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Improper nutrition for diarrhea can increase it, delay recovery or lead to complications. Prolonged frequent loose stools lead to loss of fluid and electrolytes. Dehydration develops, and a lack of ions leads to impaired functioning of the heart, transmission of nerve impulses. Diarrhea in infants is especially dangerous. Young children have difficulty with fluid loss.
But is it diarrhea ...
Not every stool disorder falls under the definition of diarrhea. The disease is characterized by five signs.
- Frequency. Diarrhea is a repeating stool three to four times or more during the day. Unformed feces during bowel movements once or twice a day are not considered diarrhea.
- Consistency. Due to the high frequency, feces do not have time to take shape, therefore, they look like slurry, can be liquid or in the form of a liquid with small impurities. In case of poisoning, feces can be foamy or watery.
- Colour. Color can be any. It depends on the food eaten, impurities of the blood and other substances. Most often, feces come in various shades of brown, black, red, yellow. Sometimes a discolored white feces appears.
- Impurities. With diarrhea, food does not have time to digest. Therefore, it can come out unchanged, in the form of small pieces. To a greater extent, this applies to vegetables and fruits, protein food is digested in the stomach, and diarrhea is an intestinal pathology, therefore intestinal digestion suffers. As impurities, blood and mucus may appear.
- Smell. Ordinary feces have a characteristic unpleasant odor, but with diarrhea it changes, becomes fetid, sometimes acidic. Rarely, odor may be absent.
Why is the chair “upset”
Most people experience stool disorder after poor food. Poisoning occupy a leading position. But the following conditions can be causes of stool disorder:
- viral diarrhea;
- bacteria: salmonella, shigella, E. coli;
- enzyme deficiency in pancreatitis;
- ingestion of a large amount of bile (cholera diarrhea);
- intestinal diseases: enteritis, Crohn's disease, colitis;
- intestinal tumors;
- autoimmune pathologies;
- chemical poisoning;
- taking medications (usually after antibiotics, cytostatics);
- gastrointestinal bleeding.
Civilized humanity began to forget about many especially dangerous infections, for example, outbreaks of cholera are not typical for developed countries. Only cases brought from rest in hot countries are noted. Therefore, lovers of travel in Africa, India need to remember that raw water in these regions can be a source of cholera.
In children, diarrhea can occur with angina, against the background of severe bronchitis and pneumonia.These are manifestations of intoxication and the action of antibiotics, which together with the pathogenic flora destroy bacteria that live in the intestines.
Fastening diet for diarrhea: how to "tame" the intestines
A small, single disorder of the stool does not always require medical attention. But prolonged diarrhea, which does not stop for several days, can be a symptom of a serious illness. It may be accompanied by fever, impaired well-being, nausea and vomiting. In such cases, a doctor's examination and diagnosis are necessary.
The treatment of diarrhea involves the use of drugs that fight the cause of the pathology. But for greater effectiveness, you need to change the diet for diarrhea in children and adults.
The diet for diarrhea and flatulence fits into the framework of the therapeutic diet number 4 according to Pevzner. The purpose of such nutrition:
- minimize the burden on the intestines (eat in small portions);
- eliminate physical and chemical irritation;
- prevent fermentation and bloating.
Is it possible chocolate and pasta? The diet for diarrhea in an adult is based on protein products with the maximum restriction of fats and carbohydrates. It is forbidden food that enhances the secretion of digestive juices, causes fermentation in the intestines. What else is important?
- Meals. Five or six meals a day in small portions is needed so as not to give a large load on the digestive system.
- The energy value. Calorie diet for acute diarrhea decreases to 1800-1900 kcal due to a decrease in carbohydrates and fats.
- Drinking mode. The amount of fluid should not be less than 1.5-2 liters per day. It is necessary to make up for water loss. Dehydration is dangerous for older people with heart rhythm disturbances.
- Nutrient Composition. The amount of protein corresponds to the age norm - 70-80 g, more than half of which should be proteins of animal origin. Carbohydrates are allowed 250 g, of which up to 50 g is allocated to sugar. Fat can be entered 60-70 g.
- Salt. The amount of salty foods and salt is limited, but not too much. Sodium chloride is needed to replenish the electrolyte balance. But at the same time, you can’t get carried away so as not to intensify the symptoms of dehydration. Enough 8-10 g of salt per day.
What you can’t eat ...
The restrictions on the period of treatment of diarrhea are strict. The patient will feel the non-compliance with the recommendations on his intestines: the symptoms of diarrhea will intensify or resume. The table shows the contraindications to the use of certain products during the treatment of diarrhea.
