Diet of Dr. Kovalkov: you go quieter - you will less

The sensational diet of Kovalkov - what is it like? Skeptics say that Alexey Kovalkov did not come up with anything new. Followers are sure that the doctor was the first to combine the well-known principles of healthy eating into a single effective system. The creator himself confidently declares that he is categorically against any severe restrictions on food, and proudly demonstrates the effectiveness of the “soft” authoring technique - minus 50 kg in six months.
Greens, bran and pear on the table

What kind of miracle diet was developed by Alexei Kovalkov? What does the professor say about the intestines and menopausal problems? A sample list of products for the week? Has he really lost weight on her and still has not recovered?

Probably the whole Russia was discussing the sensational diet of Dr. Kovalkov, or at least those who had heard about this diet at least once.

After the protein-fat diet of Kovalkov gained popularity, its developer from a regular doctor with a doctorate degree turned into a media personality. He flickers on blue screens every now and then, advising overweight people and giving advice on competent weight loss and getting rid of cellulite. But a few years ago, the doctor hardly fit on the screen, because he himself was obese. Problems with their own health prompted Alexei Kovalkov to develop the optimal, from the point of view of a physician, nutrition system for those who want to get into the system of thin and fit.

The system helped the creator to lose half a centner of excess weight. Alexey Vladimirovich became a pioneer of his own technique. And only after checking the development effect on himself, he founded the famous clinic, in the walls of which more than 3,000 Russians have already managed to lose weight.

Dr. Kovalkov outlined the essence of the author’s nutrition system in two books. The first of them is called "Victory over weight", the second - "We are growing thin with the mind."

The main principles of the methodology ...

Every prohibition that you voice to yourself, after a while returns, like a boomerang. But not in the form of a taboo, but in the form of an irresistible desire to break it. So it is with diets: any restriction, especially the most severe and uncompromising one, at some point ends in rampant gluttony. This is 100% sure Alexei Kovalkov. In this regard, the doctor set himself a difficult task: to create a method of weight loss, which will be based on the personal responsibility of losing weight for what is happening. A technique that will become a life principle and will not lead to a fiasco at the most inopportune moment.

Starting to lose weight, some can no longer stop. And this is a direct road to anorexia. Losing weight at all costs, according to Kovalkov, is also not an option. We need to look deeper, to the very root, realizing the essence and long-term prospects of the problem. Three main principles of the author’s technique follow from this.

  1. Understand the reason. At the initial stage, it is important to understand where the extra pounds came from on your body. They did not fall from the sky and are unlikely to become a genetic gain. You must find out the cause of this phenomenon, relevant specifically for your case.
  2. Realize your own responsibility. You and only you are responsible for the result of losing weight or its absence. The doctor only provides guidance for action. But whether it will bring the desired effect depends entirely on you.
  3. Specify goals. Short-term weight loss is the destiny of mono-and express diets. The protein diet of Aleksey Kovalkov has more long-term prospects.Formulate for yourself the goals that you want to achieve by following the methodology - not for a year, but for several decades to come.

... and its benefits

The Kovalkov diet is one of the few nutrition systems that boasts positive reviews from doctors. And all because the basis for its creation was not endless restrictions, but stabilization of the digestive tract and the fight against food dependence. First of all, from sugar and flour products. It is great for diabetics. Allowed during pregnancy and breastfeeding - provided that you do not start, but continue what you started before pregnancy. Both men and women over 50 can adhere to this diet. It is safe for menopause and hepatitis. With its help, you can affect high cholesterol, forcing it to slightly decrease "in growth".

The food system developer does not promise an instant result, but confidently promises: if you accustom yourself to observe the principles of this "under-diet", losing weight sooner or later will certainly begin. The main thing is not to customize your own body, because the rate of metabolic processes is individual for everyone. And ordinary diets are a real "Procrustean bed" for the human body.

  • Without fanaticism. Most diets require a lot of free time from a person - to do “nutritional mathematics”, counting calories eaten endlessly. This is not the case with Kovalkov’s diet, so you don’t have to carry kitchen scales and calorie tables everywhere.
  • Nutrition with balance. The author’s nutrition system is based on balance. A person who adheres to this system should receive a harmonious combination of proteins, fats and carbohydrates daily. And not just one thing by giving up the other.
  • Self-selection of products. Having understood and understood the principles of proper nutrition according to Kovalkov, you will make the choice of products yourself. This means that in the future Kovalkov’s diet menu for a month you can easily create for yourself independently - without the participation of a professional nutritionist.
  • Lack of starvation. You do not have to suffer, suffering from hunger. So, the so-called “spring effect” will not overtake you, when after removing the restrictions, the weight returns three times faster than before.
Going over the warpath overweight, you must always consult with a family doctor. Especially this rule applies to those whose fat reserves exceed 30 kg.

Diet Kovalkova: a play in three acts

Dr. Kovalkov’s authoring system consists of three stages:

  • preparatory;
  • main;
  • supporting.

In this case, the first two stages are impossible without physical exertion - first only aerobic, and then power. Details of all stages of the Kovalkov diet can be found in the table.

