Montignac diet menus and recipes for the week: dream program “Eat and Lose Weight”

The word “diet” is associated with tight restrictions, a poor diet, a constant feeling of hunger and other inconveniences. But it turns out that you can lose weight in another way - eating tasty, varied, satisfying. This is exactly what the Montignac diet offers. Her slogan is: "Eat and lose weight!". Is this not the dream of those who are struggling with extra pounds?
Girl holds scales in hands

A unique food system was developed by the Frenchman Michel Montignac specifically for women. The problem of overweight was well known to him: Montignac from childhood was complete, which made him uncomfortable. Whatever he does, on what diets he doesn’t sit - kilograms if left, then for a short time, and then returned in double volume. Montignac is an economist by education, but he was always interested in pharmaceuticals. Later, he began to study metabolic processes in order to finally solve his problem of excess weight. Montignac managed to lose weight and keep the result. Having developed a unique nutrition system, the nutritionist lost 16 kg in three months, and later they did not return. The Montignac method has become a real breakthrough in nutrition. It turned out that you can afford a lot and lose weight.

Michel Montignac is the author of 20 books on nutrition and weight loss. But his most famous work is “I eat, so I’m losing weight.” She came out in 1987, and then she was literally scattered from the shelves of bookstores: many wanted to learn the secrets of effective weight loss without serious restrictions.

Glycemic index or core base

Montignac, studying the causes of overweight, realized: extra pounds do not appear on the amount and calorie intake of food. The reason for this is the glycemic index (GI). Foods with a high rate prevail in the diet - a large amount of glucose enters the bloodstream. This increases the level of insulin, as a result - the accumulation of fat. If the product has a low indicator, then sugar is not released. You can eat such food without thinking about the quantity, and what is most surprising is to lose weight. Michel Montignac’s diet is also based on this theory: there are “bad” foods that increase weight rapidly, and “good” ones that help you lose weight.

The glycemic index of Montignac diet products is all that is below 50. The nutritionist recommends choosing a food item labeled with indicators up to 40 (inclusive) for your daily diet for those who have just embarked on the path to weight loss. Products "40 - 60" can be consumed to a minimum and preferably only after the first results have been achieved. If the indicator is above 60, you can’t eat foods: the number on the scales will grow.

GI is determined only in foods that contain a lot of carbohydrates. Protein food (meat, fish) is assigned a zero index. You can use it without restriction. To figure out what is considered “good” carbohydrates and what is “bad”, a special table of products will help, where popular positions are indexed.

Table - Product Indexing

High / MediumValueLowValue
White bread / rolls95Bran bread 50
Baked Potato95Peas (groats)50
Honey90Brown rice50
Sticky rice90Grape45
Cornflakes 85Buckwheat40
Cooked carrots85Fresh juice40
Sugar75Pasta (coarse grinding)40
Boiled potato70Oat flakes40
White Rice Rice70Classic yogurt, milk, kefir15 – 35
Banana60Rye bread30
Melon60The apples30
Canned corn57Cherry22
Macaroni (highest grade)55Mushrooms10
Oatmeal cookies55Tomatoes10
Bulgur55White cabbage10
Ice cream52Avocado10
Sweet yogurt52Parsley, basil, oregano5
Losing weight will have to give up sugar. But there are no restrictions on salt, as in many diets. The basis of the nutrition system is vegetables, fruits, dairy products, lean meat, sea and river fish. With this diet, you can not be afraid of hunger.

Main principles

Eating at Montignac, you can achieve excellent results: up to minus 12 kg in just a month. It should be understood that the results are an individual concept, they depend on the metabolism of a particular person, his initial weight. But on the French system, everyone is losing weight - someone earlier and faster, someone later and slower. In order for the result to please, you need not to deviate from the key principles of the Montignac diet. They are simple and straightforward.

