, what to exclude from food for acute gastritis, how many times a day you need to eat, what diet is more effective for mixed gastritis, what is the most effective gastritis diet ... So let's figure it out together - what to do and how to eat if you have a history of such a disease in order to avoid the suffering associated with it.

Competent diagnosis: why it matters

The diagnosis of gastritis should be entrusted to a specialist. Pain in the stomach is not a reason to swallow antispasmodics and drugs that reduce acidity. If there is temporary or permanent discomfort of any intensity, you should seek the advice of a gastroenterologist.

Diet, like drug treatment, is incorrectly selected independently. Gastritis is of various forms and degrees. Each of them requires an individual approach to diet therapy. Gastritis happens:

  • with reduced secretory function of the stomach;
  • with increased secretion;
  • acute;
  • chronic.

Atrophic gastritis (with low acidity) requires the introduction of soft stimulants of gastric secretion into the diet. And, for example, hyperacid (high acidity) - their complete exclusion from daily nutrition.

There are also differences in diet, depending on the form of the disease. Acute inflammation requires maximum sparing of gastric function. In the recovery phase, an adaptive diet is selected. Next, a diet is prescribed that prevents the transition of the disease into a chronic form, but provides the body with all the nutrients.

Without an appropriate diagnosis, it is impossible to accurately determine the form of gastritis. That is why with stomach problems, you should consult a doctor. Particular attention should be paid to the selection of a therapeutic diet for a child or adolescent. If in time you do not create optimal conditions for a complete cure of the disease, gastritis will go into a chronic form and require a diet throughout life.

Varieties of "stomach" tables

The doctor selects diet food for the patient with a diagnosis of gastritis, given the presence of concomitant diseases.Most often, inflammation of the gastric mucosa becomes a consequence or, on the contrary, entails pathology:

  • pancreas;
  • gallbladder;
  • liver
  • intestines.

In the presence of concomitant diagnoses, the diet should not only promote the healing of the gastric mucosa, but also normalize the function of other organs. It is also designed to optimize the evacuation function of the stomach, small and large intestines. With this approach, the load on the pancreas and liver will automatically decrease.

Doctors prescribe one of Manuel Pevzner’s diets for gastritis. A famous doctor has developed a whole range of different options for therapeutic nutrition. Among them, there are options for the treatment of gastritis of various types.

  • Diet number 1. It is used for the treatment of acute gastritis, passing into the recovery phase, chronic hypoacid gastritis in the acute phase, chronic gastritis with normal secretory function.
  • Diet number 1a. Provides maximum sparing of the gastric mucosa. It is used in the acute period, accompanied by the risk of opening a stomach ulcer and bleeding. Assigned to the patient for a short time.
  • Diet number 5. It is prescribed for patients with chronic gastritis, not accompanied by severe violations of the acidity of the gastric juice. Also, table No. 5 is used in the presence of concomitant diseases: cholecystitis, pancreatitis.
The main principle of gastritis diet therapy is to treat not a disease, but a patient. This means that the menu, based on general recommendations, adapts as much as possible to the needs of a particular patient. When recommending a particular table, the gastroenterologist takes into account the particular state of the patient, his lifestyle and the list of prescribed medications.

Diet for gastritis: general rules

The diet for gastritis begins immediately after the diagnosis of the disease. In the acute form, inflammation of the gastric mucosa can provoke vomiting. This is a protective reaction of the body. Therefore, in the first couple of days of the exacerbation period, therapeutic fasting can be shown: the patient drinks a lot of clean water and observes bed rest. The following is a short-term period of a very strict diet:

  • volume - eat food in small portions every two hours;
  • the form - all dishes have a liquid and mucous consistency;
  • salt - completely excluded;
  • irritants - a ban on harmful substances to the mucosa is introduced;
  • cooking - only cooking.

Subject to dietary recommendations and the correct prescription of medicines, the exacerbation stage stops until the fifth day of treatment. The patient's diet is changed taking into account the individual characteristics of the course of the disease. The list of products is expanding, it includes:

  • lean meat - in a processed form (souffle and puddings);
  • light soups - with maximally boiled cereals and creamy dressing;
  • a fish - in the form of souffle and meatballs (steam);
  • eggs - soft-boiled or protein omelet (steam);
  • tea - plus some milk;
  • liquid cereals - rice oatmeal;
  • butter - a little bit;
  • fruits and berries - in the form of jelly and jelly.

