Nutrition for liver cirrhosis: how to reduce the burden on the filter organ

Cirrhosis is a severe incurable pathology that often occurs after acute hepatitis, toxic or alcoholic liver damage. Without constant monitoring and specialized treatment, it can contribute to severe complications such as bleeding, cancer, and coma. A diet for cirrhosis of the liver is one of the important components that can prevent serious consequences and improve the patient's condition.
Fish with Asparagus and Lemon

The liver is a biological filter of the body, with the help of which all toxins received from the outside and formed during the metabolism are eliminated. Nutrition for cirrhosis should be devoid of harmful products. It is important that the daily menu contains all the useful nutrients, but does not create a burden on the gastrointestinal tract, liver tissue, and pancreas. Many people love fish, but how do you know which fish you can and which one is healthy?

4 rules of the diet for cirrhosis

The nutritional plan for this disease is based on the following four principles.

  1. The foundation. It should be composed of complex carbohydrates (cereals, pasta from durum wheat, vegetables), which fully provide all the energy needs of the body.
  2. Protein. Proteins are the main building material for all cells of the human body, so they need to be consumed per day at least 1 g / kg of body weight. The only exception is the diet for cirrhosis in the stage of decompensation, here the amount of protein and salt is limited to normalization.
  3. Mode. Eat should be fractional, the portions should be small. Food should be taken warm, excessively cold or hot dishes can lead to deterioration. It is optimal to divide the daily diet into five to six meals - three main and two to three snacks.
  4. Liquid. In addition to nutrition, drinking regimen is important. It is recommended to consume at least 1.5-2 liters of pure water, herbal decoctions, fruit drinks per day. However, a diet with severe cirrhosis of the liver with ascites should have fluid restrictions (not more than 1 liter per day).
If the condition worsens and the symptoms of decompensation appear, you should consult a specialist for qualified assistance and nutrition correction. When the initial manifestations of hepatic coma occur, the intake of protein, especially the animal, should be limited. it is during its splitting that toxins harmful to the body are formed. Salt can be consumed no more than 2 g per day.

Taboo dishes ...

Can mackerel with cirrhosis of the liver? Many foods can not be eaten with biliary cirrhosis of the liver, as well as inflammation of its tissue. As a result of their metabolism, toxic substances are formed, which are normally excreted by the liver, and with its pathology, they remain in the body and poison it. With cirrhosis, the following dishes should first be excluded.

  • Greasy. Pork, lamb, fatty sausages, fish, caviar.
  • Soups. Borsch, okroshka, solyanka.
  • Legumes. Excessive amount of vegetable protein, especially with the fourth degree of cirrhosis, leads to a worsening of the condition.
  • Coarse fiber vegetables. Cabbage, radish, radish - are hard to digest and negatively affect the condition of the gastrointestinal tract. It is also not recommended to eat spinach, onions, garlic and mushrooms.
  • Milk products. It is necessary to avoid the use of fatty milk, fermented baked milk, sour cream, cream, butter, margarine.
  • Fast food. Smoked products, spices, salty foods are also prohibited.
  • Sweets. Chocolate, butter cakes and pastries, ice cream, sweet carbonated drinks.

Do not eat eggs, omelets, mayonnaise, fatty sauces. Diet for liver cirrhosis and hepatitis implies the complete exclusion of any alcoholic beverages, black coffee and cocoa. Experts also recommend abandoning the use of excessively hot and cold drinks.

Contraindications for severe pathologies of the hepatobiliary system include a ban on the use of hot spices - garlic, pepper, paprika, as well as ketchup and mustard.

... and what hepatologists advise

What you can eat with cirrhosis of the liver, the attending physician will tell after a thorough examination and identification of the stage of the disease. Basic is diet number 5, it was created for patients suffering from hepatitis, cholecystitis and compensated cardiac cirrhosis.

Damage to the liver in some patients is accompanied by pathologies of other internal organs, in particular the pancreas. With concomitant pancreatitis and diabetes, patients are shown nutrition according to the principles diet number 10who deserved good reviews from doctors.

The following foods are included in the diet for liver cirrhosis and diabetes.

  • Squirrels. Low-fat poultry (chicken, turkey), meat (veal, beef, rabbit). Fish (pollock, perch, pike) and seafood (mussels, shrimps, raps).
  • Soups. With alcoholic cirrhosis, it is better to use lean soups.
  • Milk products. Low fat milk, kefir or cottage cheese. You can eat cottage cheese casseroles with apples. It is important to include dairy and sour milk products for women with liver disease in lactation and pregnancy.
  • Cereals. Oatmeal, buckwheat, millet, rice Porridge should be boiled in water. It is allowed to add a little vegetable oil to the finished dish (olive, flaxseedthistle).
  • Vegetables. Fresh cucumbers, tomatoes, bell peppers, carrots, beets, dill, parsley, lettuce, green peas, zucchini, eggplant. Vegetable caviar, stew.
  • Fruits. Ripe soft apples, pears, bananas, peaches. You can eat non-acidic berries, dried fruits.
  • Sweets. With liver pathology in children, natural sweets are allowed - jelly, marmalade, candy, marshmallows.
  • The drinks. It is permissible to use clean water, homemade compotes, jelly, herbal decoctions, rosehips, weak tea.