  • Emphasis on “good” products. First you have to follow the indicator of each dish. Hang the printed table on the refrigerator. So it will be easier to make a ration of the day. Soon, remember that you can or cannot, and you will rarely access the list.
  • Fats and carbohydrates apart. Mixing is not allowed in a single meal. In the period of weight stabilization, rare “breakdowns” are acceptable, but first you need to carefully monitor the implementation of the recommendations of a nutritionist.
  • Avoid feelings of hunger. Montignac is sure that the feeling of hunger is the worst enemy of losing weight. The body immediately rebuilds to work in a stressful mode and begins to accumulate excess. A nutritionist recommends not skipping meals; there should be at least three. It is advisable to establish a regime: eat at one time daily.
  • Fresh fruit for breakfast. It is important to start the day correctly - with juicy fruits. You need to use them on an empty stomach. Fruits activate the intestines, are well absorbed.
  • Replace white bread with black / gray. No need to give up bread. The nutritionist believes that there is “right” and “wrong” bread. From the "right" (gray, black, from coarse flour) do not get fat.
  • No to sweet drinks, purchased juices and soda. They contain a lot of sugar, which means that GI is high. Synthetic additives used by manufacturers will not bring any benefits either. An alternative is freshly squeezed juices, unsweetened tea, herbal decoctions. You can drink coffee, but only without caffeine.
  • To establish a drinking regimen. Drink plenty of water. Mandatory rate - two liters. Mineral, but always carbonated, is suitable. Fluid is needed to normalize metabolism. You can not drink water immediately before meals and during meals, during breaks - as much as you like.
The main taboo of the diet is alcohol and sugar. When the weight returns to normal, you can occasionally afford a couple of glasses of wine. But beer will have to be abandoned forever. There is malt in the foamy drink (GI - 110), which leads to rapid weight gain. There are no concessions with sugar. Sweet tooth will be saved by sweetener, but only when the excess goes away.

Cons and pros

The nutritional system that Montignac proposed turned the idea of ​​diets upside down. The method has many advantages, but not without drawbacks. Rate the pros, get acquainted with the cons of the Montignac diet will help the table.

Table - Advantages and disadvantages of the Montignac food system

- High efficiency;
- ease of compliance;
- lack of side effects;
- there is no feeling of hunger;
- lack of stress factor;
- a varied diet;
- the ability to eat tasty;
- developing the right eating habits;
- lasting result
- It is difficult to remember the division of food;
- it takes time to see the result;
- Do not skip meals;
- it is not always convenient to follow the principles (for example, at a party);
- not suitable for everyone

The Montignac diet for weight loss compares favorably with other methods by the absence of a “hunger strike”. It does not harm the body, but rather helps to improve health.

  • Metabolic processes. Adhering to the French methodology, you can bring to a norm "shaky" metabolism.
  • Digestion. The diet improves the pancreas, the digestive tract.
  • Heart and blood vessels. The nutrition system helps prevent the development of cardiovascular diseases, type 2 diabetes.
  • Female organs. Doctors recommend using this method of nutrition for women with PCOS (syndrome polycystic ovary): "Low" foods will help stabilize weight, normalize hormones, protect the pancreas.
Diet requires care when buying products and carefully study the composition. Sugar, which you need to refuse for a while losing weight, can be found where you do not expect to see it at all: for example, in some types of ham.

Who doesn’t fit

The diet is suitable for men and women of all ages, but is not recommended for adolescents during puberty. In the presence of chronic diseases, it is better to consult a doctor before starting a diet. The main contraindications for such a power system:

  • kidney disease
  • some gastrointestinal diseases;
  • metabolic disease;
  • postoperative period;
  • reduced immunity as a result of a long illness.

During pregnancy, during the period of breastfeeding, you can not start a diet. During these periods, it is important to get all the necessary substances, and the French method, although diverse, but eliminates the use of many products.

Never start losing weight by changing your diet if you are not confident in your health. To pass the examination is a matter of one day.

Montignac diet: what rules to adhere to and what is in the first phase

The French nutritionist divided the system into periods. Phase 1 is specifically aimed at weight loss. Duration is determined by the losing weight. You can proceed to the next stage when the weight is comfortable. You should not expect quick results: weight loss occurs slowly, the initial phase rarely ends after the first month. Remember the basic rules of the first phase.

  • Keep track of the index. Use only those products whose GI does not exceed 40. Moreover, you can not even monitor the portion size.
  • Eat separately. Adhere to the principle of separate nutrition: carbohydrates separately, fats separately.
  • Have a good breakfast. After the first meal you need to feel full. A prerequisite is carbohydrates + proteins + fiber.
  • For lunch - protein. During the day, you need to eat protein foods and foods containing lipids. The lunch menu must include meat or fish.
  • Do not overload the body at night. Seven o'clock in the evening - the last frontier when you can eat. Dinner is always light. There are two options: protein-lipid (sea fish, any meat) or protein-carbohydrate (cottage cheese + vegetables).

The first stage is considered to be strict, but it’s easy to overcome the distance and wait for visible results. The menu of the “Lose Weight” stage can be varied: there are many permitted products, it remains only to connect imagination. "Permission" is presented in the table.