It is very important to eat with gastritis sparingly. Do not eat or drink too hot or cold foods. The optimum temperature is from 20 ° C to 52 ° C. In the acute stage, all dishes should be barely warm.

Compliance with strict chemical, mechanical, temperature rest is the key to quick and effective restoration of damaged sections of the mucosa. This is favorable for any type of disease, including erosive gastritis. Epithelial repair will prevent gastritis complications such as ulcers and internal bleeding.

When the acute period has passed

Nutrition for gastritis outside the acute period requires moderate gastric sparing. In this case, the task of the diet is to provide the body with the necessary nutrients. Products that provoke inflammation are removed from the diet. Saturate it with protein, which is necessary for the healing of damage to the epithelium.A huge role is given to ensuring the evacuation functions of the digestive tract: constipation and fermentation in the intestines are extremely undesirable for gastritis.

Allowed products are steamed, boiled, baked. There is no more urgent need for grinding. However, lumpy foods should not contain coarse elements that can damage the mucous membrane. The following table tells more about the diet of patients with gastritis.

Table - What you can eat with gastritis (outside the acute period)

CategoryThe list of products and dishesFeatures
Soups- Vegetable broth with cereals;
- vegetable-based mashed soups
- Croup as much as boiled;
- use low fiber vegetables
Bakery products- Yesterday's wheat bread;
- yesterday's pasty baking
- Fresh bread is dried;
- prefer white varieties
Meat and fish products- lean pork;
- veal;
- chicken;
- turkey
- non-greasy river fish without skin
- Prepare mashed potatoes, meatballs, souffle, puddings;
- allow the use of fish piece
Cereals- buckwheat;
- oatmeal;
- semolina;
- rice
- Cook on water (you can pour a little milk);
- grind well or boil
Vegetables and fruits- potatoes;
- cauliflower;
- carrot;
- beets
- Boil in water or steamed;
- mashed or cook souffle
Milk and eggs- Cottage cheese;
- milk and cream (with caution);
- eggs (no more than two per day)
- Prepare cottage cheese souffle, lazy dumplings, cheesecakes;
- milk is added to tea and cereals;
- soft-boiled eggs or steam omelette

On a diet with gastritis, you can not eat foods that strongly stimulate secretion. These include strong meat and fish broths, decoctions of vegetables and mushrooms. The ban is introduced on annoying drinks:

  • soda;
  • strong tea;
  • coffee;
  • alcoholic cocktails;
  • fruit juices.

The latter are diluted with water before use or just made fruit compotes.

Fatty and fibrous meat (some varieties of pork and beef, duck, goose) are completely excluded from the diet. Fatty sea fish is used very rarely, and river fish are thoroughly cleaned of skin, ligaments, cartilage and bones.

You should be very selective about vegetables. A large amount of fiber in them can complicate the digestion process and provoke secretory activity of the epithelium of the stomach and other digestive organs. Pickles, pickles and sour vegetables are also completely ruled out. In chronic gastritis, the following is prohibited:

  • radish;
  • White cabbage;
  • mushrooms;
  • cucumbers
  • sorrel;
  • legumes.

Caution should be applied to cereals. Perlovkamillet barley andcorn porridges can damage the mucous membrane, so it is better to refuse them for the entire period of the diet.

Particularly carefully, nutrition should be monitored for gastritis in children and pregnant women. Unquestioning compliance with the rules of diet therapy will reduce the need for taking medications, which is the main goal in this case.

Buckwheat porridge in a wooden bowl

If the acidity is high ...

The diet for gastritis with high acidity requires a complete exclusion from the diet of provocateurs of active secretion of hydrochloric acid. Refusal from them is relevant for the duration of the diet, as well as outside the observance of a specific diet, since prohibited foods can provoke an exacerbation of the disease. These include:

  • dairy products;
  • soda;
  • fried foods;
  • smoked meats;
  • salty dishes;
  • white cabbage in any form;
  • sour fruits (citrus fruits);
  • alcohol;
  • sweets;
  • meat, mushroom, fish broths.
The best food for a patient with hypersecretory gastritis is oatmeal andbuckwheat cereals, whole milk, seafood, skim meat and fish. A soft consistency will ensure high-quality digestion of food and easy evacuation of the food lump from the stomach.