All diet dishes for cirrhosis should be fresh, well processed thermally. Suspicious foods or expired foods should not be eaten.

One of the serious complications of cirrhosis is portal hypertension and its consequence is esophageal varicose veins. With this pathology, the risk of bleeding from the veins of the esophagus increases when they are mechanically damaged. If such a pathology is suspected, it is important for patients to eat only mechanically sparing food - mashed soups, mashed dishes, meat chopped with a blender, as well as yoghurts and kefir.

It can be delicious: 3 examples

It is important that it is complete and diverse, so there is no temptation to eat a harmful product. Recipes should be easy to prepare and contain only available products, fruits and vegetables appropriate for the season.

The table of products allowed for cirrhosis contains some spices that can be added to improve the taste of prepared dishes. These include lemon juice, bay leaf, caraway seeds, thyme, basil and mint.

Table - Sample menu for cirrhosis

EatingOption number 1Option number 2Option number 3
Breakfast- Porridge on the water (preferably oatmeal);
- cottage cheese casserole;
- tea
- Vegetable salad;
- bread;
- tea or herbal decoction
- Pasta from durum wheat;
- meat;
- tea
SnackSoft fruit (banana, pear, peach)Baked apple with nutsSweet curd
Dinner- Vegetarian soup;
- steam beef patties;
- rice
- Potato soup;
- turkey;
- vermicelli;
- the juice
- Lean cabbage soup;
- baked meat,
- buckwheat
High teaApple, pear- Marshmallows;
- rosehip drink
- Cracker;
- dried fruits compote
Dinner- rice;
- chicken (boiled, baked)
Berry curdPilaf with lean meat
Second dinnerKefirYogurtSkimmed milk

The diet for cirrhosis of the liver during exacerbation in women and men is no different. The diet menu for cirrhosis is compiled on the basis of the daily calorie intake and the ratio of protein / fat / carbohydrate. The daily caloric value for cirrhosis is not limited and depends on body weight, patient height and level of physical activity.

Girl holds an apple and a pear

Reviews: “In a month I felt much better”

The essence of this diet is fractional nutrition five to six times a day. Products that are allowed - yesterday's rye bread or wheat from the second grade flour, vegetable, cereal and milk soups, baked or boiled fish of low-fat varieties, also applies to meat, it should be fat-free and lean, best of all chicken or rabbit, but it can also be veal ; dairy products can be everything, but in a non-fat form, from fats, sunflower and butter are allowed but not in large quantities; you can use boiled eggs, preferably only protein, but once a week it is allowed to eat the yolk; cereals can be anything but legumes, and cereals should be mucous or semi-liquid; everything can be made from vegetables and in any form, except pickled, as well as radishes, radishes, sorrel, onions, garlic, mushrooms; from fruits and sweets you can use any fruit except sour, chocolate and ice cream are also prohibited, as well as cream cakes; From drinks you can do everything except coffee and alcohol, and you can’t drink cold drinks. In general, for a month on this diet, I felt much better and lost three and a half kilograms. The diet works and I safely recommend it! It is available and does not require extra costs.


Of the meat products, I mainly ate boiled beef for almost the entire first month, rarely a rabbit. In the second month, he began to add boiled lean pork, poultry, and stewed beef. You can eat any fish, not fried, but boiled or best baked in the oven. He rarely consumed eggs, not more than once a week. Bread can only be stale, no rolls, cookies, pastry and muffin. I didn’t even eat pasta. Mostly ate porridge. And most importantly, no first courses, no soups, no borscht are allowed. Dried fruits, biscuit cookies and marmalade were eaten from sweets. I used fermented milk products, low-fat more. Of the drinks, you can only have coffee with milk, compote, kissel, juices, not all, black tea can not be categorically. It is better to replace it with a decoction of herbs or rose hips.

In fact, from such a huge number of products you can make a good and varied diet. The main thing is not to eat spicy, fatty, fried and sweet. But, the result is important. Yes, I agree that the diet is long, you lose weight slowly, but surely. Five kilograms a month is a good result. I have been on this diet for two months. He dropped the ten, and most importantly he corrected his health.


It depends on you. if you don’t postpone the treatment in the hospital for later, but regularly see the doctors and follow their recommendations, you will live a long time, but in addition to regular treatment, you should not forget about the lifelong diet (5th table), i.e. nothing fatty, sharp, salted, fried, boil everything or steam, completely eliminate alcohol, especially with gas (beer, champagne), only in this case people live with cirrhosis for many years ...

anonymous 38924,

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