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The name "Ladder" is associated with the concept of diet, which offers step by step to overcome several difficult steps. Also called such a diet five-speed (five-day). Their number by an unknown author of the methodology is strictly determined. There is no menu for 12 days or a week in this diet. There is a clear time limit - only 5 days. And there is a simple explanation for this.
Features of the weight loss system
“Short flight of stairs” refers to low-carb diets, that is, it is based on a critical reduction in calories, which should entail the expected response from the body - the burning of one’s own fat reserves. But for our body this situation is a huge stress. “Playing a hunger strike” is unusual for him, and therefore the reactions can be completely unexpected: from exacerbation of gastrointestinal and heart diseases to excess fat storage literally from the water.
That is why the weight loss system is limited to only five days, during which the body loses more than it gains. And these days have their purpose, for example, the first is aimed at cleansing the body, the second at restoring the intestines, and the third at replenishing energy reserves.
On each day, a person is satisfied with an extremely meager diet. Therefore, the great importance of the psychological attitude. To "withstand all the hardships", it is proposed to draw a ladder with six steps on a large sheet of paper. On each note the acceptable diet for the day, and as the menu is followed, indicate how many kilograms you have lost at each step. The final sixth step will be the final indicator of your new weight.
So, let’s consider what the “Ladder” diet is, what the ration should be for each of the five days, and what is the essence of each step.
Stage 1 - Cleansing
According to the author of the methodology, the body must be prepared for weight loss. To do this, it is important to cleanse the intestines by removing feces, wastes, and fat deposits from it. At the first stage are used:
- activated carbon - 12 tablets;
- apples - 1 kilogram;
- still water - 1 liter or more.
At the “Cleansing” stage, several conditions should be observed.
- Take activated charcoal before meals. Recommended intake time is one hour before eating apples. The right decision on how to drink coal is to divide the daily dose into six parts and take two tablets, chewing well and drinking it with water.
- Eat a little bit of apples. For a day you can choose a kilogram of apples of any variety and eat them throughout the day at a convenient time for you. It is recommended to divide the fruit into six equal parts and eat them after about two hours.
- Drink water. On this day you will not be thirsty. Your body has enough fluid to make you feel comfortable. But the work of the sorbent is impossible without water, which carries it and toxins "adhered" to its surface from the body.Therefore, during the day it is important to drink more than one liter of water.
During the Cleansing, unpleasant “surprises” may bother you.
- Constant urge to go to the toilet. Apples are rich in fiber and pectins, which increase fecal mass in the intestines, causing the body to get rid of them especially actively. The urge can be regular, so do not plan the first day of the diet on a work day or trip. You should be at home close to sanitary facilities.
- Hunger. One of the disadvantages of apples is their ability to cause hunger. Despite the apparent abundance of the product for a day, the first day is felt incredibly hungry.
- Discomfort in the stomach. Activated carbon does not work like natural sorbents. If natural fiber simply increases fecal masses, forcing the body to get rid of them, then coal absorbs everything that it "meets in its path." And he will meet both bad and good bacteria, which are responsible for the smooth functioning of the intestine. That is why on the first day you may be disturbed by diarrhea or constipation with a feeling of "fullness" in the intestines, flatulence, rumbling in the stomach.
The step of cleansing the step method causes discomfort. It is reminiscent of a traditional unloading day on apples, but with the addition of activated carbon. During this day, weight loss is from half to one and a half kilograms.
Stage 2 - Recovery
This stage is designed to restore the intestinal microflora, disturbed during the previous day. As a reducing agent, kefir is used. Products provided in the diet can be consumed in the following amounts:
- kefir with a fat content of 1% - 1 liter;
- fat-free cottage cheese - 600 g;
- still water - more than a liter.
At the recovery stage, it is important to observe several conditions.
- Divide food into parts. This day is less hungry, as there is cottage cheese on your menu. The product of protein origin is slowly absorbed by the body. Divide it into three equal parts and consume during the day. During breaks, drink a glass of kefir.
- Do not forget about water. Despite the fact that in the diet there is an additional liquid in the form of kefir, it is necessary to drink ordinary water. This will support the work of the kidneys and help to continue the cleansing of the intestines, which occurs on this day, albeit not as clearly as in the previous one.
At the stage of recovery, sour milk bacteria enter the intestines, which colonize the mucous membranes of the digestive tract. But if on the eve you were worried about diarrhea or constipation, you should not expect miracles from one day. It is likely that discomfort in the intestines will continue, since it takes much longer to restore microflora.
Stage 3 - Energy
Until this day, you ate low-calorie foods and not a gram of sugar. The Energy step is designed to give your body a dose of simple sugars in an easily digestible form. Reviews of those who lost weight on the Lesenka diet note that this stage is really delicious.