... and reduced

A diet with gastritis with low acidity, on the contrary, requires mild stimulation of the release of hydrochloric acid by epithelial cells. In this case, mechanical and thermal irritation should not occur.This can provoke the death of secretory cells with a worsening of the patient's condition. Food should “seduce” the stomach to actively and fully digest it on its own. It is important to prevent hypersecretion of bile and pancreatic juice.

Milk is completely excluded from the diet, but in moderation, the following are introduced:

  • sour milk (in any form);
  • White cabbage;
  • a small amount of citrus;
  • meat and fish broths.

Decoctions of meat and fish should be "second" to avoid stress on the digestive tract. Be careful with vegetables. In raw form, they are still prohibited. But mashed potatoes and soufflé frompumpkins, broccoli, zucchini, carrots may be present on the patient's table daily.

A diet for gastritis should not be used for weight loss. In a healthy person, it can provoke a slowdown in metabolic processes and a tendency to constipation. The reason for this is the consistency of food (grated), which is easier to digest and assimilate.

Soft-Boiled Egg

Menu: main tables and therapeutic snacks

The menu for every day with gastritis may include forgotten, but useful and tasty recipes for "children's" cuisine. For making mashed potatoes and soufflé it is better to use a blender. Another assistant is a multicooker. In it, boiled porridge does not burn, and steam dishes are cooked quickly. The gastritis diet menu for each new week can be drawn up, focusing on the following example.


  • Morning. Soft-boiled egg.
  • Dinner. Oat soup with the addition of an egg and cream mixture.
  • Evening. Boiled lean fish baked with milk sauce.
  • What to eat. Carrot puree. Berry Mousse. Milk or kefir (depending on the form of gastritis).


  • Morning. Steam protein omelet.
  • Dinner. Rice soup and souffle meat.
  • Evening. Curd pudding.
  • What to eat. Dairy products, fruit jelly, baked grated apple.


  • Morning. Semolina and soft-boiled egg.
  • Dinner. Potato and curd pudding soup.
  • Evening. Fish meatballs and carrot and beetroot puree.
  • What to eat. Non-acidic cottage cheese, crackers, a roll of inedible dough.


  • Morning. Lazy Dumplings.
  • Dinner. Rice soup and turkey pudding.
  • Evening. Vegetable stew, grated through a sieve.
  • What to eat. Steam cooked sausage. Baked apple with cottage cheese.


  • Morning. Rice porridge and soft-boiled egg.
  • Dinner. Vegetable soup. Zander steam. Boiled semolina.
  • Evening. Cottage cheese and rice casserole, boiled vegetables salad without skin.
  • What to eat. Jelly, jelly, dairy products.

The diet for gastritis completely eliminates the use of spices, hot spices, sauces. It is necessary to refuse fatty sausages and ham, from fat. A sharp increase in the load on the stomach is capable of even brown bread. The exclusion of these products temporarily or for life will only contribute to health, so you should not take these restrictions as deprivation. It also requires careful attention to yourself. Feeling of hunger should be quenched quickly and exclusively with the right food.


I had gastritis. It was possible to eat a fairly varied food, but nothing fried. I only ate boiled vegetables and every morning I started with oatmeal. You can also steam cutlets and boiled fish. You can’t eat fatty foods. To be honest, I still eat, even though gastritis has already been cured.


When treating gastritis, the regimen of food intake and its quantity on a plate was very important for me. I definitely didn’t eat after 18 hours, I tried not to allow myself snacks, so as not to injure the mucous membrane once again, and from my food porridge-smears and products cooked in a double boiler greatly helped me. I had to refuse coffee and drink exclusively jelly.


I do not eat now. I don’t eat sausages. With rare exceptions. A strict diet needs to be kept for some time. Then eat normally. But it’s normal.
I don’t have any mayonnaise sauces at home, I don’t have any snack foods from the series of dryers. I have a sour milk snack.From hot - spices from your garden and soy sauce for meat marinade.

And I can assure you that I can safely do without all this. Well, for breakfast, oatmeal, scrambled eggs, buckwheat. Selling before lunch with a snack after 2 hours with yanan or kefir. But I now have a gastrointestinal tract working like a clock. So I eat both salads from fresh vegetables and raw fruits. But for the gastrointestinal tract to come to such a coordinated work, I had to work hard. The slightest deviation is a day or two restrictions, so as not to bring to a specific long-term diet. It also happens that I sit on breadcrumbs with tea a day. But then the song)


Other diets

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