The content of the article
It is still not known who is the author of the technique. It can be either a professional model or an ordinary girl who dreams of a slim figure. The name does not mean at all that the technique is easy and simple. It implies rather strict dietary restrictions, which not all can withstand. Willpower and powerful motivation will be required.
Based on the feedback of doctors, it can be concluded that the technique can be used as an emergency measure, when it is urgently necessary to get rid of extra pounds. But she did not stand next to wellness nutrition systems.
Methodology Efficiency and Results
The effectiveness of the method depends on the initial parameters, the characteristics of the body and body. For a couple of weeks you can throw off the whole fucking 12 kg diet. The minimum guaranteed rate is 5 kg.
The use of the technique is that during the diet the body receives a minimum of food, including harmful food, therefore a global cleaning of toxins and toxins is carried out. The advantage is a very simple menu. To compile it does not require large financial costs. Another plus is the saving of time and the absence of complicated recipes
Awesome diet: the rules
Surely more than once met in social networks such headlines as "awesome diet with freeze 14 days and you're skinny." Viewed the photos “before” and “after” the girls who lost weight and decided to resort to the extreme method? Then you must definitely study the four basic rules of its observance.
- Specialist consultation. Before you start losing weight, we must make sure that we are absolutely healthy. We go for a visit to the doctor, we get advice from a nutritionist. Remember that in the presence of any disease, you can aggravate the situation due to an unbalanced and improper diet.
- Vitamins. The table of products in the methodology is very scarce. The body will not receive the necessary vitamins, trace elements. Therefore, we purchase special complexes at the pharmacy. We consult with a doctor and choose the most suitable option, taking into account the individual characteristics of the body.
- Exercise mode. During the diet, physical activity is reduced several times. Malnutrition and hunger will already deprive you of strength, so we do not overload the body. We do not plan important events at the time of losing weight, for example, passing exams, entering work.
- Full sleep. We observe a sleep mode. You need a good rest. We sleep at least eight to nine hours a day.
Preparatory measures
During the preparatory phase, it is worth observing a certain diet so that the body can later adapt to extreme conditions with minimal losses. We are preparing for the methodology for one week. We take the following measures:
- we refuse everything salty, fried, fatty;
- gradually remove the bakery products;
- exclude sugar, but leave honey in small quantities;
- include vegetables, fruits, fiber-rich, nuts in the menu;
- reduce the number of animal products.
Detailed menu for 14 days
Products that can be consumed are found in the refrigerator and on kitchen shelves. Missing components are purchased in advance. Since the menu of the “Awesome” diet is scarce, you need to prepare in advance so that its components are available. Otherwise, they will have to be replaced with something.
Diet for the first week
It is important to strictly follow the recommendations of the day. For the period of weight loss we forget about cafes and restaurants.
- Monday. The menu is exclusively green tea. We use it in any quantity. Several times we can add a small lemon slice.
- Tuesday. We drink low-fat kefir. The daily menu is four large glasses and no more. Between receptions we take the same time breaks. We can replace kefir with low-fat unsweetened yogurt without additives.
- Wednesday. One of the most difficult days, since there are only 1.5 liters of mineral water in the diet. Do not drink drinks with gas.
- Thursday. We drink water in any quantities. We eat one green sour apple. We divide it into segments so that it is enough for the whole day.
- Friday. We drink skim milk (0%). The volume foreseen for the day is five glasses. You can preheat it.
- Saturday. We chase green tea all day. You can add a slice of lemon and a little honey.
- Sunday. We drink skim milk in a volume of five glasses.
Diet for the second week
The detailed menu is shocking and scary. If you still manage to pass the test, then at the end of the second week we can take a centimeter tape and measure the parameters.
- Monday. We eat five sour apples. We can use them not only raw, but also baked with the addition of a pinch cinnamon.
- Tuesday. We drink kefir (0%). The volume foreseen for the day is 1 liter.
- Wednesday. You need to drink water as you like. We eat three fresh cucumbers per day. You can make a salad by seasoning it with lemon juice, olive oilbut without spices.
- Thursday. We drink green tea as much as we like. We add lemon, homemade honey to it.
- Friday. We drink no more than a liter of milk. Gray or boil.
- Saturday. We eat two sour apples in any form: a fresh gnaw, bake, cook for a couple.
- Sunday. We only drink water, but as much as we want.
Option "light"
A gentle option, the menu of which includes the same items as the traditional technique. The same duration. The difference between the “Awesome” light diet is the permission to use four additional products once a week.
- Dried fruits. Prunes, raisins, dried apricots.
- Vegetable salads or soups. One serving without spices. We do not choose vegetables containing starch.
- Eggs. You can only boil one thing and no salt.
- Cottage cheese. One serving for breakfast. Choose a low fat product.
Go to the familiar table
Switching to a daily diet is also necessary according to certain rules. After a two-week hunger strike, in no case should you overload the body. Correctly exit the “Awesome” diet will help nine recommendations.
- We eat fractionally. We divide the food into four doses (no more than 200 g).
- No to fry. Products are eaten raw or boiled, steamed.
- First day. After the diet, we drink kefir, yogurt and eat cottage cheese with a low percentage of fat content.
- Second day. We use mashed potatoes frompumpkins, zucchini, baked apples.
- The third day. Cooking whole grain cereals on the water.
- Fourth day. We increase the number of fruits and vegetables.
- Fifth day. Add the eggs: prepare the omelet for a couple or just cook.
- Seventh day. Enter sour milk with high fat content.
- Second week. Gradually introduce spices and seasonings into the dishes.
Significant flaws
If you look on the one hand, then the diet helps to adjust the appearance, get rid of flaws in the figure. On the other hand - it can cause significant harm to health. Diet threatens the following troubles.
- Stress. Starvation and lack of food lead to the fact that the body begins to experience stress. Short-term complications such as irritation, sleep disturbances, nervous breakdowns are possible.
- Hormonal disbalance. Poor and unbalanced nutrition can cause a malfunction of the menstrual cycle and other "female" problems.
- Weakness. Side effects of the diet are constant drowsiness, dizziness. The most dangerous health condition is fainting.
- Dehydration. From an organism that is subjected to a severe test, water is excreted.
Medical reviews about the “Awesome” diet warn - not everyone can use it. It is contraindicated for those who have a history of the following diseases:
- diseases of the cardiovascular system;
- hypertension;
- gastrointestinal tract problems;
- renal, liver failure;
- mental disorders.
In the process of using the technique, a good percentage of weight is lost. Since exercise is not recommended, sagging folds may appear on the skin. As soon as the “Awesome” diet for 14 days has ended, we begin to select a set of exercises. It is better to go in for sports and tidy up the body two weeks after losing weight.
Reviews: “Tough, but very effective”
A very good diet, of course a tough one, but really very effective. threw 13 kg in two weeks with light weight. made an exit, the weight did not return. I was also engaged in cycling during this period! there was some fatigue, but it’s not scary. vitamins drank. I needed to lose weight very urgently and decided to resort to this method. I did not regret it.
The first day withstood −1.5 kg. I am generally for good nutrition and sports. And no hunger strikes. After the illness, or rather hormone treatment, I gained a lot. Then, on this basis, depression and generally scored upon itself. I want to go to the gym again, but I’m ashamed to appear in front of the trainer fat. I hope this diet is my first step towards working on myself. All good and slender figures.
I don’t see anything awesome, you can’t eat only water all day or you can’t use kefir or any other liquid !!! You need to eat something, the nutrition should be balanced, with such a diet the skin will become flabby and saggy, as there will be no strength for training.
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