Allowed Products:
- raisins - 300 grams;
- honey - two tablespoons;
- dried fruit compote - two liters.
At this stage of the stepped diet, follow these guidelines.
- Eat a little raisins. He makes your main diet for the whole day. And although three hundred grams of light dried fruits look impressive, they do not bring feelings of satiety. Use raisins literally one little thing periodically, every ten to fifteen minutes.
- Dissolve honey in your mouth. Two tablespoons can be divided into four doses. Take a piece of honey in your mouth and dissolve it like a candy. After that, drink a glass of dried fruit compote.
- Cook compote without sugar. At this stage, it is recommended to cook compote with fructose, a sugar substitute. Fructose is another source of fast energy that is available to your body.
Stage 4 - Construction
After a sweet but hungry previous day, this step will seem incredibly satisfying to you. A step-by-step nutrition scheme provides a menu with boiled lean meat of poultry. Use a chicken or turkey breast. Fillet weighing five hundred grams must be boiled and divided into equal parts.
During the day, eat boiled fillet and drink plenty of water - at least one and a half liters. During this period, your body receives the “building material” for the muscles — pure protein or protein. To make the diet a little more enjoyable, enrich it with a little green.
Stage 5 - Fat Burning
The five-day course ends with a day designed to actively deal with fat reserves, as well as reduce the load from the previous protein day. Its menu consists of the following products:
- oatmeal - 200 grams;
- vegetables, fruits - 1 kilogram.
When eating foods, follow these guidelines.
- Choose oatmeal with minimal processing. It is ideal to include whole grains in the diet as the best source of fiber. Hercules oatmeal is allowed, in which the grains are flattened, fruit shells are stored on them. Eating oatmeal of the first grade is pointless, since there is practically no fiber in the form of fruit membranes.
- Cook porridge in water. Oatmeal can simply be steamed with boiling water and let it brew. Leave them overnight, and in the morning the porridge will be ready. In this form, the product retains the bulk of valuable substances. If there is no time for cooking, cook the porridge: pour two glasses of water into the pan, boil and pour the cereal into it. When the mass thickens, the porridge is ready.
- Eat any vegetables and fruits. But avoid high-calorie bananas and grapes that are high in glucose. From vegetables, give preference to cucumbers, tomatoes, zucchini, pumpkinbut discard potatoes and green peas that are rich in starch.
At this point, your body must actively break down fat. At the same time, the diet is quite rich, and the feeling of hunger will not haunt you.
Likely Results
Reviews and results of the diet "Ladder" can be found on the part of the slimmers and doctors. Both those and others note its advantages and disadvantages. We will analyze in detail.
- You can lose weight with the "Ladder". After completing the course, you will notice weight loss. On average, the body loses about four kilograms, but the results may vary in one direction or another. The minimum limit when observing the recommended menu is two and a half kilograms, the maximum is eight kilograms.
- Adhering to a diet is difficult. Weight loss program is based on dietary restriction. Most days are hungry, which creates psychological conditions for breakdowns. Therefore, personal motivation is very important, it is no accident that people recommend losing weight to draw a ladder on paper and write down their daily achievements on it.
- Inexpensive technique. To comply with it do not need expensive products. In fact, you will eat the same as usual, only in much smaller quantities and alternating foods every day.
- The course is not for everyone. A sharp restriction of the diet precludes the possibility of recommending this diet to everyone without exception. It is not suitable for people with increased acidity of the stomach and diseases of the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract. The presence of protein days does not allow recommending it to people with kidney diseases.
- The best results will give physical exercise. To get a more pronounced effect, it is recommended to combine a diet with fitness, swimming or jogging.Indeed, a combination of physical activity and dietary restrictions makes losing weight faster and easier. But in view of the insufficient diet, there is a risk that you simply will not have any strength left for fitness.
Myths and misconceptions about the "Ladder"
This method of express weight loss is addressed for many reasons. Firstly, it really gives weight loss in just five days. Secondly, it is cheap and relatively simple. And thirdly, it claims to be a scientific justification, because every day it passes the body through the steps of purification, restoration, construction, which is probably even useful.
But the reviews of doctors on the diet "Ladder" do not share the general enthusiasm. Consider the most popular misconceptions that are typical for this food system, with a dietitian, author of a number of weight correction techniques, the book "The ABC of harmony" Lyudmila Denisenko.
Myth 1. Diet helps you lose weight fast.
This is so, but only in part. Consider what the process of losing weight on a "step-by-step diet" consists of. On the first day, you eat apples, activated carbon, and water. During this period, intestinal cleansing does occur. It occurs physiologically: feces leave the intestines. Since their mass is usually up to two kilograms, taking into account toxins, the weight loss looks impressive - up to two kilograms in just a day. Fine!