Table - The sequence, duration and tasks of the stages of the Kovalkov diet

StageDuration, monthsTasksEstimated Weight Loss
Preparatory0,5-1- Completely abandon fast carbohydrates;
- learn to walk a lot;
- prepare the digestive tract for the absorption of a large amount of protein food
5 kg
MainIndividual (up to several years)- Accustom yourself to daily strength exercises;
- learn to enjoy the “right” food
200 g per day
Supporting12-18- Develop a habit of a new lifestyle;
- continue walking under the control of a pedometer;
- comply with product combination rules
Normalization of weight and its maintenance
The main stage lasts until the weight is completely stabilized. As soon as you achieve the ideal amount of kilograms, the last - supporting stage will begin.

First stage

The preparatory phase is considered the most difficult. It is not for nothing that people say: “The beginning is the middle.” In the first two to three weeks, metabolic processes in the body begin, after many years of malfunctioning, to return to normal. At this point, it is important to support not only your body, but also the brain.Therefore, at the first stage of the Kovalkov diet, it is recommended to practice yoga classes and certainly walk a lot. It is advisable - not only during the day, but also immediately before bedtime. In addition, five strict rules must be followed.

  1. Refusal of animal protein. At the preparatory stage, you will have to suffer a little. We are not familiar with poultry, fish, pork and beef in the first month.
  2. Refusal of sweet and starchy foods. From now on, you should forever forget about foods high in sugar, as well as from baking. No buns, fresh yeast bread and donuts covered with delicious chocolate glaze.
  3. Opt out of high glycemic index foods. These include not only flour and sweets. In the same group, pasta, white rice, carrots, beetroot and potatoes beloved by many.
  4. Vegetable overlay. We are talking about fruits and root crops with a low glycemic index. And also about legumes, which should be given one of the main roles in the diet. And if before you did not like beans, chickpeas or lentils, you will have to slightly adjust your preferences. A variety of recipes from beans allows you to deliciously cook even the most unloved product.
  5. Morning - for fruits. Sugar will replace fruits and berries. But remember: the best time for these products is morning hours until noon. Due to the small, but still available in the amount of sugar in the fruit in the afternoon, this delicacy should be abstained.

Alexey Kovalkov draws attention to the fact that at this stage the rules and requirements put forward for losing weight are quite strict. But not at all as complicated as it might seem at first glance. Natural sweeteners are allowed, the diet is balanced, and it doesn't even smell like hunger. A detailed menu relevant for this period of the diet, you will find in the table.

Table - Sample menu for the preparatory phase

Breakfast- A glass of kefir;
- a tablespoon of bran;
- a tablespoon of nuts
Lunch- Half an apple;
- half a pear
Dinner- Half grapefruit
Second lunch- An Apple
High tea- Half grapefruit
Dinner- A portion of vegetable salad;
- 50 g of hard cheese
Second dinner- Two boiled eggs without yolks;
- a glass of pasteurized milk
Bran - the highlight of the preparatory phase. Their daily use should lead to the fact that subsequently at one time you can eat half a glass of this useful product. In a tandem with a portion of bran, it is always necessary to drink either a glass of water or a glass of low-fat kefir.

Fresh catch of marine life


The second stage of the Kovalkov diet is the active start of the fat burning process. After a month's separation, poultry meat, beef, shrimp, squid, fish and other river and sea gifts are finally returned to the diet. Three recommendations of the founding doctor will help to mitigate this stage as much as possible and make it the most comfortable for life.

  1. Steam treatment. A double boiler should be your best friend. You will prepare most dishes with its help - without the participation of vegetable oil and with minimal participation of salt.
  2. Six meals a day. Servings should be small, but there should be at least six meals.
  3. Drinking mode. Reviews of the Kovalkov diet indicate a common mistake for losing weight. Clearly following the rules of the doctor, the guardians of the figure completely forget about the drinking regimen. In the meantime, drinking enough pure water and completely eliminating carbonated drinks is an indispensable rule of the diet.
The daily menu should contain about 130 g of carbohydrates. This is a reference daily rate. It is possible to reduce it, but in any case to exceed it. Otherwise, metabolic processes will not be able to gain the speed necessary for active fat burning.


If you get to the final period, then you only need to consolidate the effect. And if the power system is to your taste and liking, you can safely make the supporting phase the foundation of your future life.So, five more important rules.

  1. We introduce cereals. But only those that have a low glycemic index: buckwheat, dark rice, durum wheat.
  2. Eat bread a little. A few small pieces per day. Better, of course, bran or yeast-free.
  3. Allow yourself a glass of dry. You can two, but not more. Tasteful with a quarter of a bar of natural dark chocolate. Feel how life is getting better?
  4. If oil, then only olive. It may not be easy, but you need to move away from creamy fats and hydrogenated vegetable fats.
  5. If drinks, then only safe. Tea - any, but exclusively without sugar. You can only with honey. Coffee - any, but only without the addition of cream. You don’t need to repeat about sugar, right? Soda is a taboo, from it the body only troubles. Water without gas is the basis of existence.