Table - List of allowed products by category

VegetablesMeat, offalA fishSeafoodMilk products
- Celery;
- beans;
- eggplant;
- spinach;
- bow;
- pepper;
- asparagus;
- cabbage (white, cauliflower);
- tomatoes;
- zucchini;
- mushrooms;
- pumpkin
- lean pork;
- beef;
- beef liver;
- rabbit;
- chicken fillet;
- chicken liver;
- turkey
- Dorado
- saury;
- catfish;
- hake;
- halibut;
- sardine;
- carp;
- tuna;
- trout;
- salmon
- Shrimp;
- mussels;
- crabs;
- oysters;
- squid
- Cottage cheese;
- classic yogurt (no additives, no sugar);
- kefir;
- milk;
- processed cheese;
- hard cheese

You can also eat eggs - both chicken and quail. Be sure to include fruits in the diet. Such an extensive list of allowed products does not boast a single diet.

The dairy index depends on the fat content of the product. The lower the percentage, the better. Additives are not welcome.

For clarity: detailed weekly menu

When compiling a Montignac diet menu for a week, at first use a list of allowed products or a table with an index (only those with an index below 40 can be used). An example of a detailed menu is presented below. Coffee can only be caffeinated, tea is weak. Sugar is not allowed in hot drinks.

Table - Weekly first phase menu

Monday- Pear / orange;
- bran bread;
- coffee;
- pearl barley porridge;
nonfat milk
- Cabbage salad;
- mackerel;
- unsweetened tea
- Vegetable soup;
- a slice of ham;
- yogurt without additives / tea
Tuesday- Mandarin;
- kefir 1%;
- oatmeal;
- herbal tea
- Vegetable salad (for refueling a little olive oil and lemon juice);
- two slices of cheese;
- Black tea
- Lentils (you can add soy sauce);
- tomato salad;
- fresh juice
Wednesday- Cherries;
- Rye bread;
- cottage cheese;
- coffee
- Cheese;
- vegetable salad;
- baked beef;
- fresh juice
- Mushrooms;
- vegetable soup;
- yogurt
Thursday- An Apple;
- scrambled eggs;
- a couple of slices of ham;
- coffee
- vegetables;
- grilled fish;
- black / herbal tea
- Cauliflower baked with cheese;
- greenery;
- yogurt
Friday- Mandarin / orange;
- natural juice;
- oatmeal;
- unsweetened tea.
- Boiled chicken fillet;
- vegetable stew;
- tea
- Brown rice / eggs;
- cherry;
- the juice
Saturday- An Apple;
- yogurt;
- pearl barley porridge;
- coffee;
- bran bread
- Beef cooked in the oven;
- grilled vegetables;
- weak tea
- Macaroni (hard varieties);
- ham;
- vegetable salad;
- kefir
Sunday- Pear / kiwi;
- black bread;
- nonfat milk;
- cottage cheese 2%;
- coffee
- Fish baked with vegetables / seafood, greens and vegetables salad;
- tea
- Berries;
- fruits (any permitted);
- rice;
- tea
Divide breakfast into two approaches. Eat fruit first, and after 15 minutes, start a full meal. Fruits “tune” the body in the right way - activate the intestines.

We fix: features of the second phase

Phase 2 of the diet is aimed at consolidating the results that were obtained. The second stage can last as long as you like. The allowed foods are the same as in the first phase, but are added to them with an index of 40 - 60. You need to include them gradually in the diet, so the sample menu will not change much at first. You can eat oatmeal cookies instead of bread in the morning, add banana, kiwi, mango to the fruit, and replace classic yogurt with sweet.

The duration of the phase is determined individually. As before, natural coffee, sugar, carbonated drinks, and “bad” carbohydrates are banned. In addition to expanding the diet with products with an index of up to 60, the second phase differs from the first by four features.

  • Sometimes you can mix fats and carbohydrates. So that this does not affect the waist, fatty foods are always consumed in tandem with the main source of fiber - vegetables.
  • You can afford alcohol. True, only dry wine, infrequently and in small quantities (a glass at dinner once a week). You can drink alcohol only after eating.
  • More fish. Nutritionists recommend eating fish more often at the fixing stage. It is better to choose species rich in Omega-3 (tuna, salmon, mackerel).
  • We include legumes in the diet. Lentils, beans, peas should be included in the daily diet. They have a lot of vegetable protein and fiber, which is useful for the digestive system. In addition, legumes provide a feeling of satiety for a long time.
The second phase, in fact, is the beginning of a way out of the diet. First, foods with a GI of up to 60 are added to fix the result, and then the rest are gradually introduced into the diet. After the exit, do not forget to take care of yourself: do not overeat, dine until seven in the evening, do not abuse “harmful things”.