Table - Prohibited products for the treatment of diarrhea
type of product | Scroll |
Meat products | - Fatty or fried meat; - offal - liver, kidneys, brains; - smoked meats; - broths; - canned food |
A fish | - Fatty grades; - fried; - in the form of canned food; - smoked |
Milk and its derivatives | - Whole milk; - fat cream; - whey based drinks |
Bakery products and cereals | - Good yeast baking; - black bread; - cream cakes, cakes, any sweets; - millet, pearl barley and barley groats |
Vegetables and fruits | - White cabbage (in any form); - beets, radishes, turnips, radishes; - cucumbers; - bean; - canned and pickled vegetables; - horseradish; - mushrooms; - fresh fruits and berries (especially sour) |
The drinks | - Carbonated sweet drinks and mineral water; - beer and any alcohol; - coffee, cocoa |
... and what is allowed
The list of foods you can eat with diarrhea includes all the main groups, but with some exceptions.
- Bakery products. Rusks, wheat bread, stale white bread, but not more than 200 g per day.
- Meat. Low-fat boiled poultry, beef, veal, as well as steam cutlets, meatballs, souffle and casseroles.
- A fish. Steamed, non-greasy varieties by stewing or baking.
- Milk products. Fresh cottage cheese.
- Cereals. Rubbed, liquid cereals cooked on the water. Rice viscous porridge is preferable.
- Vegetables. Only in the form of broths.
- The drinks. Water, tea, herbal decoctions, dried fruit compotes, jelly.
- Eggs. It is allowed to use in the form of a steam omelet or boiled, if there are no unpleasant sensations.
Diet planning
The diet menu for diarrhea in an adult is used for several days. If treatment and special nutrition are powerless against diarrhea, then you need to see a doctor for additional diagnosis and treatment adjustment. A sample menu for six meals may look like this.
- First breakfast. Rice porridge on the water, rosehip broth, a slice of dry white bread.
- Lunch. Dried fruits compote.
- Dinner. Meat soup puree, veal meatballs with buckwheat on water, dried fruit compote.
- High tea. Cottage cheese.
- Dinner. Steamed meatloaf with stewed carrots, rosehip broth.
- Before bedtime. Blueberry Kissel.
Diet for diarrhea with IBS may not be so strict. It is enough to identify products that cause digestive discomfort in a particular person, and exclude them from the menu.
The diet after diarrhea and vomiting has some features. Such symptoms are usually characteristic of severe food poisoning, accompanied by signs of gastroenteritis. Therefore, it is necessary to spare not only the intestinal mucosa, but also the stomach. On the first day, it is recommended to completely refuse food and drink a large amount of liquid:
- dried fruit compotes;
- herbal decoctions;
- weak tea;
- lean broth.
The diet for diarrhea in children is similar to that for an adult. The exception is infants, whose main food is breast milk. It can not be excluded from the diet. But the introduction of complementary foods and new products during treatment should be discarded.
Reviews: “Not only medicines are important, but also diet”
We also blasphemed. The first one had diarrhea for a week, caused an emergency, they said that it looked like an infection, since it was like sand. She is our lover of sand to crack. But I called the doctor on the fourth day, refused to eat at all. We had a diet for 3 days, the doctor prescribed it. And medicines-Enterofuril for diarrhea, Lactofiltrum, Linex, and Regidron drink. Only ended at the first ttt It began at the second, but she doesn’t take anything from us on the street. She, too, is flying the same way, only without a diet yet ... Do you drink rehydron? It is necessary to dissolve 1 teaspoon in a glass of boiled cooled water, and give every 5-10 minutes in a spoon.And the diet was like that, I called the doctor at 10 pm, she told us to eat nothing until 10 am the next day. At 10 am, rice broth 100gr, after two hours of oats on the water, you can add salt or sugar. Give crackers during the day, make the loaf itself. Dried fruit jelly. Kefir for the night. the second day, porridge in 1% milk, cottage cheese we ate agushu, baked apple. the third day - Porridge in milk of 150-200 grams, soup on the water, a cool egg. We drank regular chamomile tea. Let's drink more, and Regidron is necessary. As I said to Rvach, with diarrhea it is important not only to take medication, but also a diet.
If this is a simple poisoning / overeating of fruits, etc., then you can eat rice (without additives) and boiled eggs - this "fixes". In childhood, dry pomegranate crusts rang for us, insisted, and we drank them (by the way, a rather interesting taste). If the misfortune still continues, then you can drink loperamide: 2 tablets at once, and then 1 after each loose stool. Voot, something like that. And if it doesn’t pass at all, then it’s better to call a doctor to exclude cholera, dysentery and so on.
a guest,
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