Gradually you will get used to eating healthy and properly. In the meantime, the habit is just forming, use the hint table. It presents the "favorite" products of the diet creator and lists their most important benefits.

Table - Products-favorites of Alexey Kovalkov

ProductsWhat give
Protein with minimal fat- Form muscle tissue;
- provide muscle strength;
- make the body fit
Bran- Perfectly satisfy hunger;
- are not absorbed by the body;
- allow you to eat, getting zero calories
Leafy vegetables and greens- Allowed in unlimited quantities;
- contribute to the acceleration of the process of fat burning
Pine nuts- Activate growth hormone, stimulating fat burning;
- increase the level of stress resistance;
- give a great mood

Side effects

The Kovalkov diet has no contraindications, because it is based on the well-known principles of proper and healthy nutrition. But side effects do happen. And the vast majority of them account for the most difficult - the preparatory stage. The rejection of simple carbohydrates and animal proteins often causes the development of the so-called "withdrawal syndrome." And he, in turn, is able to provoke a real "breaking" in humans. As a result:

  • sleep spoils;
  • irritability increases;
  • growing fatigue.

The reason for this condition is simple - the fats accumulated in the body demonstrate their true face. And the decay products of these fats, reaching maximum concentration, prevent a person from getting rid of many years of dependence. The main thing is to remember that this condition is temporary. Walk more and visit the sun more often. And soon from the former fatigue and stress there will be no trace.

Ideal Weight Calculation Method

You can calculate your normal weight using Brock's formula. The table will help determine the ideal body weight for people with a proportional chest.

Table - Weight calculation according to Brock's formula for representatives of the normosthenic type

Height, cmHow much does it take to get the ideal weight
Up to 165100
166 to 175105
Above 175110

If you are the owner of a narrow chest, then 10% should be subtracted from the result. And the owner of a wide chest, on the contrary, needs to add 10% to the obtained value.

People are divided into three types depending on the volume of the chest: normosthenic - with proportional, asthenic - with narrow, hypersthenic - with wide breasts.

At the end of the conversation, a few words about drinking water. Alexey Kovalkov gives her an honorable place on the podium. Contrary to popular belief about the need to drink 1.5 liters of water per day, the doctor says: everyone has their own drinking norm. To determine it, it is enough to divide your current weight in half. The value obtained as a result will be equal to the daily volume of water in ounces. To convert ounces to milliliters, multiply the value by 30.

Dr. Kovalkov’s diet also allows you to drink four cups of tea or coffee daily. But without added sugar. As you can see, the minimum restrictions. So, this diet can be called a diet with a stretch of the imagination.Especially when you consider that if you want, you can easily turn it into a lifestyle, making it a secret to a beautiful figure, youth and longevity. “We are what we eat,” said Hippocrates. Think about it, once again biting off a hamburger purchased at a nearby fast food restaurant.

Reviews: “For me it is a way of life”

For me, the Kovalkov diet is a way of life, without exaggeration. At first I was skeptical, like I'll try another fashionable technique for a company with a girlfriend. And now I advise others, because the results are simply wonderful - stable weight for two years, excellent well-being and a lot of energy. I forgot what shortness of breath and pressure are, I became convinced that our health is in our hands and depends on what we eat.


Very grateful to Kovalkov for his diet. Threw off on the methodology of 14 kg in 2.5 months. Absolutely not hungry (except that the 1st stage and then the first 3 days). Then she became pregnant and left the method. Now I feed and wait for the end of the GV, which again to begin the methodology. I realized that it’s not the main thing to reduce weight, the main thing is to keep it then, and this is more difficult.

a guest,

This method of nutrition really helps. Tested on yourself. now colleagues at work are "hooked". Honestly, none of us bother with special aerobic exercise. To work and from work-on foot! Everything. But the weight is leaving! We lose, of course, not great weight, but still ...


I see, here mostly women leave reviews. Well, men also want to look normal, not fat. I will share with you my review. In general, I have been sweet-tooth all my life and weighed a little over 100 kg with a height of 176. I wanted to lose 15-20 kilograms. In general, I am not a fan of diets, so I started with sports, but there was little energy for it, so I decided to start dieting first. I came across a Kovalkov diet. At first glance, everything suited me, so I decided to try it. Immediately refused sweet, salty, peppered, smoked and flour. To be honest, it was very difficult to observe all this, so as not to break. This diet did not suit me very much, especially the first stage without meat (I’m generally a meat-eater in life). Wolf just howled. It was very annoying that with all this torment, the result was zero. But I did not stop and continued. The second stage compared to the first was just a lifeline and a fairy tale for me. I’m even used to such food. As a result, over time, my weight began to decline and already weigh 87. I plan to bring to 80-82 kg. The main thing is that it all works and of course you don’t need to stop if something did not work out in the beginning. Do not get lost! True, if you think that in a week you will lose 2-3 kg, then this diet is not for you. She is for the patient.

Dmitry Konstantinov,

Other diets

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