Girl and vegetables on the table

Losing weight tasty: 4 recipes for a change

The nutrition system, developed by a French nutritionist, has acquired an army of fans due to the fact that it promotes the idea of ​​“losing weight can be delicious.”The list of allowed foods is large, so you can eat varied and not necessarily simple dishes. If you think that food should be fun and love to cook, then repeat the four popular Montignac diet recipes. Dishes will ruin the idea of ​​dietary food, because they are not shameful to serve guests.

The principle of the "work" of the French diet is structured in such a way that you can eat the same foods daily. But the author of the food system himself insisted that the cooking process is important for weight loss. So the right eating habits are inculcated, and a person understands that he can enjoy amazing tastes and at the same time not be afraid of excess weight.

Chicken Breast in Yogurt

Features Great for lunch. The dish is prepared quickly and easily. Instead of an oven, you can use a slow cooker.


  • chicken fillet - 300 g;
  • unsweetened yogurt without additives - a glass;
  • pepper, salt - optional.


  1. Beat off chicken breast with a culinary hammer.
  2. Salt, pepper meat. Diet does not prohibit seasoning, but do not abuse it.
  3. Put chicken on a baking sheet, pour yogurt. Bake until cooked at 180 ° C. The time depends on the technique, but on average it takes 20 minutes.
For a diet, any meat can be baked in yogurt. The recipe will remain the same, only the cooking time will increase.

Zucchini Puree Soup

Features Light soup can be prepared for dinner. The dish is tender, but it has an expressive taste.


  • onions - one middle head;
  • zucchini - two medium vegetables;
  • chicken broth - half a liter;
  • cream - half a glass;
  • olive oil - a tablespoon;
  • garlic - clove;
  • curry, salt to taste.


  1. Cut the zucchini into slices, onion into half rings.
  2. Stew vegetables in a pan with a small amount of olive oil. Vegetables should not be fried, it is important to remove them from the heat, while they are soft.
  3. Transfer the stewed vegetables to a blender. Beat. Add seasonings, broth, cream. Stir with a blender.
  4. Warm the soup puree on the stove until boiling.
Instead of zucchini, you can use any vegetables that are allowed. According to this recipe, soup with champignons or cauliflower will turn out equally delicious.

Girl eating oatmeal

Fish hodgepodge

Features You can take any red fish, but it is better sturgeon or trout. The cooking process will be significantly reduced if the broth is prepared in advance.


  • red fish - one medium;
  • onion - two onions;
  • carrots - one thing;
  • water - three liters;
  • pickled cucumbers - five small;
  • cucumber pickle - half a glass;
  • tomato paste - one tablespoon;
  • olives - a can;
  • lemon - one;
  • olive oil - by eye;
  • salt to taste.


  1. Clean and gut the fish. From the head, tail and fins, cook the broth (three liters of water, a whole onion and carrots).
  2. Finely chop the onion, chop the pickles.
  3. Slightly fry the onions, add the chopped cucumbers to the pan. Darken for three minutes. Add half a cup of broth and brine to the pan. To languish for 15 minutes.
  4. Strain the fish stock. Slice the fish and boil it in the broth.
  5. Add the dressing from the pan to the pan with the broth and fish. Bring the hodgepodge to a boil.
  6. When serving, put olives in a bowl (quantity - optional) and squeeze the juice from the lemon wedges.
Boiled carrots assigned a high GI - 85. But in the broth it is needed only for flavor: you will not eat it.

Curd Muffins

Features For the duration of the diet you have to limit yourself to sweets. Sweet tooth helps healthy baking recipes. Muffins are made from low-index ingredients. Since sweetener is used, it is better to treat yourself to dessert, moving into the second phase.


  • cottage cheese 0% - 300 g;
  • egg white - from one egg;
  • dried apricots and prunes - on the eye;
  • bran - two tablespoons;
  • vanillin, stevia sweetener - to taste.


  1. Mix cottage cheese, protein and finely chopped dried fruits.
  2. Add bran, vanillin, sweetener to the mass. To stir thoroughly.
  3. Arrange the mass in molds. Bake for half an hour at 200 ° C.
Add raisins to desserts is not worth it. Especially in the first phase. His GI is 65.

