Diet after appendicitis removal by day, why and how much you need to adhere to restrictions

The appendix (appendix) is an intestinal appendage located in the lower part of the cecum. The inflammatory process in its wall (appendicitis) can cause peritonitis with the development of an infectious toxic shock. In this case, the optimal method of treatment is surgical removal of the appendix, that is, laparoscopy and subsequent appendectomy with suturing. In the first days after surgery, increased peristalsis can cause seams to diverge. That is why a diet after appendicitis removal is so important.
Food on a tray

In addition, after surgery on the intestine, the absorption of basic substances is disrupted. This leads to the development of protein deficiency and slows down the process of tissue repair. This is especially true in the case of phlegmonous appendicitis (suppuration of the appendix) or gangrenous appendicitis (necrosis of the appendix).

Why do I need a diet after removing appendicitis

Dieting in the early and late postoperative period solves several problems at once:

  • provides mechanical and chemical bowel sparing;
  • restores metabolism in the body;
  • helps to boost immune forces;
  • improves tissue regeneration at the site of surgery.

Diet features

According to existing medical recommendations, the postoperative diet involves the phased appointment of a sparing diet with a gradual expansion of the list and method of cooking.

In the early postoperative period

What can I eat after appendix surgery and is a diet needed? In the first days and the first week after surgery, the patient is assigned a diet No. 0a. It involves the complete exclusion from the diet of any products on the first day. This is due to the fact that the body experiences stress during this period, and the absorption of nutrients in the intestines is sharply impaired. In addition, during this period, there is a high risk of trauma to postoperative sutures on the intestinal wall.

The first 12-24 hours, the patient is injected with electrolyte solutions, drinking is not allowed, but you can moisten your lips with water. At the end of this period, in the absence of contraindications, you can start taking liquid dishes:

Diet soup

Second or third day

What foods can I eat on the second day? On the second or third day, the diet expands slightly, and the patient can eat the following foods and dishes after surgery to remove appendicitis:

  • low concentration of chicken or fish broth;
  • decoction of rice or oatmeal;
  • fruit, berry jelly on potato or rice starch;
  • diluted with water one to one juices from fruits, berries;
  • green tea with a little milk.

It should be borne in mind that in people with lactase deficiency, the addition of dairy products can provoke bloating. Such patients are recommended to add a small amount of vegetable oil (sunflower, olive).

Diet after surgery to remove appendicitis involves frequent and fractional nutrition. That is, you need to take food at least every two hours. Servings should be small, almost half as much as the patient ate before surgery. The patient these days eats without meat and fish.

After the operation to remove appendicitis, you can not eat the following dishes:

  • meat products;
  • fatty dairy products (sour cream, cream);
  • pasta;
  • spicy and pickled;
  • coarse fiber vegetables;
  • cocoa, strong tea, coffee.

It is not recommended to give the patient fried and smoked products. The postoperative menu also excludes any spices and seasonings.

Diet and suspected appendicitis may be the same. In this case, the patient is in the hospital under the supervision of doctors, and must adhere to the prescribed nutrition during the day. A diet with appendicitis before surgery is a complete rejection of any food, as general anesthesia is required. Violation of these restrictions can lead to vomiting during surgery and the throwing of gastric contents into the respiratory tract.

In the subacute phase

With a good course of the postoperative period, on the fourth or fifth day of the patient, they are transferred to a sparing diet - table number 1but. It includes a wider range of dishes and is more complete in the main nutrients. A feature of this type of diet is the maximum mechanical and chemical sparing of the gastrointestinal tract. Starting from the fourth day, it is allowed to add soft-boiled eggs to the patient's menu, but not more than one per day.

Dishes that are offered to the patient must be ground or grinded. Recipes involve boiling or steaming. You also need to eat all the dishes in a warm form, it is not allowed to give cold foods directly from the refrigerator. The following products should be present in the diet:

  • mashed and liquid soups or broths;
  • steam tunics and dumplings made from lean poultry meat;
  • liquid cereals (semolina, oatmeal);
  • steam omelets;
  • vegetable purees (potato, carrot);
  • fruits without coarse fiber and pits (banana, peaches);
  • low-fat dairy products;
  • fruit jellies, baked apples;
  • weak tea, diluted juices without dyes.
Food after surgery excludes fried foods, fatty meat, products containing coarse fiber (radish, legumes), mushrooms.

Food in the hospital

After discharge from the hospital

Even after discharge from the surgical department, the patient will need to follow a diet for some time. Usually, the diet after removal of appendicitis lasts about a month. Such food excludes too fatty, fried foods, smoked meats, spicy foods. It is recommended to cook steamed dishes, boiled or baked in the oven without fat.

The diet includes all the products that were given to the patient in the postoperative period. You can also give boiled soft meat, cottage cheese, in a small amount of sour cream and cream. Coarse fiber vegetables, nuts and seeds, smoked meat products, carbonated drinks are not recommended.

Gradually, one by one dishes are introduced into the menu in an unpaste form. They need to be eaten in small quantities and focus on well-being. With good tolerance, new products can be added gradually. The table below shows an approximate diet after removal of appendicitis by day, which is suitable for both children and adults.

Table - Postoperative menu by day

DaysBreakfastLunchDinnerHigh teaDinner
1- Weak tea with a little sugar- water;
- weak tea
- Rice or oat broth- Tea or broth of wild roseRosehip broth
2- Mucous porridge (oatmeal or semolina);
- tea
- Water or diluted fresh juice- weak broth;
- mashed potatoes
- Kissel;
- soaked biscuit cookies
Liquid porridge without coarse fiber
3- Liquid semolina porridge with vegetable oil;
- biscuit cookies;
- tea
- Diluted juice;
- biscuit
- Soup puree on a weak vegetable broth;
- cracker;
- rosehip broth
- Low-fat kefir- Liquid porridge;
- steam omelet;
- weak tea;
- biscuit
4- Porridge with oil (vegetable);
- low-fat kefir
- Juice or jelly- Soup puree;
- vegetable puree;
- steam cutlets;
- bread;
- tea or juice
- Kefir or yogurt;
- biscuit cookies
- Porridge or vegetable puree;
- boiled low-fat fish
5- Porridge;
- bread with low-fat kefir;
- tea or broth of wild rose
- Juice with cookies- Broth or soup puree;
- steam meat or fish cakes;
- bread;
- jelly
- Casserole from mashed vegetables with the addition of cottage cheese;
- jelly or juice
- Vegetable puree;
- steamed fish cakes;
- tea
6- Porridge (semolina, oatmeal, from ground buckwheat) with butter;
- biscuit;
- tea
- Juice or tea;
- biscuit
- Soup with mashed vegetables;
- chicken steam meatballs;
- potato casserole;
- bread;
- jelly
- Yogurt;
- crackers
- Casserole of potatoes and chopped meat;
- dried fruits compote;
- biscuit

Such an approximate menu is recommended for an uncomplicated variant of the disease. It significantly accelerates recovery after removal of acute appendicitis and promotes faster healing of tissues.

If the patient suffered a complicated form of pathology, then a strict diet for more than seven days will be required. For example, eating after removal of phlegmonous appendicitis in this way needs up to ten days. Such diet therapy avoids postoperative complications and contributes to the full regeneration of tissues.

Later, the patient switches to a general diet (table number 15), but in the presence of hyposecretory function of the stomach, it is recommended to adhere to table number 2. If there are concomitant disorders of the liver, then nutrition after removal of appendicitis involves the appointment diet number 5.

Other diets

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