In the following days, the body rapidly loses water. This is especially noticeable on days of protein load, when the kidneys work with increased intensity. The total moisture loss of the body can also reach two kilograms. So much for the effect - minus up to four kilograms of initial body weight.
Like most low-carb diets, the Ladder begins to expend internal body reserves. We achieved this, you say! But here lies the main mistake. Under internal reserves, the body understands, first of all, not the fat reserves that it stores "for a rainy day", but the muscle mass, which it agrees to give immediately. In just five days of such starvation, the volume of muscle mass can be reduced by three to three and a half kilograms. On the scales, you really will see a decrease, but it does not occur at all due to body fat.
Myth 2. After a diet, you can maintain harmony for a long time.
When leaving the diet, it is recommended to avoid flour dishes, sweets, fatty and fried foods. This is a general recommendation for everyone who adheres to a healthy diet, may not work at the end of the express course. In just a few days, you will notice that the weight is returning. How does this happen?
- The body accumulates feces. As soon as a sufficient amount of food begins to enter the body, even low-calorie, fecal masses accumulate in it. Of course, they leave the body daily, but are replaced by new ones. This is a continuous and healthy process, but it makes the body heavier by one and a half to two kilograms, “thrown off” during the diet.
- Water reserves are being updated. The moisture needed by the body also begins to be stored in food and liquids. In just a couple of days, two more kilograms of weight will return due to the renewal of the body's water resources.
- Muscle tissue renewal. But this process is not as intense as the two previous ones. Muscle mass is formed for a long time, and in the first days it will not be manifested by weight gain.The renewal will take weeks, and in return for the lost three kilograms, about two kilos of muscle tissue will return. Replacement is unequal, but more likely, only if you do not engage in power loads to build muscle.
- Fat accumulation. Often you can find reviews that literally a few weeks after a diet that brought a good result, the weight not only returned, but also became more. “This is natural,” notes Lyudmila Denisenko. - Any diet is a stress in which the body begins to use glucose and glycogen from its own reserves. But enough of them for a short time, only twenty hours. Then comes the turn of muscle tissue and internal organs. The longer the stressful situation persists, the more muscles are affected. But when the normal diet is restored, the body realizes that stress can recur. And begins to make reserves in the form of fat masses. Thus, the amount of fat mass lost during the diet is restored three times. "
After completing the diet "Ladder" weight invariably returns. This happens within a week - a month. Having lost eight kilograms, you will return them, but in a different proportion: instead of the lost seven hundred and fifty grams of fat, the body will store up to two kilograms of fatty tissue.
Myth 3. Diet is effective and scientifically based.
The alternation and use of “cleansing”, “regenerating” and other days has nothing to do with science and the real work of the body.
- Cleansing. It works like a fasting day. But the use of activated carbon makes it an intervention in the body. A drug is a sorbent that absorbs literally everything in its path. You need to drink it at a dosage - one tablet per ten kilograms of weight. Side effects in the form of diarrhea, constipation are possible. Drinking a liter of water on this day is not justifiably small. The body needs much more to protect itself from dehydration, at least two, or even two and a half liters per day.
- Recovery. The purpose of this day is to normalize the intestines, broken the day before. But to do this in one day and by means of kefir is impossible. It takes much more time to colonize the intestinal mucous membranes with “good” bacteria. And kefir causes only additional fermentation in the intestines, which only worsens the general well-being.
- Energy. At this stage, the main principle of the diet becomes apparent - the alternation of protein and carbohydrate days, a trend today. But the use of the energy of pure sugars in the form of raisins, honey makes the diet not the choice of an ordinary person. Replenishment of energy reserves in this form is necessary for athletes after an overload and for people who have long been following low-carb diets. If a person does not have physical exercise, all the sugars eaten will be transformed into fat reserves. And the stage will be not only useless, but also harmful.
- Building. A pound of dietary poultry meat is not able to build anything. At the "protein stage" creates an additional stressful situation for the kidneys and intestines. There is no fiber or pectin on the menu, so constipation awaits you the next day.
- Fat burning. It is impossible to “start” the process of burning fat in one day. Fat masses were burned all the previous five days in a small amount. The sonorous name is probably intended to brightly complete the diet cycle. But it has no practical value.
Lyudmila Denisenko warns that the diet is not balanced. It completely lacks sources of polyunsaturated fatty acids, which has a negative effect on the condition of the skin and hair. The menu “Leshenka” diet for 7 (seven) days can lead to much bigger problems: hormonal imbalance due to lack of polyunsaturated fats, excessive accumulation of fat.
Diet "Ladder" creates only the illusion of losing weight, exacerbates health problems and does not accustom to the right eating habits.An alternative to a weight loss system with unconfirmed effectiveness can be a balanced diet, including low-fat dairy products, vegetables, cereals, meat in small quantities. Eat a variety of foods five times a day in small portions, and you will lose weight gradually, without harm to health.