Diet foods

The opinion of nutritionists

The opinion of nutritionists about the nutrition system invented by Montignac is mixed. Many people think that the method is outdated. Experts are skeptical about not counting calories, but only taking into account the index. In addition, it is proved that GI can vary depending on the freshness of the product, the method of preparation. Criticized is the fact that the author of the method paid attention only to nutrition, not taking into account the possibility of accelerating the result with the help of physical activity. This omission is considered the weakest point of the method.

There are also many positive reviews of doctors about the French nutrition system. The absence of a “hunger strike”, the diversity and balance of the diet, the development of proper eating habits - nutritionists believe that these principles are important in order to get closer to the dream of an ideal figure.

Canadian scientists have conducted a number of studies related to the effect of diet on the body. It turned out that already at the first stage the amount of triglycerides in the blood decreases, the concentration of which leads to the development of atherosclerosis.

Reviews about the Montignac diet of those who have tried it on themselves are different - both enthusiastic and not very, you can read them by visiting the official website. Someone managed to lose 10 kg in three months, someone the same for six months - each has its own path to the ideal figure. Among the fans of the French methodology of losing weight, there are many stars. Jennifer Aniston, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Brad Pitt, Renee Zellweger experienced the principle of "Eat and Lose Weight" in action. The most ardent admirer of the food philosophy of Montignac is Kylie Minogue. She has been following the recommendations of a nutritionist for many years, and judging by the ideal figure of the singer, the method works.

Feedback and Results

A few years ago, at my previous job, my two colleagues lost weight over Montignac, so I saw everything with my own eyes. The results are impressive, they lost weight for several months, and the first month there is almost no weight loss, and then the weight goes off pretty quickly, but without compromising health. Of course there are cons, when we ate cakes, they gnawed apples;). Nevertheless, I think this is not very good - so strictly restrict yourself in the use of certain products. For example, I really love beets, but on Montignac it is absolutely impossible to eat it. But the fact that you are losing weight on it is 100%!


I tried a huge amount of all kinds of diets. Has already become "losing weight in the law";)). One day I met the Montignac diet.
I can say that this diet gives excellent results - firstly, secondly, it is not “hungry”, and this, in my opinion, is very important, because I would not want to become an eternally hungry and dissatisfied life citizen in the process of losing weight . And thirdly, this diet can be a great way to eat for life. Which is also very important, because not only need to lose weight, but also not to get back everything that was thrown off. But in the process of using this diet, I came across one detail that accelerates weight loss by almost half. It is necessary to drink a glass of hot green tea daily on an empty stomach. He, removing toxins, takes with him also excess water and additionally removes fat. My result was minus 7 kg per month. That's all. The result of you losing weight.


I discovered this method six months ago when I encountered an unexpected problem - high blood sugar. The therapist frightened me with diabetes and recommended limiting sweet and starchy foods. Since I really didn’t want to become a diabetic, I decided to try to change my eating habits. The Montignac method just came up to me. The main idea of ​​the method is to replace foods with a high glycemic index in the diet with more useful foods with a low index. According to the nutritionist, “bad” carbohydrates are absorbed too quickly, while the pancreas releases a lot of insulin into the bloodstream, which also contributes to the conversion of carbohydrates into fat. From here and overweight among lovers of sweets! To tell you the truth, in the first two weeks it was difficult without sweets.As an alternative - I click on dried fruits. The MONTIGNAC method is more likely not a diet, but recommendations for nutrition for life. Although I adhere to this method without fanaticism, the weight has slowly decreased, but the result is very stable.


Hi everyone! I also lost weight on Montignac - I threw off 20kg once. And now I just maintain weight.
You can cook so many different goodies on this diet that you don’t feel completely flawed! ;) And I also “hooked” my family on this diet - half of my beloved and his sister threw off 10 caches per half year.
So - I recommend it to everyone!


I will say right away: in 4 months I lost 12 kg.
Montignac's method of losing weight is not a diet, but a way of life.
Changed to a diet very easily. There are a lot of pluses:
Firstly, a varied menu that you can choose yourself. Addiction to the diet is absent. A lot of any fruit (I'm a sweet tooth), fish, meat, vegetables, sour-milk products, nuts, seeds, dried fruits. Not a diet - a dream!
Secondly, you must be full, this is the whole point of the diet.
Thirdly, a balanced diet. Beautiful hair, skin, etc. are provided to you.
Fourth, you can sit on a diet for as long as you like, which sets it apart from others.
Fifth, no exotic. Why is she? Saves the family budget. For the money saved on chocolates, you can buy yourself a dress later.
I saw the real result in two weeks. Seems to be long? It should be so! Losing weight fast - spoiling your health.
I recommend everyone to try it!


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